Websites by Emilio Ros-Fábregas

Books of Hispanic Polyphony IMF CSIC (2017-2021) [ISSN 2565-1579], 2017
The objective of Books of Hispanic Polyphony (BHP) is to serve as an online, open access, compre... more The objective of Books of Hispanic Polyphony (BHP) is to serve as an online, open access, comprehensive research tool concerning manuscript and printed polyphonic books in Spain and books with hispanic polyphony elsewhere. BHP has no chronological limitations, and we cover the period from the 15th through the 20th century. We do not provide images of the sources, unless the institutions that hold them do so through repositories or permission. In such cases, we incorporate the appropriate links; for instance, to the Biblioteca Digital Hispánica, for books at the Biblioteca Nacional de España in Madrid. We also incorporate links to manuscripts described in Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music (DIAMM), to printed books in Printed Sacred Music Database 1500-1800, to Portuguese Early Music (PEM) database, and to other appropriate websites that could offer relevant information. Our menu for “Sources”, “Locations”, “Institutions”, “People”, “Genres”, “Works”, “Movements”, “Documents” and “Bibliography” should give you a sense of our objective, and we are still building searching tools and different ways to connect information. We would like to serve as a reference tool and as a platform to present fresh, new research and foster international collaboration.

Fondo de Música Tradicional IMF-CSIC, 2013-2021 (ISSN 2564-8500), 2013
The Fondo de Música Tradicional IMF-CSIC (FMT) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) at... more The Fondo de Música Tradicional IMF-CSIC (FMT) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) at the Institución Milá y Fontanals of Research in Humanitties (IMF-CSIC) in Barcelona has more than 25.000 melodies, copied on paper, collected mostly between 1944 and 1960 throughout Spain; most of them were compiled through the 65 folkloric Missions and 62 notebooks presented to Competitions organized by the Folklore Section of the former Instituto Español de Musicología of the CSIC [Spanish National Research Council] in which 47 researchers participated.
This digital library has now available for free consultation in open access digitized materials and references to more than 45.000 pieces collected in all seventeen Spanish autonomous communities: Andalusia, Aragon, Balearic Islands, Basque Country, Canary Islands, Cantabria, Castile and León, Castile-La Mancha, Catalonia, Extremadura, Galicia, La Rioja, Madrid Community, Murcia Region, Navarre, Principality of Asturias, and Valencian Community; more materials from this collection, as well as from other collections of traditional music, are being incorporated on an ongoing basis. See "Sources" in the main menu. This FMT, created by Emilio Ros-Fábregas, presents “in digital form the single most important archive of Spanish musical folklore” (Journal of the American Musicological Society, 69/3, 2016, p. 869).

Women's Song Forum:, 2020
WSF is an online forum devoted to women’s voices in song, to the many songs by women, and to the ... more WSF is an online forum devoted to women’s voices in song, to the many songs by women, and to the many female musicians working in and with song, who have yet to be given the attention they deserve. The Women’s Song Forum provides an opportunity to expand and enhance knowledge and understanding of this rich and significant area of musical practice and scholarship, and – as the name “forum” suggests – aims to encourage discussion and debate across different interest groups. It is also hoped that the forum will give access to performances of music that are otherwise hard to access.
Project Curator: Christopher Reynolds.
Blog Curators: Mark Burford, Verica Grmusa, Fredara Mareva Hadley, Monica Hershberger, Marian Wilson Kimber, Natasha Loges, Emily Milius, Carol Oja, Nicole Panizza, Jessica Bissett Perea, Nancy Rao, Stephen Rodgers, Emilio Ros-Fábregas, Caitlin Schmid, Laurie Stras and Laura Tunbridge.
Books by Emilio Ros-Fábregas
Musicología en web. Patrimonio musical y Humanidades Digitales, ed. María Gembero-Ustárroz y Emilio Ros-Fábregas (Kassel: Reichenberger). Colección DeMusica 29, 2021
El presente volumen, La música y el Atlántico. Relaciones musicales entre España y Latinoamérica,... more El presente volumen, La música y el Atlántico. Relaciones musicales entre España y Latinoamérica, tuvo su origen en una inquietud compartida por los dos editores del mismo: tratar de fomentar desde España investigaciones musicológicas que tuvieran en cuenta los múltiples y variados nexos existentes entre la historia musical española y la de los países latinoamericanos.
