Papers by Airam Rodríguez Martín

Technological advances for wildlife monitoring have expanded our ability to study behavior and sp... more Technological advances for wildlife monitoring have expanded our ability to study behavior and space use of many species. But biotelemetry is limited by size, weight, data memory and battery power of the attached devices, especially in animals with light body masses, such as the majority of bird species. In this study, we describe the combined use of GPS data logger information obtained from free-ranging birds, and environmental information recorded by unmanned aerial systems (UASs). As a case study, we studied habitat selection of a small raptorial bird, the lesser kestrel Falco naumanni, foraging in a highly dynamic landscape. After downloading spatio-temporal information from data loggers attached to the birds, we programmed the UASs to fly and take imagery by means of an onboard digital camera documenting the flight paths of those same birds shortly after their recorded flights. This methodology permitted us to extract environmental information at quasi-real time. We demonstrate that UASs are a useful tool for a wide variety of wildlife studies.

Visible light on Earth largely comes from the sun, including light
reflected from the moon. Preda... more Visible light on Earth largely comes from the sun, including light
reflected from the moon. Predation risk is strongly determined by light conditions, and some animals are nocturnal to reduce predation. Artificial lights and its consequent light pollution may disrupt this natural behavior. Here, we used 13 years of
attendance data to study the effects of sun, moon, and artificial light on the attendance pattern of a nocturnal seabird, the little penguin Eudyptula minor at Phillip Island, Australia. The little penguin is the smallest and the only penguin species whose activity on land is strictly nocturnal. Automated monitoring systems recorded individually marked penguins every time they arrived (after sunset) at or departed (before sunrise) from 2 colonies under different lighting conditions: natural night skylight and artificial lights (around 3 lux) used to enhance penguin viewing for ecotourism around sunset. Sunlight had a strong effect on attendance as penguins arrived on average around 81 min after sunset and departed around 92 min before sunrise. The effect of moonlight was also strong, varying according to moon phase. Fewer penguins came ashore during full moon nights. Moon phase effect was stronger on departure than arrival times. Thus, during nights between full moon and last quarter, arrival times (after sunset) were delayed, even though moonlight levels were low, while departure times (before sunrise) were earlier, coinciding with high moonlight levels. Cyclic patterns of moon effect were slightly out of phase but significantly between 2 colonies, which could be due to site-specific differences or presence/absence of artificial lights. Moonlight could be overridden by artificial light at our artificially lit colony, but the similar amplitude of attendance patterns between colonies suggests that artificial light did not mask the
moonlight effect. Further research is indeed necessary to understand how seabirds respond to the increasing artificial night light levels.

Scientific Reports, 2015
Light pollution and its consequences on ecosystems are increasing worldwide. Knowledge on the thr... more Light pollution and its consequences on ecosystems are increasing worldwide. Knowledge on the threshold levels of light pollution at which significant ecological impacts emerge and the size of dark refuges to maintain natural nocturnal processes is crucial to mitigate its negative consequences. Seabird fledglings are attracted by artificial lights when they leave their nest at night, causing high mortality. We used GPS data-loggers to track the flights of Cory’s shearwater Calonectris diomedea fledglings from nest-burrows to ground, and to evaluate the light pollution levels of overflown areas on Tenerife, Canary Islands, using nocturnal, high-resolution satellite imagery. Birds were grounded at locations closer than 16 km from colonies in their maiden flights, and 50% were rescued within a 3 km radius from the nest-site. Most birds left the nests in the first three hours after sunset. Rescue locations showed radiance values greater than colonies, and flight distance was positively related to light pollution levels. Breeding habitat alteration by light pollution was more severe for inland colonies. We provide scientific-based information to manage dark refuges facilitating that fledglings from inland colonies reach the sea successfully. We also offer methodological approaches useful for other critically threatened petrel species grounded by light pollution.

