Otilia MANTA
Prof. PhD habil. Otilia MANTAVC's Chair in EUExpert Bruxelles, Belgium| Expert and Rapporteur, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium Romanian Academy- Center for Financial and Monetary Research , Romania, Professor (Associate) Universities in Bucharest and Italy, President and Founder-Romanian Group for Investment and Consultancy (RGIC), Maryland University Incubator, Maryland, US, | Black Sea Economic Development Corporation, US|
Supervisors: Romanian Academy
Supervisors: Romanian Academy
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Papers by Otilia MANTA
Dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences within the State University of Moldova,
Dear audience,
Today, on your anniversary, please allow me, on behalf of the entire academic community in which I am involved nationally and internationally, to convey to you the choicest thoughts of appreciation for your achievements in 70 years years of existence of the benchmark institution, the Faculty of Economic Sciences within the State University of Moldova, at the national and international level, in the economic field.
Going through your more or less distant academic past, it can easily be seen that you always knew how to identify and use properly, both the infinite alternatives offered by the enlightened minds of this school, but above all the determination and hope that only souls nobile could have transferred them to all generations of students, who chose, first timidly, then confidently, to be part of your academic community. You have always achieved what you set out to do because both those who laid the foundations of this highly prestigious school and those who followed them or all those who provide today's leadership of this honorable institution of higher education knew to continue and enrich the dream of the founders, they acted with skill and patience to fulfill the assumed mission, that of training, but especially of educating the students and transforming the potential competitive advantage that Moldova has, in this field, into a certainty impossible to dispute, at least from the perspective of the specialists who represent and serve him.
It is, for you, the period of the second institutional youth, but above all a new stage of your existence and evolution, that of maturity and tradition, which is why we wish you to succeed in everything you set out to do and to do in so that, always, all those who chose or will choose to be your students or graduates feel honored by the choice made!
Happy birthday to the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the State University of Moldova!
Keywords: collaborative economy, sustainability, finance
JEL classification: G23, Q19, Q56
In this paper we aim to highlight both the first part of the crisis (March-April 2020), the European Commission launched support programs, as well as other European financial institutions (eg European Investment Fund, European Central Bank, etc.); some have only just been withdrawn due to the fact that these funds depend on projects for the reserved areas, as well as the second stage of the crisis, ie from May 2020, the European Commission has proposed and approved new measures. on economic recovery and recovery at the European level following the COVID 19 pandemic, supporting new programs and financial reallocations for the Member States.Finally, the paper reflects the importance of impact assessment and future steps, highlighting the growing importance of this practice at different levels and for different actors involved in the sustainable development of the mountain economy at the national and European level.
Keywords: financing, mountain economy, sustainable development
JEL classification: G23, Q19, Q56
The main objective of this work starts from the fact that in the period 2021-2030, at least 1 trillion euros will be mobilized, sustainable investments by increasing the resources dedicated to climate actions within the EU budget and by using additional public and private funding. It is estimated that about half of the amount would come directly from the EU budget and incorporated into EU programs, while other public and private sources would provide the rest, mainly through leverage. Together with the amount expected by the European Investment Bank (EIB), the potential for financing climate targets would amount to about 1.75 trillion euros. Thus, in the most affected regions, the EU will provide financial support and technical assistance through the so-called Fair Transition Mechanism, i.e. contribute to the mobilization of at least EUR 100 billion over the period 2021-2027. Furthermore, during this programming period, the Commission will develop and/or extend the Sustainable Procurement Screening tool and a new and strengthened methodology for climate integration, with strong performance indicators and provisions to prevent any financial support for climate-damaging measures, and provide tailored support to public investors in implementing their projects.
The paper aims to identify and design innovative financial instruments that meet the requirements of the climate strategy and as support points in the strategy on fiscal restructuring in the European Union.
Keywords: financial instruments, sustainable development, environmental equity
JEL classification: G23, Q01, Q56
During this period (February-July 2020), the European Union intervened to support national monetary and fiscal policy measures through the Temporary framework of the European Commission; Fiscal policy instruments; Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020, Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027, European Investment Plan for European Green Transactions.
In this paper we aim to highlight both the first part of the crisis (March-April 2020), the European Commission launched support programs, as well as other European financial institutions (e.g. European Investment Fund, European Central Bank, etc.); some have only just been withdrawn due to the fact that these funds depend on projects for the reserved areas, as well as the second stage of the crisis, i.e. from May 2020, the European Commission has proposed and approved new measures on economic recovery and recovery at the European level following the COVID 19 pandemic, supporting new programs and financial reallocations for the Member States.
Finally, the paper reflects the importance of impact assessment and future steps, highlighting the growing importance of this practice at different levels and for different actors involved in the sustainable development of the mountain economy at the national and European level.
Keywords: financing, mountain economy, sustainable development
JEL Classification: G23, Q19, Q56
Technology is currently evolving at such an accelerated rate that it causes an industry with multiple changes and in a continuous dynamic, the tourism industry being one of them. Moreover, innovative financial instruments and artificial intelligence are becoming pillars to support tourism and tourism management, with a direct impact on the services offered to tourists and which correspond to the conditions generated by the current challenges. If the future is the destination, technology is the direct tool to support tourism.
The tourism industry has been subjected to many challenges, but the health crisis has severely affected infected people and their families and has had financial consequences for businesses, entrepreneurs, and the workforce, directly influencing both the demand and supply of tourism services.