Articles and book chapters by Emilio Ros-Fábregas

Anuario Musical, 79, 2024
This article brings together the contribution of the participants in a Short-Term Scientific Miss... more This article brings together the contribution of the participants in a Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM) of the European COST Action EarlyMuse (CA21161) which took place at the IMF-CSIC in Barcelona (June 2024): Emilio Ros-Fábregas, Kevin Page, Mark Saccomano, Olivier Lartillot, and Anastasiia Mazurenko. The discussions involved different aspects of projects with digital music edition, annotation, analysis, and the problems related to preservation of music heritage, with particular attention to the situation in Ukraine. The diverse geographical and professional background and expertise of the authors provides, in their respective sections of the article, a rich panorama on technological projects, issues, models, interoperability, and digital tools. A final Appendix contains a useful list, with links, of the projects, websites, and tools mentioned during the STSM meeting. The article, as the entire journal Anuario Musical 79 (2024) is in open access. Article download:
Anuario Musical, 77 (2022), pp. 7-10, 2022
![Research paper thumbnail of Encoded Spanish Music Heritage through Verovio: The Online Platforms Fondo de Música Tradicional IMF-CSIC and Books of Hispanic Polyphony IMF-CSIC []](
Music Encoding Conference 2021 - Proceedings (19-22 July 2021, Universidad de Alicante, Spain), ed. Stephan Münnich and David Rizo (Alicante: Universidad de Alicante, 2022), pp. 21-29. [] , 2022
This paper presents the recent implementation of encoded music notation in two open access platfo... more This paper presents the recent implementation of encoded music notation in two open access platforms of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) devoted to traditional music and polyphony, respectively: Fondo de Música Tradicional IMF-CSIC (FMT: and Books of Hispanic Polyphony IMF-CSIC (BHP: Even though, at first, both repertories seem unconnected, they have many textual/literary and musical points in common, such as the presence/survival of old 15th–17th century texts and/or melodies of polyphonic romances (ballads) in the 20th century oral tradition; future technological developments will facilitate further connections beyond the ones already found through search by text incipits and numeric melodic incipit connecting both platforms. The presentation will have two parts devoted to FMT (with more than 45.000 references to melodies in open access, it is the largest online archive of folklore in the Hispanic world; it is used also for OMR research) and BHP (a reference online platform for polyphonic choir books in Spain and books with Hispanic polyphony elsewhere). After a brief explanation about the origin and scope of the repertories covered in each platform, a few examples of encoded transcriptions of a melody, of an incipit in mensural notation, and of a polyphonic work (in MusicXML, **mens, and **kern, respectively; MEI can be used, too) rendered through Verovio will illustrate the potential development of FMT and BHP. Both websites constitute leading educational and musicological resources of the very rich Spanish music heritage, inviting national and international collaboration (crowdsourcing) to expand the contents of both platforms and to develop their digital technology.
Theatres of Belief. Music and Conversion in the Early Modern City, ed. Marie-Alexis Colin, Iain Fenlon and Matthew Laube (Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2021), pp. 217-261., 2021
![Research paper thumbnail of Editorial. ¿Y si todo lo que aprendiste sobre historia de la música está equivocado? Musicología en la sociedad actual [Anuario Musical, 76 (2021), pp. 7-10]](
Anuario Musical, 76 (2021), pp. 7-10, 2021
La revista Anuario Musical fue fundada en 1946 por Higinio Anglés, director del antiguo "Institut... more La revista Anuario Musical fue fundada en 1946 por Higinio Anglés, director del antiguo "Instituto Español de Musicología" del CSIC en Barcelona y es la decana entre las revistas científicas dedicadas a la musicología en España. Publica-previa revisión por pares-artículos de investigación musicológica en su sentido más amplio, incluyendo musicología histórica, etnomusicología y otros campos interdisciplinares relacionados con la música. Las contribuciones han de ser originales e inéditas, preferentemente en castellano e inglés, aunque pueden incluirse trabajos en otros idiomas con aprobación del Consejo de Redacción. Su periodicidad es anual (un volumen en papel por año) y la edición electrónica es de acceso abierto. Edición electrónica: The journal Anuario Musical was founded in 1946 by Higinio Anglés, director of the then so-called "Instituto Español de Musicología" of the CSIC in Barcelona, and it is the oldest among scientific periodicals devoted to musicology in Spain. It publishes articles of musicological research in its widest sense, including historical musicology, ethnomusicology, and other interdisciplinary fields related to music. The contributions are original and previously unpublished, preferably in Spanish and English, although articles in other languages may be accepted with approval of the Editorial Board. Anuario Musical is a peerreviewed yearbook (one printed volume per year) and its electronic edition is in open access.