Journal of Ornithology, 2015
Petrels are among the most threatened group of birds. On top of facing predation by introduced ma... more Petrels are among the most threatened group of birds. On top of facing predation by introduced mammals and incidental bycatch, these seabirds have to deal with an emerging threat, light pollution, which is increasing globally. Fledglings are disoriented and attracted to artificial lights in their maiden night flights from their nests to the sea. Once grounded, they are exposed to multiple threats leading to high mortality. We report on numbers of three petrel species (Balearic shearwater Puffinus mauretanicus, Scopoli’s shearwater Calonectris diomedea, and European storm-petrel Hydrobates pelagicus) rescued on the Balearic Islands, Mediterranean Sea, in the period 1999–2013. We assessed the proportion of grounded fledglings in the population and colonies impact based on radiance levels measured from a nocturnal satellite image. We also calculated the radius of light pollution impact. At least 304 fledgling birds were found stranded due to attraction to artificial lights, fatally affecting 8.5 % of them. The proportion of grounded fledglings ranged between 0.13 and 0.56 % of the fledglings produced annually. The body mass of Balearic and Scopoli’s shearwater fledglings decreased with rescue date. Light-induced mortality increased during the fledging period for Scopoli’s shearwaters. Birds were rescued at a mean distance of 4833 m from the nearest colony, and between 30 and 47 % of colonies were exposed to light-polluted areas. Although impact seems to be low for all species, urban development and, consequently, the increase in light pollution in the proximity of the colonies should be taken into account to reduce as much as possible this emerging source of mortality.

Bird Study, 2015
Capsule Flowers of an invasive plant species are more visited by native birds than flowers of orn... more Capsule Flowers of an invasive plant species are more visited by native birds than flowers of ornithophilous endemic plants.
Aims To describe the bird guild and its behaviour visiting the century plant Agave americana in an insular environment and to determine which factors are affecting visitation rates.
Methods We noted number and species of birds visiting inflorescences on Tenerife, Canary Islands. We used multimodel inference of generalized linear models to analyse the factors affecting the number of visits and the visitor species richness.
Results Eighty-one per cent of inflorescences were visited by eight native bird species. All species fed on nectar and only the Atlantic Canary fed also on pollen. Foraging behaviour varied among species. Visitation rate increased with density and diversity of birds and flower characteristics and decreased through the day. The number of species visiting the inflorescences increased with diversity and density of birds in the surroundings and decreased through the day.
Conclusion The native bird community uses the invasive century plant as a feeding resource at a higher rate than it uses endemic ornithophilous plants. This could have negative effects for the pollination of endemic plants, but positive effects for birds.
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A, 2014
The vertebrate immune system is a complex array of different components that function as a defenc... more The vertebrate immune system is a complex array of different components that function as a defence against pathogens threatening the organism . Individual immune responses, and the way they interact with other vital parameters are highly variable, often involving allocation conflicts between other physiological or life-history traits . Even non-pathogenic immune challenges can induce relevant changes in traits as diverse as growth (van der Most et al., 2011), metabolic rate (Eraud et al., 2005), reproduction (Knowles et al., 2009), and other competing immune functions (Forsman et al., 2008) or life-history
Ibis, 2013
We studied nesting habitat selection of the endangered non-migratory Osprey Pandion haliaetus pop... more We studied nesting habitat selection of the endangered non-migratory Osprey Pandion haliaetus population of the Canary Islands and evaluated the effect of human expansion in recent decades. Compared with randomly selected potential nest-sites, Osprey nests were more frequently found on taller, southwest-facing cliffs, characterized by lower human pressure and closer to Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis colonies and Barbary Falcon Falco pelegrinoides breeding sites. Furthermore, changes in some breeding habitat features have been detected in recent decades. According to our predictive models, large areas of suitable habitat are available but unoccupied in the Canaries, and human activities are probably limiting the settlement and dispersion of new pairs.

Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2013
The quantification of entanglements of megafauna with plastic debris at sea is difficult to asses... more The quantification of entanglements of megafauna with plastic debris at sea is difficult to assess for several reasons, such as detection and reporting biases. We used standardized vessel based counts to describe and quantify the occurrence of marine debris entanglements in northern gannets Morus bassanus at five of its main wintering areas. We observed 34 entangled birds in total, representing 0.93% of all gannets counted (n = 3672 individuals). The incidence of entanglements largely varied geographically, being exceptionally high off Mauritania (20.2% of the birds in late spring). Most birds affected were immature (1.88% compared to 0.06% in adults), which in turn represented 52.4% of all the birds. Entanglements in the lower bill mandible were the most frequent, mainly with red-colored plastic objects. Further research is urgently needed to evaluate the impact of entanglements at the population level and its occurrence in other marine species, and to seek potential solutions.
Acta Ornithologica, 2013
Galván I., Negro J. J., Rodríguez A., Carrascal L. M. 2013. On showy dwarfs and sober giants: bod... more Galván I., Negro J. J., Rodríguez A., Carrascal L. M. 2013. On showy dwarfs and sober giants: body size as a constraint for the evolution of bird plumage colouration. Acta Ornithol. 48: 65-80.

