Papers by Silvia Valenzuela Lamas

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2022
Sex identi cation from fragmentary archeozoological assemblages is particularly challenging in th... more Sex identi cation from fragmentary archeozoological assemblages is particularly challenging in the Equid family, including for horses, donkeys and their hybrids. This limitation has precluded in-depth investigations of sex-ratio variation in various temporal, geographic and social contexts. Recently, shallow DNA sequencing has offered an economical solution to equine sex determination, even in environments where DNA preservation conditions is not optimal. In this study, we applied state-of-the-art methods in ancient DNA-based equine sex determination to 897 osseous remains in order to assess whether equal proportions of males and females could be found in a range of archeological contexts in France. We found Magdalenian horse hunt not focused on isolated bachelors, and Upper Paleolithic habitats and natural traps equally balancing sex ratios. In contrast, Iron Age sacri cial rituals appeared to have been preferentially oriented to male horses and this practice extended into the Roman Period. During Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Modern Period, cities emerged as environments largely dominated by horse males. This strong sex-bias was considerably reduced, and sometimes even absent, in various rural contexts. Combined with previous archaeozoological work and textual evidence, our results portray an urban economy fueled by adult, often old, males, and rural environments where females and subadults of both sexes were maintained to sustain production demands.

This special issue of the European Journal of Archaeology discusses aspects of animal husbandry i... more This special issue of the European Journal of Archaeology discusses aspects of animal husbandry in a number of provinces of the Western Roman Empire. In this introduction, we describe the general characteristics of animal husbandry in pre-Roman and Roman times to assess any changes that may have occurred after the Roman conquest. The results suggest that the territoriality typifying the first millennium BC had a significant impact on production, resulting in a decrease in cattle size and frequencies across Europe. Nevertheless, not all the regions reacted in the same way, and regional communities that focused their animal production on pigs implemented more sustainable husbandry practices over time. By bringing together studies carried out across Europe, this journal issue highlights the existence of cases of both change and continuity across the Empire, and the (uneven) impact of the market economy on animal husbandry and dietary practices in climatically different regions.

Creating Participatory Dialogue in Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Interpretation: Multinational Perspectives, 2022
We present our experiences with a series of ‘forgotten groups’ that empower themselves through ou... more We present our experiences with a series of ‘forgotten groups’ that empower themselves through outreach activities. The authors coordinate or advise different activities, but the protagonists and promoters are those people, the ‘forgotten groups’. This work includes a description of objectives, methods and practices when coordinating inclusive outreach programmes and three case studies: puppet shows designed and performed by senior citizens and Roma women, prehistoric pottery workshops with senior citizens and Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s patients, and prehistoric cookery explained and performed by young newcomers. In most cases, these activities obtained a relevant success promoting inclusive dissemination, empowering the participants and achieving the transmission of concepts about archaeology and prehistory. They also helped us to understand that we need to open significant communication channels with such ‘forgotten groups’, to discover which their ongoing interests are. Finally, we highlight the importance of feedback and assessment for the success of these activities.

PLOS ONE, 2021
There are strong interactions between an economic system and its ecological context. In this sens... more There are strong interactions between an economic system and its ecological context. In this sense, livestock have been an integral part of human economies since the Neolithic, contributing significantly to the creation and maintenance of agricultural anthropized landscapes. For this reason, in the frame of the ERC-StG project ’ZooMWest’ we collected and analyzed thousands of zooarchaeological data from NE Iberia. By considering these data in comparison with ecological indicators (archaeobotanical remains) and archaeological evidence (settlement characteristics and their distribution) this paper seeks to characterize changes in animal production and the relationship between people, livestock, and their environment. These methods allow for an investigation of the topic at different scales (site, zone, territory) with a broad diachronic perspective, and for consideration of orography and cultural traditions alongside climatic factors. Through this integration of various streams of evi...