Musicología en web. Patrimonio musical y Humanidades Digitales, ed. María Gembero-Ustárroz y Emilio Ros-Fábregas (Kassel: Reichenberger), pp. 47-85., 2021
Musicología en web. Patrimonio musical y Humanidades Digitales, ed. María Gembero-Ustárroz and Emilio Ros-Fábregas (Kassel: Reichenberger), pp. 3-18., 2021
Introduction to the volume Musicología en web. Patrimonio musical y Humanidades Digitales.
Websites by Emilio Ros-Fábregas
This digital library has now available for free consultation in open access digitized materials and references to more than 45.000 pieces collected in all seventeen Spanish autonomous communities: Andalusia, Aragon, Balearic Islands, Basque Country, Canary Islands, Cantabria, Castile and León, Castile-La Mancha, Catalonia, Extremadura, Galicia, La Rioja, Madrid Community, Murcia Region, Navarre, Principality of Asturias, and Valencian Community; more materials from this collection, as well as from other collections of traditional music, are being incorporated on an ongoing basis. See "Sources" in the main menu. This FMT, created by Emilio Ros-Fábregas, presents “in digital form the single most important archive of Spanish musical folklore” (Journal of the American Musicological Society, 69/3, 2016, p. 869).
Project Curator: Christopher Reynolds.
Blog Curators: Mark Burford, Verica Grmusa, Fredara Mareva Hadley, Monica Hershberger, Marian Wilson Kimber, Natasha Loges, Emily Milius, Carol Oja, Nicole Panizza, Jessica Bissett Perea, Nancy Rao, Stephen Rodgers, Emilio Ros-Fábregas, Caitlin Schmid, Laurie Stras and Laura Tunbridge.
Books by Emilio Ros-Fábregas
Articles and book chapters by Emilio Ros-Fábregas
This digital library has now available for free consultation in open access digitized materials and references to more than 45.000 pieces collected in all seventeen Spanish autonomous communities: Andalusia, Aragon, Balearic Islands, Basque Country, Canary Islands, Cantabria, Castile and León, Castile-La Mancha, Catalonia, Extremadura, Galicia, La Rioja, Madrid Community, Murcia Region, Navarre, Principality of Asturias, and Valencian Community; more materials from this collection, as well as from other collections of traditional music, are being incorporated on an ongoing basis. See "Sources" in the main menu. This FMT, created by Emilio Ros-Fábregas, presents “in digital form the single most important archive of Spanish musical folklore” (Journal of the American Musicological Society, 69/3, 2016, p. 869).
Project Curator: Christopher Reynolds.
Blog Curators: Mark Burford, Verica Grmusa, Fredara Mareva Hadley, Monica Hershberger, Marian Wilson Kimber, Natasha Loges, Emily Milius, Carol Oja, Nicole Panizza, Jessica Bissett Perea, Nancy Rao, Stephen Rodgers, Emilio Ros-Fábregas, Caitlin Schmid, Laurie Stras and Laura Tunbridge.
in the website of the FMT: (ISSN 2564-8500). Many other sung versions of romances (ca. 1800) hitherto unpublished are now available in this open access digital platform containing more than 23.000 pieces of oral tradition, a repository that continues to grow due to the gathering of new materials on an ongoing basis. This website/database constitutes a powerful research tool, opened to the collaboration with researchers of the romancero.
Link to the journal Anuario Musical in open access: