Papers by Diana-Mihaela Păunoiu

This paper approaches one of the faces of transposition into practice mechanism of inter-institut... more This paper approaches one of the faces of transposition into practice mechanism of inter-institutional cooperation, enforced thru the Social Service law, in October, 1938. The case of the Priesthood Society "Renaşterea", socio-professional society that united the active and retired priests and deacons from Oltenia, of which social activity interfered/intersected, mostly, with the activity of the new institution, can be considered a similar pattern also for the integration of other institutions and associations that activated prior to 1938 in the socio-cultural field. The analysis has in the centre the idea that the politic register of Carol II royal dictatorship was a reference point that should have been considered by all public institutions and organisations to operate. Based on the analysis of some archive documents (consisting in the reports of the "Renaşterea" Society, the correspondence between the representatives of the society and the administrative and cultural authorities), the two parts of the article highlights the organisational and functional complications the Social Service law caused to the "Renaşterea" Priesthood Society, and also the efforts of this socio-professional association to keep the continuity of its existence, and also the place earned over time within local communities. In this matter, the necessity of integration/connection of its activity with the newly formed institution appeared as a forced compromise solution, determined by the restrictive limits of the Carlist regime.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Dec 31, 2008

Arhivele Olteniei, Dec 21, 2023
The cultural gathering represented in Oltenia (and also at national level) a mean of extracurricu... more The cultural gathering represented in Oltenia (and also at national level) a mean of extracurricular education, frequently used by cultural societies, associations and institutions, supported by state's authorities, with the purpose of transmitting the complete general culture or, by case, to form a minimal culture within the ranks of the population. Starting from the idea that popular education was a concept and a pre-war solution, which in the interwar period knew qualitative changes we propose to approach the subject from two perspectives. The first treats the resurrection of the cultural movement in the first part of the Romanian interwar period and highlights the continuation of the pre-war tradition of transmitting the culture within the ranks of the population thru cultural societies and institutions. In this phase, the cultural gatherings have, in general, a similar typology in the urban or rural environment. The second perspective is focused on the analysis of village cultural gatherings in the peak period of movement of cultural houses (the 30s of the XXth century), because, in the urban area, the typology of the gatherings did not change very much compared with the previous period. On the other hand, in the rural area, the implementations of the complex strategy of modernisation of the villages through the institution of the cultural house, conceived by Dimitrie Gusti and the Sociologic School from Bucharest and enforced into practice by the "Prince Carol" Royal Cultural Foundation, determined a typological diversity of the cultural gatherings, corresponding the specific realities and necessities of rural population. The subject is constructed through the analysis, mainly, of documentary materials from primary sources like documents from local archives and secondary source like scientific and cultural journals of the time, reports of some cultural associations etc., aiming the realisation of an overview of the cultural gathering in Oltenia.

Arhivele Olteniei
: This paper is based, mainly, on the analysis of a set of documents from local archives, namely:... more : This paper is based, mainly, on the analysis of a set of documents from local archives, namely: the correspondence, from 1939, carried between the prefect of the Dolj County, the director of the Dolj County Cultural House, and the director of the “Arhivele Olteniei” Scientific Journal carried on the side of the possibility of achieving of an historical monograph of Dolj County. In my opinion, this correspondence represents a concrete example of transposing in practise the relation of cooperation between institutions and a concrete example of the professionalism of some members of cultural elite. To put it in value as best as it can I have structured the article in 3 parts. In the first part I have reconstituted the contextual frame; I have brought clarifications regarding the project’s initiative, demonstrating the cooperation relation between state’s institutions and members of the cultural elite within the Social Service. Also, is relevant the coordinating role of the cultural house, thru the director of this last institution, with the correspondence between the two representatives of the administrative authority/cultural elite. After the contextual frame of the beginning of the project was established, the analysis is focused on C.D. Fortunescu’s letter, the director of “Arhivele Olteniei” Scientific Journal addressed to the prefect of Dolj County, the initiator of monograph project. The document contained and details a series of conditions, which, in our opinion, transforms the letter in an important document because it attests the professionalism of the director and the scientific journal team. The last part of the article is dedicated to the conclusions. Besides the fact that the letter is evidence that the members of the “Arhivele Olteniei” scientific team were well versed in methods and tools of academic investigation, it also provides an example of good practice used, in scientific research, over eighty years ago. Not least, the monograph project is a testimony to prestige that this team enjoys, in 1939, in the local communities and intellectual elite, a prestige gained as a result of the high scientific quality of articles and materials published for 18 years in the pages of the “Arhivele Olteniei” Scientific Journal.
Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Socio-Umane „C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopșor”, 2020
Festive propaganda represented one of the main instruments of the carlist propaganda machinery, p... more Festive propaganda represented one of the main instruments of the carlist propaganda machinery, putting a monopole on organisation of national, religious and royal celebrations happened from the beginning of the royal dictatorship regime. In this context, we plan to retrace and analyse, using information coming from archive documents, the organisation and deployment of the Holy celebration of Christmas within activity program of The Guard of the Motherland in Oltenia county between years 1938-1939.
In this paper we present two principal issues. In first part of the paper, we present the electio... more In this paper we present two principal issues. In first part of the paper, we present the election campaign realized by local organizations of the main Romanian parties engaged in competition, the focus being on the actions of Legionary Movement. The sources used for documentation are, especially, confidential reports and bulletins elaborated in that period by the Regional Inspectorate of Gendarmes Craiova. In the second part of the paper, we present the results of the Parliament election, the accent being set on the options of the Oltenian electorate. Thru this paper, we want to integrate the political local events in the national history and to fill a blank space in the speciality literature.
The present paper aims to indentify the mechanisms through which institutionalized propaganda pur... more The present paper aims to indentify the mechanisms through which institutionalized propaganda pursued/tried to mobilize the state's structures in order to spread into the wide public's ranks the ideology of the carlist regime, an ideology focused on the idea of a disciplined and devoted nation towards King Carol II, whose cult gained, in 1939, dimensions without precedent in Romanian history. The retracing of historical process and the analysis of the organisation and the deployment of the King's birth day-raised at the rank of national ceremony-allows highlighting the monopoly established by the central power over the festive events as well as the verification of the official speech's truthfulness regarding the national solidarity toward the king and his regime, in other words to measure the degree of popularity (or its absence) of King Carol II.
In this paper some aspects are being analysed regarding "cultural politics" started dur... more In this paper some aspects are being analysed regarding "cultural politics" started during carlist regime, with the accent on organisation and progress of the peasant's classes and schools in Oltenia County. Their programs contained theoretical knowledges and practical applications, depending on the specific of the areas where were being held. Were though, by the protagonists of the carlist regime, to offer a minimum of knowledges from various fields and, in the same time, to be interdependent, so will contribute to the lifting of quality of life within village's population. The peasant's schools offered an organisational role model for the peasant life, in its assembly.
Our study is focused on the analyze of the partial role of National Guard of the National Renaiss... more Our study is focused on the analyze of the partial role of National Guard of the National Renaissance Front, one of the institutions created during the carlist regime with the purpose to contribute, through its activity, on changing the mentality of the population to be in line with the ideology of the new regime. To the newly set up organism have been given, through starting legislation, multiple and complex tasks, one of them referring to propaganda activity in favour of the authority monarchy of King Carol II. Our study aims to respond the question: if a new organism succeed, in a well defined region (Vâlcea County), in a relatively short period (January 1939-September 1940), to mobilize in a real way and fulfil successfully the most difficult task from the multiple roles that was given by its creators.
Mother's Day" represented a festive and propagandistic episode during personal regime of King Car... more Mother's Day" represented a festive and propagandistic episode during personal regime of King Carol II that can be fitted into the category of the celebrations dedicated to creation, in population's ranks, of a mentality favourable to increase of life's quality, through propagation of some messages that targeted the concern for environmental, for human's health and, especially for the children's. Reconstitution and analysis of the mentioned festive moment are focused on realities of 1939 on the Olt County level. The analysis of studied documents sustain the affirmation that: the celebration called "Mother's Day", beyond the declared purpose of stimulating the increase of birth rate and prevent the infantile mortality, offered, through his ceremony, the propagation of King Carol II' image as architect of a new national solidarity.

DIANA-MIHAELA PĂUNOIU "Regenerarea morală a naţiunii" a reprezentat unul din principalele proie... more DIANA-MIHAELA PĂUNOIU "Regenerarea morală a naţiunii" a reprezentat unul din principalele proiecte ale regimului de autoritate monarhică a regelui Carol al II-lea (10/11 februarie 1938-6 septembrie 1940), care s-a născut din criza interbelică românească, manifestată pe diverse planuri, dar al cărui numitor comun a fost, în opinia reprezentanţilor vieţii politico-culturale de atunci, criza morală care se manifesta în societatea românească. Reformarea societăţii româneşti a vizat, alături de propagarea solidarităţii naţionale şi a fidelităţii faţă de regele Carol al II-lea, şi reactivarea spiritului ortodox în sfera publică, prin reafirmarea preceptelor moralcreştine în viaţa socială 1. În acest context, prin demersul nostru ne-am propus să evidenţiem şi să analizăm câteva iniţiative începute de Biserica Ortodoxă Română pe lângă Ministerul de Interne, Ministerul Cultelor şi Artelor sau alte ministere de resort, destinate să ajute la îndreptarea conduitei moral-religioase şi sociale a populaţiei, dintre care menţionăm: păstrarea bunelor moravuri ale tineretului; schimbarea zilelor târgurilor anuale, ţinute în zilele de duminică, cu ocazia sărbătorilor naţionale şi religioase, respectarea repausului duminical etc. Toate trebuiau să întărească şi să completeze activitatea specifică desfăşurată de preoţime în direcţia redresării morale a comunităţilor locale şi, în perspectivă, a comunităţii naţionale. Acestora li s-au adăugat şi iniţiativele autorităţilor administrative menite să crească numărul celor care frecventau biserica pentru a participa la sfintele slujbe. Una dintre acţiunile iniţiate de către reprezentanţii ecleziastici a vizat păstrarea bunelor moravuri ale tineretului şi ale cetăţenilor. Astfel, în anul 1938, Consiliul Central Bisericesc solicita Ministerului de Interne să ia măsuri pentru reglementarea horelor şi dansurilor ţărăneşti şi alte distracţii ale tineretului din mediul rural sau din cartierele de la periferiile oraşelor, făcând următoarele recomandări în acest sens: dansurile şi horele sau orice activităţi care includeau şi dansul să fie oprite în timpul postului, primăvara şi vara (mai-septembrie), să se termine la ora 20:00, iar toamna şi iarna (octombrie-aprilie), la ora 18:00;
Papers by Diana-Mihaela Păunoiu