<jats:p>This study uses faunal and epigraphic evidence from the valley of Cabrera de Mar in... more <jats:p>This study uses faunal and epigraphic evidence from the valley of Cabrera de Mar in present-day Catalonia (Spain) as proxies for understanding complex processes and dynamics of cultural change between the late Iron Age and early Roman times. The faunal remains indicate significant dietary change, although the epigraphic evidence implies that language—in contrast—changed at a slower pace, as shown by the use of indigenous onomastics and the continued use of the Iberian script, coin legends included. To ensure an interdisciplinary analysis, the study also discusses change as perceptible in architectural remains, ceramics and funerary practices. Our study shows that cultural change can take place at different levels and according to different rhythms, not only on regional and settlement planes but also at neighbourhood and household scales. Finally, our results highlight the value of archaeology as a tool for studying and understanding colonial encounters.</jats:p>

Supplementary materials Fig. 1. Reconstruction of the probability density function for each site ... more Supplementary materials Fig. 1. Reconstruction of the probability density function for each site and period given the values detailed in table 4. Table 1. Results Mann-Whitney U test for the Comparison of the LSI bone lengths values by the Cattle of Monédière and Lattara . (In blue) Significant difference: *(0.05-0.01), **(0.01-0.001), ***(< 0.001) ; N= Non Significant difference (Wilcox test); NA= missing value. Table 2. Results Mann-Whitney U test for the Comparison of the LSI bone widths values by the Cattle of Monédière and Lattara. (In blue) Significant difference: *(0.05-0.01), **(0.01-0.001), ***(< 0.001) ; N= Non Significant difference (Wilcox test); NA= missing value. Table 3. Results Mann-Whitney U test for the Comparison of the LSI bone lengths values by the Sheep/Goat of Monédière and Lattara. (In green) Significant difference: *(0.05-0.01), **(0.01-0.001), ***(< 0.001) ; N= Non Significant difference (Wilcox test); NA= missing value. Table 4. Results Mann-Whitn...
This article is a summary of the most important results obtained on the archaeozoological materia... more This article is a summary of the most important results obtained on the archaeozoological material recovered from the inside of Navetiforme I of Els Closos de Ca'n Gaià (Portocolom, Mallorca).
Themes in Old World Zooarchaeology, 2021

La fouille recente d'un puits romain du IIIe siecle de notre ere sur le site d'Ambrussum ... more La fouille recente d'un puits romain du IIIe siecle de notre ere sur le site d'Ambrussum (Herault) a mis au jour un assemblage faunique correspondant pour l'essentiel a la decharge de cadavres animaux. Parmi ces carcasses, on a denombre un ensemble de squelettes de chiens, de bœufs, et de lapins. L'assemblage de chiens vient en quelque sorte completer ceux exhumes a Lattes en 1998 (deux puits des Ier et IIe siecle de notre ere). En parallele, une base de donnees osteometriques est en cours de realisation a partir de squelettes actuels de chiens de races connues, afin d'offrir un referentiel destine a la comparaison et a la caracterisation des morphotypes canins archeologiques. En effet, des travaux preliminaires fondes sur les assemblages des puits lattois avaient souleve la question de l'apparition de morphotypes jusque-la inconnus des assemblages protohistoriques dans le sud de la Gaule. Se pose ainsi la question de la diversification des types de chiens en...

L’etude des restes de macromammiferes des puits anciens de Lattara s’integre a un programme de re... more L’etude des restes de macromammiferes des puits anciens de Lattara s’integre a un programme de recherche archeologique dont la phase de terrain s’est deroulee entre 1998 et 2000. Ce program- me comprend la fouille et l’etude de l’ensemble des mobiliers af- ferents a travers une demarche pluridisciplinaire, depuis la fouille jusqu’au laboratoire. Le present travail s’inscrit dans la ligne des travaux archeozoologiques mis en place en 1989 (Colomer 1989, Colomer et Gardeisen 1992, Gardeisen 1999, Gardeisen 2003). Cependant, a l’inverse des ensembles fauniques jusqu’a ce jour etudies, le materiel issu des puits presente des caracteristiques tout a fait originales qui le distinguent des contextes domestiques habi- tuels en milieu urbain : il s’agit, en effet, pour la majorite des lots osseux, de restes d’animaux entiers composant des ensembles clos et proteges des remaniements posterieurs a leur depot. Le degre de conservation des squelettes est ainsi exceptionnel pour le site.

