Welcome all – all you CSI writers (and all of you that love crack!fic, or just reading CSI in general) to The CSI Anti Block community. I know each part of the fandom has not always been together – we all like our own pairings etc. But, we all deal with the same thing from one time to another: WRITERS BLOCK.
Your maintainer is Nicole aka it_glitters and I have created this community with to help writers all over the CSI fandom come together and write… anything.
The site designers are my merry band (mangojunkie and quantrail). I thank them much for their work, but all questions and concerns about the site should be directed only to it_glitters at [email protected]
There will be challenges – nonsensical wondrous challenges that will help to take your mind off your block and get you typing. If you want to post them when you’re done – fantastic! No beta required, although looking over it yourself would be nice to all of us. These don’t need to be polished – they just need to be written!
Here are some ground rules: 1. We welcome suggestions for challenges: but please mail them to [email protected] first.
2. If one of the challenges happens to spark a multi-chapter fic – please post it in the appropriate fandom, not here. You can post once letting us all know at which fandom site we can pick up your fabulous story.
3. Please tag your work with your LJ name, challenge # and rating.
4. No flames – this is fluff, drabble, whatever – we’re having fun.
5. A challenge will be posted biweekly, but that in no way means that you can’t respond to former challenges at any time. These are just fun ideas to get your mind free.
6. You all know basic fandom rules – please rate and let us know if something bad is going to happen – and please, use a cut to your story! Also, let us know your pairing/genre of choice.
7. Comments/suggestions are love – [email protected] – I’m really laid back and just silly, it takes a lot to bother me.
8. Pimp away! As long as it's CSI related, it's really not going to bother us.
Company Line on Ratings:
G: Children safe PG: Little mentions of things PG13: Swearing, moderate hints, nothing graphic R: Swearing, references to sex, drugs, etc NC17: Anything beyond references, any sort of graphic sexual act.
This is a Vegas fandom focus on our end, but don't be afraid Miami and NY lovers. While some of the challenges might need to be changed a little (and anyone can feel free to morph or interpret the challenges as they please) to work for you, we will not stop you from posting - just let us know what show you're doing.
We're always looking for affiliates or just great places to find fic! If you've got one, let us know.