Journal of Raptor Research, 2010
We studied the causes of raptor admissions to the only wildlife rehabilitation center on the larg... more We studied the causes of raptor admissions to the only wildlife rehabilitation center on the largest island of the Canarian Archipelago (Tenerife) over ten years (1998)(1999)(2000)(2001)(2002)(2003)(2004)(2005)(2006)(2007). A total of 2611 birds of prey, belonging to nine falconiform diurnal raptor and four strigiform species, were admitted. The Eurasian Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) and the Long-eared Owl (Asio otus) were the species most commonly admitted and jointly made up 85.6% of admissions. The most frequent causes of admission to the wildlife rehabilitation center were collisions (with cars, high-voltage electric transmission towers, etc.; 42.2%), starvation (5.1%) and entanglement in glue traps intended for rodents (4.7%). Poisoning and shooting were recorded for 2.4 and 1.5% of the birds admitted, respectively. Only collisions increased during the study period. A total of 1010 birds (44.4% of the total) were released to the wild following rehabilitation. We recommend more financial support for rehabilitation centers to develop detailed analytical diagnoses and rehabilitation services.

European Journal of Forest Research, 2009
Phenology and female cone characteristics of the two endemic cedars (Juniperus cedrus and J. brev... more Phenology and female cone characteristics of the two endemic cedars (Juniperus cedrus and J. brevifolia) from the Macaronesian islands were studied. Despite their closely taxonomic affinity and their evolution under insular conditions, different trends were recorded. Mature J. cedrus female cones were present throughout the year, while those from J. brevifolia were only present in summer and autumn. J. cedrus female cone size was significantly larger than that of J. brevifolia, a trend consistent with the presence of larger vertebrates (lizards and birds) in the Canary Islands. However, water content was four times higher in J. brevifolia female cones, which can be related with the higher rainfall existing in the Azores. J. cedrus has two or three seeds per cone, whereas J. brevifolia frequently had three. Seeds from J. cedrus were clearly larger and heavier, coinciding with the female cone size trend. However, tetrazolium tests revealed higher viability values in J. brevifolia. The relatively low percentage of filled seeds in J. cedrus could be a consequence of the climatic stress and limits to pollination due to fragmented populations as described for other Juniperus species. In summary, our results reveal that some environmental factors such as the harsh conditions, high population fragmentation and the dependence on large dispersers have compromised the fitness of J. cedrus in the Canary Islands.
Journal of Raptor Research, 2008