Dans le cadre d'un programme de recherche thematique consacre aux puits de la ville antique d... more Dans le cadre d'un programme de recherche thematique consacre aux puits de la ville antique de Lattes, les fouilles recentes ont mis au jour des assemblages fauniques complexes et denses associes a un mobilier archeologique abondant et varie. Les populations de lagomorphes issues de ces assemblages en provenance de trois puits dates des premier et second siecles de notre ere, et particulierement riches du point de vue faunique, soulevent le probleme de la presence de populations de lapins consequentes dans la ville, a une epoque ou leur elevage (ou captivite) n'est pas clairement atteste, tout au moins dans le contexte gallo-romain de la Gaule meridionale. Les lots fauniques observes dans les puits gallo-romains lattois sont a ce jour le premier exemple de la presence de lapins probablement captifs dans une cite dont on sait les relations avec le monde mediterraneen et le role des diverses influences culturelles dans son evolution globale. Cette contribution se propose d'...
The Lagrangian advection equation for the velocity vector potential in fluid dynamics has been wr... more The Lagrangian advection equation for the velocity vector potential in fluid dynamics has been written down so that an elegant quaternionic formulation and a Nambu-Poisson structure could be given for it. Using this equation, a recently introduced restrictedly conserved quantity viz., streamhelicity, has been discussed from a geometrical point of view. The topological significance of this very conservation, both for the case of closed streamlines and the more realistic configuration of open streamlines, has been figured out. Also, using Clebsch parameterisation of the velocity vector potential yet another physical significance for the stream-helicity has been provided.

The main domesticated animals (pig, cattle, sheep and chicken) underwent some of the most promine... more The main domesticated animals (pig, cattle, sheep and chicken) underwent some of the most prominent size increases and morphological changes in past husbandry practices during the Roman period. The phenomenon is now well described for many parts of the Roman Empire. Variability in the timing and intensity of changes have been highlighted between different regions. The mechanisms behind this morphological evolution are highly debated and probably more than one process was involved. The purposes of rearing taller and more robust animals have also been extensively discussed with a strong bias in favour of economic explanations. This paper aims to further investigate the drivers of livestock morphological evolution by combining both bioarchaeological evidence and written sources. A comparative approach between several areas of the Roman Empire will be conducted to take into account the environmental, economic, cultural, religious and social factors behind these major changes in animal management. By adopting a similar holistic approach to this phenomenon in different

Nature, 2021
Domestication of horses fundamentally transformed long-range mobility and warfare1. However, mode... more Domestication of horses fundamentally transformed long-range mobility and warfare1. However, modern domesticated breeds do not descend from the earliest domestic horse lineage associated with archaeological evidence of bridling, milking and corralling2–4 at Botai, Central Asia around 3500 bc3. Other longstanding candidate regions for horse domestication, such as Iberia5 and Anatolia6, have also recently been challenged. Thus, the genetic, geographic and temporal origins of modern domestic horses have remained unknown. Here we pinpoint the Western Eurasian steppes, especially the lower Volga-Don region, as the homeland of modern domestic horses. Furthermore, we map the population changes accompanying domestication from 273 ancient horse genomes. This reveals that modern domestic horses ultimately replaced almost all other local populations as they expanded rapidly across Eurasia from about 2000 bc, synchronously with equestrian material culture, including Sintashta spoke-wheeled char...
Trabajos de Prehistoria, Dec 12, 2017
Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de una licencia de uso y dist... more Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de una licencia de uso y distribución Creative Commons Attribution (CC-by) España 3.0.

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2020
Mobility is crucial in animal husbandry to overcome scarcity of food and the related over-grazing... more Mobility is crucial in animal husbandry to overcome scarcity of food and the related over-grazing of pastures. It is also essential to reduce the inbreeding rate of animal populations, which is known to have a negative impact on fertility and productivity. Complex societies with a strong territorial component developed during the Iron Age in Southern France and across Europe. The impact of this phenomenon over animal husbandry is not yet fully understood, but a general small size of animals is attested in different parts of Europe at that time. This paper presents the main zooarchaeological results (main domesticates species representation, mortality profiles, osteometry, pathologies) of two major Iron Age sites in Languedoc-La Monédière (Bessan) and Lattara (Lattes). In addition, the strontium isotopic ratios (87 Sr/ 86 Sr) of 44 sheep and 16 cattle teeth from these sites are provided together with some baseline isotopic data. La Monédière and Lattara represent good case studies to characterise the geographic range of meat provisioning in coastal urban centres in the mid Iron Age (6th-4th c. BC). Their archaeological record enables us to analyse whether different species may have had different mobility patterns. In addition the strontium ratios of 4 Roman cattle from these sites were analysed for comparative purposes. The results are contextualised with other archaeological and zooarchaeological data from Languedoc and neighbour Catalonia, and suggest that the socio-political context has a major influence on animal production.
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2019