This paper aims to highlight on the one hand the current digital technologies have brought significant changes in the tourism industry, and on the other hand, having as a case study Europe to present the current situation and proposals for supporting sustainable tourism.
Keywords: Digital technologies and artificial intelligence, tourism, finance
Keywords: economic crisis, European economy, sustainable development.
JEL code: G01, O52, Q01
The defining elements for any model of education, respectively for the elaboration of the curriculum, are given by compulsory international programs (Cambridge, Oxford, MIT, etc.); preferential national programs; optional local programs; and individual programs.
The digitization of the education system through artificial intelligence tools are among the current challenges of the education system, and mobility (classical and virtual) is the key to internationalizing the education of the future.
Keywords: education system, artificial intelligence, sustainable development
JEL Classification: E44, F65, O31
The defining elements for any financing and control model, regardless of whether we think of Fintech or other programs such as Fiscalis2 (the cooperation of national tax authorities at European level), are given by the following characteristics: digitization (artificial intelligence tools are crucial for digitizing financial services and fiscal), mobilization (virtual space offers not only the possibility but especially the platform for achieving the mobility of services), disintermediation (virtual space offers the possibility of direct access without intermediaries) and automation (through the financial services existing on the online platforms, the beneficiary of the service and the service provider optimizes its time and cost in favor of making the service profitable).
Key words: European Union, program, legislation, business.
JEL classification:
O. Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth
O1 Economic Development
Q0 - -Q01 gender - Sustainable Development
P3 Socialist Institutions and Their Transitions
P33International Trade, Finance, Investment, Relations, and Aid
The paper aims to present some important aspects of life and work of George Tasca, an outstanding personality of political and academic life in Romania. A significant part of his work has in the center the rural area and farming In Romania. As a working method for the elaboration of the paper were techniques, tools and procedures of scientific investigation and interpretation, documentation, rational method, observation method, all of them carried out systematically and analytically. The research results reveal the role and importance of the work of George Tasca in the understanding and definition of the rural area.
Keywords: rural, finance, economics, capitalism, cooperative.
JEL classification:
Q - Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics; Environmental and Ecological Economics
Q0 - -Q01 gender - Sustainable Development
Q1 - Agriculture Q14 - Agricultural Finance
Madgearu Virgil was born on December 27, 1887 in Galati. He attended primary and high school in his hometown, and after high school graduation exam in 1907, he went to study in Germany where he was enrolled at the University of Leipzig, by specializing in economic sciences. In 1911 he successfully argued ("summa cum laude") doctoral dissertation on "The industrial development of Romania" (Zur Entwicklung Industriellen Rumäniens). University of Leipzig archive preserves a series of testimonials of his doctoral thesis and seminar work.
About his diploma of doctor, he did not speak to anyone as he lived. It was found after death, in a bookshelf of his library and revealed a fact unknown until then: that "Virgilius Madgearum galantiensis" was appointed doctor of philosophy and "bonarum artium magister" qualified superlative «summa cum laude». After finishing his university studies, he left for a year in England to improve knowledge of English and followed a specialized training in a bank. Returned to the country in 1912, Madgearu settled in Bucharest, where he was employed as head of department at the Central House of trades and insurance for workers and helped set up a desk study of the House and editing a magazine ("The monitor of insurance for the workers '), acting as editor for several years. The year 1914 places a special importance for the peasant issues, publishing specialized studies on agricultural cooperatives and participating in various meetings on these issues. From this period dates his close friendship with Ion Mihalache, which at the time successfully experience at Topoloveni these forms of the peasant exploitation. After a century of economic thinking, many of the concepts and programs that period is reconfirming today.
Key words:
economy, agriculture, cooperatives, rural development, microfinance
JEL classification:
Q - Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics; Environmental and Ecological Economics
Q0 - Genera -Q01 - Sustainable Development
Q1 - Agriculture Q14 - Agricultural Finance
Experts argue that the Temporary Framework has included emergency liquidity measures for the business environment, as well as temporary tax deferrals for businesses, which are considered to be the most effective policy measures. Moreover, it is considered that financial support must be carefully dimensioned for each economic agent, so as to avoid both the economic crisis and the financial crisis.
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The key to successful academic collaborations
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A guide to journal citation metrics
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How to conduct evidence-based research
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3.3 How to peer review a review article
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10 tips for writing a truly terrible journal article
ISBN 978-620-6-18891-9
ISBN 978-620-6-15309-2
ISSN 978-620-6-15380-1
национальной экономики в современных условиях экономической
конвергенции на уровне европейских экономик на основе анализа
макроэкономической структуры на национальном уровне, анализа
экономических секторов с конкурентным потенциалом, территориального
измерения конкурентоспособности на национальном уровне, мониторинга
и оценки конкурентоспособности компаний на национальном уровне,
анализа места Румынии по глобальному индексу конкурентоспособности и
т.д. В целях восстановления ф ункциональных, конкурентных отношений
между экономикой, природой и общ еством необходимо определить
адекватные инструменты и методы реализации программ,
предусматривающ их как ф инансовые, так и институциональные меры.
Процесс глобализации, затрагивающ ий сегодняшние экономики повсюду,
рассматриваемый как наиболее сложная ф орма интернационализации
экономической деятельности, предполагает достижение абсолютно
высокого уровня конвергенции экономик.
"FinTech not only transforms the financial services industry but also enables financial inclusion and the opportunity to help more than 2 billion people around the world who today have no access to financial services." - Henry Arslanian