African Journal of Ecology, 2007
In this paper, we present results on germination patterns of the seed dispersal system of an ende... more In this paper, we present results on germination patterns of the seed dispersal system of an endemic Macaronesian plant (Rubia fruticosa). Seeds from this plant are mainly dispersed by endemic lizards and native warblers; therefore, we included three different treatments: control seeds, seeds extracted from lizards and seeds found in warbler droppings. Seeds from the same pool of every treatment were germinated in two different seasons, one in autumn, coinciding with the arrival of the first rains, and another in spring, coinciding with the arrival of the dry season. A clear differential pattern of germination success was observed between the two seasons. Seeds planted in autumn achieved a higher percentage of germination than those sown in spring in all treatments. The great robustness of these results seems to indicate that germination timing is strongly selected in R. fruticosa and this evolutionary trend probably extends to other vascular plants growing in xeric coastal environments of the Macaronesian islands.
Papers by Airam Rodríguez Martín
reflected from the moon. Predation risk is strongly determined by light conditions, and some animals are nocturnal to reduce predation. Artificial lights and its consequent light pollution may disrupt this natural behavior. Here, we used 13 years of
attendance data to study the effects of sun, moon, and artificial light on the attendance pattern of a nocturnal seabird, the little penguin Eudyptula minor at Phillip Island, Australia. The little penguin is the smallest and the only penguin species whose activity on land is strictly nocturnal. Automated monitoring systems recorded individually marked penguins every time they arrived (after sunset) at or departed (before sunrise) from 2 colonies under different lighting conditions: natural night skylight and artificial lights (around 3 lux) used to enhance penguin viewing for ecotourism around sunset. Sunlight had a strong effect on attendance as penguins arrived on average around 81 min after sunset and departed around 92 min before sunrise. The effect of moonlight was also strong, varying according to moon phase. Fewer penguins came ashore during full moon nights. Moon phase effect was stronger on departure than arrival times. Thus, during nights between full moon and last quarter, arrival times (after sunset) were delayed, even though moonlight levels were low, while departure times (before sunrise) were earlier, coinciding with high moonlight levels. Cyclic patterns of moon effect were slightly out of phase but significantly between 2 colonies, which could be due to site-specific differences or presence/absence of artificial lights. Moonlight could be overridden by artificial light at our artificially lit colony, but the similar amplitude of attendance patterns between colonies suggests that artificial light did not mask the
moonlight effect. Further research is indeed necessary to understand how seabirds respond to the increasing artificial night light levels.
Aims To describe the bird guild and its behaviour visiting the century plant Agave americana in an insular environment and to determine which factors are affecting visitation rates.
Methods We noted number and species of birds visiting inflorescences on Tenerife, Canary Islands. We used multimodel inference of generalized linear models to analyse the factors affecting the number of visits and the visitor species richness.
Results Eighty-one per cent of inflorescences were visited by eight native bird species. All species fed on nectar and only the Atlantic Canary fed also on pollen. Foraging behaviour varied among species. Visitation rate increased with density and diversity of birds and flower characteristics and decreased through the day. The number of species visiting the inflorescences increased with diversity and density of birds in the surroundings and decreased through the day.
Conclusion The native bird community uses the invasive century plant as a feeding resource at a higher rate than it uses endemic ornithophilous plants. This could have negative effects for the pollination of endemic plants, but positive effects for birds.
reflected from the moon. Predation risk is strongly determined by light conditions, and some animals are nocturnal to reduce predation. Artificial lights and its consequent light pollution may disrupt this natural behavior. Here, we used 13 years of
attendance data to study the effects of sun, moon, and artificial light on the attendance pattern of a nocturnal seabird, the little penguin Eudyptula minor at Phillip Island, Australia. The little penguin is the smallest and the only penguin species whose activity on land is strictly nocturnal. Automated monitoring systems recorded individually marked penguins every time they arrived (after sunset) at or departed (before sunrise) from 2 colonies under different lighting conditions: natural night skylight and artificial lights (around 3 lux) used to enhance penguin viewing for ecotourism around sunset. Sunlight had a strong effect on attendance as penguins arrived on average around 81 min after sunset and departed around 92 min before sunrise. The effect of moonlight was also strong, varying according to moon phase. Fewer penguins came ashore during full moon nights. Moon phase effect was stronger on departure than arrival times. Thus, during nights between full moon and last quarter, arrival times (after sunset) were delayed, even though moonlight levels were low, while departure times (before sunrise) were earlier, coinciding with high moonlight levels. Cyclic patterns of moon effect were slightly out of phase but significantly between 2 colonies, which could be due to site-specific differences or presence/absence of artificial lights. Moonlight could be overridden by artificial light at our artificially lit colony, but the similar amplitude of attendance patterns between colonies suggests that artificial light did not mask the
moonlight effect. Further research is indeed necessary to understand how seabirds respond to the increasing artificial night light levels.
Aims To describe the bird guild and its behaviour visiting the century plant Agave americana in an insular environment and to determine which factors are affecting visitation rates.
Methods We noted number and species of birds visiting inflorescences on Tenerife, Canary Islands. We used multimodel inference of generalized linear models to analyse the factors affecting the number of visits and the visitor species richness.
Results Eighty-one per cent of inflorescences were visited by eight native bird species. All species fed on nectar and only the Atlantic Canary fed also on pollen. Foraging behaviour varied among species. Visitation rate increased with density and diversity of birds and flower characteristics and decreased through the day. The number of species visiting the inflorescences increased with diversity and density of birds in the surroundings and decreased through the day.
Conclusion The native bird community uses the invasive century plant as a feeding resource at a higher rate than it uses endemic ornithophilous plants. This could have negative effects for the pollination of endemic plants, but positive effects for birds.