Environmental Archaeology, 2018
This paper presents the results of a pilot study using dental microwear analysis on 23 sheep and ... more This paper presents the results of a pilot study using dental microwear analysis on 23 sheep and goat teeth dated to the 6th century BC from the Iron Age site of El Turó Font de la Canya (Barcelona, Spain). This study aimed to reconstruct livestock management practices and landscape use. The dental microwear pattern indicates that sheep and goats could have been grazing in the same area where vegetation was composed of shrubs, bushes and nongraminaceous plants on an eroded landscape, although additional supplies of fodder cannot be excluded. This scenario is compatible with the archaeological and palaeoenvironmental data which suggest a possibly increased territoriality, land degradation and an increase of woodland clearance during Iron Age in the Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula. Furthermore, we applied two recent microwear approaches which provide more information about mortality events and the possibility of distinguishing between an intensive and extensive management. This paper demonstrates how this method can be used to better understand animal husbandry practices and landscape use in Late Prehistory.

Quaternary International, 2018
The use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in zooarchaeological studies and the comparison w... more The use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in zooarchaeological studies and the comparison with other data sources are still very limited. This paper presents the results of a combined study of funerary monuments and animal husbandry practices dated from the first millennium BC to circa 500 AD in the present-day territories of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. The main objectives were to determine whether Roman boundaries in the Maghreb were created based on existing cultural differences, and to explore changes and/or continuities in funerary practices and meat diet between territories and cultural groups. The multi-disciplinary approach revealed the existence of clear differences between the western and eastern area considered, both in animal husbandry and funerary practices. A prevalence of primary inhumations in bazinas was attested in Morocco and western Algeria, contrasting with the prevalence of secondary 'defleshed' depositions in dolmens in eastern Algeria and Tunisia. Regarding animal husbandry, sites located in present-day Morocco and western Algeria had higher relative frequencies of cattle compared to sheep/goats oriented husbandry at sites in eastern Algeria and Tunisia, at both Phoenician-Punic and indigenous sites. The results suggest the existence of distinct cultural groups that display different funerary practices and animal husbandry strategies in the first millennium BC, and that these differences persist over time. A possible economic frontier sits between the eastern limit of the Atlas Tellien and the Aures Mountains. Interestingly, a mixture of indigenous funerary practices is attested there, which suggests that it was an area of contact between different cultural traditions. The combined results roughly coincide with the limits of the Roman provinces of Mauretania Tingitana, Mauretania Caesariensis and Africa Proconsularis, thus suggesting that Romans considered previous existing boundaries to organise the territory.

Cell, 2019
Horse domestication revolutionized warfare and accelerated travel, trade, and the geographic expa... more Horse domestication revolutionized warfare and accelerated travel, trade, and the geographic expansion of languages. Here, we present the largest DNA time series for a non-human organism to date, including genome-scale data from 149 ancient animals and 129 ancient genomes (R1-fold coverage), 87 of which are new. This extensive dataset allows us to assess the modern legacy of past equestrian civilizations. We find that two extinct horse lineages existed during early domestication, one at the far western (Iberia) and the other at the far eastern range (Siberia) of Eurasia. None of these contributed significantly to modern diversity. We show that the influence of Persian-related horse lineages increased following the Islamic conquests in Europe and Asia. Multiple alleles associated with elite-racing, including at the MSTN ''speed gene,'' only rose in popularity within the last millennium. Finally, the development of modern breeding impacted genetic diversity more dramatically than the previous millennia of human management.
Papers by Silvia Valenzuela Lamas
Second molars were collected from the skeletons (N=16) of the archaeological site of Loreto Aprutino, Cappuccini quarter. This study focus on the understanding of the direct person's place of origin and it explores the correlations between age and sex and potential migration.
The 87Sr/86Sr values fall within two different ranges, 0.70701-0.7090 and 0.70901-0.71100 which, according to present-day baseline data, reflect the signals of the piedmont and mountain areas of Abruzzo. The results suggest that seven individuals (3 females and 4 male) originated from an area with Mesozoic sediments (Fig1). This kind of bedrock is present in the mountains between Loreto Aprutino and L'Aquila. Six individuals (4 females and 2 males) have a strontium signature that is compatible with the local middle Pliocene – early Pleistocene bedrock of the Loreto Aprutino site. Among the unsexed sex individuals, two potentially originated from the Mesozoic bedrock, and one from the local middle Pliocene – early Pleistocene.
While females appear to show a greater range of isotopic signatures, and thus potentially greater range of mobility, this difference is not statistically significant to the male values. When age is included, data are too fragmented and therefore no pattern is visible.
This research on mobility using strontium isotopes from human remains is the first ever done on the skeletons of Loreto Aprutino and in the Abruzzo region. The study provides valuable data for the growing of the stable isotopic Italian database to better understand people mobility in relation to the natural environment and culture.
The combination of these data suggests that this area (SU 1710) could be used as a pen for livestock. This is one of the few cases where an animal enclosure has been identified in an Iron Age site in North-Eastern Spain. This study provides important information regarding pastoral strategies in this territory during the Early Iron Age.
A destroyed altar was discovered. This suggested the site to be a Punic shrine, with both a defensive and a religious function.
Results can be summarized as follows: 1) Sheep and goat are the predominant species; 2) Meaty parts predominate, and both head and feet are nearly absent; 3) The only pig remain is an upper incisor; 4) There is a number of highly fragmented burnt bones (11,5%).
The prevalence of meaty parts can be related to the ritual and high status character of the site (food waste/offerings).
The proportion of burnt bones suggests that a incineration process was performed regularly on the site (waste management or ritual practices?).
The absence of pig is very noticeable. Pigs were forbidden to enter to the Melkart temple in Cádiz (Silius Italicus, III, 22.23). Pig was clearly eaten in several Punic sites in Ibiza (e.g: Sa Caleta, Hort d’en Xim, Sa Joveria). The absence of pig in Cap des Llibrell could confirm the sacral character of the site.
An accurate taphonomical and statistical analysis is developed in order to assess the level of reliability of each sample. In addition, I created a method to infer mortality courbes from both long bones and teeth using Bayesian statistics.
The results show that there were significant changes in meat diet and flock management related to the level of social complexity in the observed region and period. Furthermore, the study gives evidence of the need of bioarchaeological studies to understand the economical and social changes in past societies.
storage systems among the Ouarten. Nowadays they are no longer used, but they can be documented in an abandoned state, and some of them have been reused as rubbish dumps. As part of an ethnoarchaeological project we excavated two of them, one of which reused as rubbish dump about AD2000.This paper presents the results of the excavation of these silos, that allowed us to record these structures in detail and to recover numerous organic remains, mainly animal bones, charcoal, seeds and fruits, which correspond to residues from various domestic food preparation activities.
This conference aims to be a meeting of researchers studying the early Neolithic in Europe and surroundings areas, in relation with the neolithisation process in the continent.
This process followed different rhythms and presented singularities in each geographic area, and was therefore a very complex phenomenon.
In order to address this scientific challenge, the conference is organised in nine thematic sessions:
1. Neolithic spread and supraregional interactions;
2. Chronology and modelling;
3. Human–environment interaction;
4. Population characteristics and dynamics;
5. Territory and settlement;
6. Subsistence;
7. Technological processes;
8. Funerary practices;
9. Symbolism.
We positively welcome multidisciplinary approaches, regional syntheses and/or contextualised case studies.
This session aims to encourage debate among researchers who focus their research on new studies and proposals related to the spread of the Neolithic, the tempo of the phenomena and the role of the hunter-gatherers communities in this process. Although this session is focused on the European region, it welcomes proposals from the origin and spread areas, such as the Near East or North of Africa.
This session aims to encourage debate among researchers who focus their research on new studies and proposals related to the spread of the Neolithic, the tempo of the phenomena and the role of the hunter-gatherers communities in this process. Although this session is focused on the European region, it welcomes proposals from the origin and spread areas, such as the Near East or North of Africa.
En aquestes campanyes s’ha passat d’aproximadament 123 estructures documentades a la necròpolis fins l’any 2010 a 136 des de l’any 2012, nou de les quals durant els anys del projecte quinquennal.
El resultat d’aquestes intervencions és l’excavació de pràcticament tota la zona nord i la definició, sistematizació i estudi d’un tipus nou d’estructures, les tombes de planta semicircular/oval semisoterrades/exemptes corresponents a la segona fase del cementeri (SR II), si bé alguns exemplars d’aquest nou tipus ja s’havien excavat amb anterioritat.
En aquest sector també s’han reconegut, excavat i document noves estructures mai localitzades fins a la data com l’ossera E129 o la tomba similar a les fosses amb corona de pedres i coberta del sector sud-oest de l’illa des Porros (T130).
A més, s’han realitzat nombroses observacions a d’altres sectors de la necròpolis que capgiren, matisen o afegeixen informacions a observacions i conclusions a les que s’havia arribat prèviament i que s’han recollit a l’apartat de conclusions integrals.
La intervenció arqueològica ha permès avançar de manera molt important en la recuperació monumental del jaciment. S’ha de destacar l’enretirada de terreres que condicionaven i empobrien la vista panoràmica que es tenia del monument i sobretot la consolidació gairebé completa del jaciment i la restauració integral d’algunes estructures amb la recol•locació de cobertes.
La consolidació ha estat molt intensiva en el sector sud-est, en especial en els extrems sud i nord els quals es trobaven des de fa dècades en un estat important de degradació. També s’han restaurat les estructures excavades d’antic o en el present projecte plurianual en els diversos sectors de la zona nord. En aquest cas, s’han restituït tantes cobertes com la preservació de les seves lloses ha fet possible.
A més, s’han realitzat tasques de consolidació i de manteniment en diversos punts de la necròpolis. Algunes de les restauracions ha obligat a escometre petites excavacions dels sediments aportats amb posterioritat a les excavacions tarradellianes per causes naturals o bé de relictes mai excavats.
Finalment, s’ha realitzat anualment el desherbatge sencer de la necròpolis, un jaciment que a l’actualitat compta amb nombrosos visitants diaris, que durant certes èpoques de l’any esdevenen nombrosos.
practices, language). In addition, differences may occur between sites and even households at a given location.
dues vil·les romanes de diferent poder adquisitiu: Can Rodon i Torre Llauder.
Aquesta síntesi ofereix una visió actualitzada dels canvis culturals i econòmics que es van produir al Maresme després de la conquesta romana, i mostra el ritme i el grau d’incidència dels nous patrons de
consum a diferents jaciments. El treball s’enmarca dins el projecte ERC-Starting Grant ‘ZooMWest–Zooarchaeology and Mobility in the Western Mediterranean: from the Late Bronze Age to Late Antiquity’.
Abstract: Field survey and study of site distribution have been instrumental to understanding of settlement dynamics and patterns of change through time. However, such methods offer limited information on the interaction between a location's inhabitants and the landscape. Understanding of this interaction, in terms of agricultural and land-use strategies, is not only crucial to interpretation of settlement dynamics, but also responses to broader climatic and socioeconomic change. Reaction to positive/negative pressures will depend on location of a site, but especially on its agricultural strategy and the potential offered by the surrounding environment. Environmental exploitation took many forms throughout the Roman Empire, with differing impacts on the landscape. Moving beyond broad-brush descriptions of land-use (e.g. 'Mediterranean polyculture', 'pastoralism'), to specific patterns of exploitation, is therefore necessary to interpret change in the Roman period. This session aims to provide a more precise view of Roman land use and agricultural strategies, through papers that offer integrated approaches to environmental exploitation. Contributions combine data from various steams of evidence-field survey, sediments, pollen, plant and animal remains, isotopes, etc.-to address land use in the Roman world. These methods allow for investigation of the topic at different scales, from the global (ice cores), to regional (pollen, fluvial sediments), and local (agricultural processing tools, plant and animal remains), and for consideration of topography and cultural traditions alongside climatic factors. Studies drawn from different regions highlight the ecological context of decision-making, but also the particular socioeconomic situation in which developments took place. Through contributions that take an integrated approach, this session aims to offer a more nuanced picture of Roman land exploitation and human responses to it.
indrets com illots, platges o caps costaners. Aquesta nova tipologia de jaciments arqueològics ha
estat relacionada per alguns investigadors amb l’aprofitament de la mar i l’augment dels contactes,
que es reflecteix amb l’arribada d’elements exògens (ivori d’elefant africà i estany). En aquest estudi
s’analitzen les restes de fauna recuperades a s’Illot des Porros (Santa Margalida, Mallorca) procedents
dels nivells del Bronze mitjà i final (ca. 1400-850 cal. ANE) per caracteritzar l’origen de la formació del
conjunt i la seva funcionalitat, contribuint així a la comprensió de l’explotació d’aquesta tipologia
de jaciments.