YourChannel: Everything you want in a YouTube plugin.


Do you create or curate YouTube videos? Now turn your website with YouTube links into an engagement platform.
Show your videos and playlists on your own website.

Just enter your YouTube username or channel ID, click Check, Save and copy paste the shortcode – doesn’t even take a minute.

Live Demo

What it displays :

  • All uploaded videos.
  • Playlists (lists videos from that playlist on click).
  • Total videos and views.
  • Single videos.
  • All of above are optional. You can choose what to display.
  • Built-in GDPR overlay

PRO version can display :

  • Videos from a playlist.
  • Videos from a search term.
  • Comments.
  • Custom playlists (by entering video ids).
    And more

Features :

  • Easy visual builder with live preview which generates shortcode that looks like [yourchannel user="user"].
  • Play video in Lightbox or Inline.
  • 7 video thumb styles.
  • RTL support.
  • Beautifully responsive.
  • Font icons.
  • Feature suggestions are implemented quickly.
  • Smooooth transitions.
  • Shortcode works in page, posts or custom fields.
  • Loads files only if shortcode is present.
  • Quick translation form for UI terms (Videos, Playlists, Loading… etc.).
  • Translation ready.
  • Autoplay option.
  • Easy shortcode instructions in post editor.
  • Cache system for fast loading.

Much more features are available in PRO version

Don’t let visitors leave your site for YouTube.


Support : We’ll respond to your issue within 2-18 hours.

Write to us at support [at] Please also include a link to your page with YourChannel shortcode if it’s online.

Note : This plugin cannot list unlisted / private videos/playlists.

Snímky obrazovky


Upload YourChannel folder to your wp-content/plugins/ directory.
Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress.
Go to Settings > YourChannel.
Fill in the inputs with your API key, (we’ve left our API key for you to get started, but you should get your own) YouTube username and some other preferences.

Put the shortcode generated anywhere in your posts. (Also supports custom fields.)


1. 6. 2024
Es el mejor plugin que he encontrado para poner videos de youtube en mi pagina. El servicio de asistencia es con diferencia el mas atento que me he encontrado hasta hoy. Un placer
25. 4. 2024
Lo compré para un proyecto de una web de un cliente de mi empresa y solo puedo hablar cosas buenas de él. Lo compramos la versión pro, me parece precio muy razonable, muy útil para integrar canales de youtube a la web, con multitud de opciones. Y el soporte funciona de 10, rápidos y resolutivos.
12. 4. 2024
Does exactly what it says on the tin. I added this plugin to display a youtube playlist on my website without all of YouTube’s extra branding, which clutters the page a lot. It worked a treat. Also, I had a minor issue that I couldn’t figure out and the support guys were right on it, responding to my query quickly and helping me sort it. very impressed.
11. 3. 2024 1 odpověď
Unfortunately this plugin/business is a scam. We have paid for the pro version and never received the license key or email confirmation. Support isn’t answering emails.
4. 11. 2023
YourChannel is a wonderful plugin. It’s by far the most responsive and versatile YouTube plugin I’ve used. And easy to use. Their customer support is absolutely top notch and as a bonus it’s super affordable. Thank you to their entire team. They and their plugin in are a standout in the Wordpress ecosystem.
Přečtěte si všech 80 recenzí


YourChannel: Everything you want in a YouTube plugin. je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.


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Zajímá vás vývoj?

Prohledejte kód, podívejte se do SVN repozitáře, nebo se přihlaste k odběru protokolu vývoje pomocí RSS.

Přehled změn


  • Tested with latest WordPress version.


  • Tested with latest WordPress version and added discount codes.


  • Tested with latest WordPress version.


  • Escaped error message output.


  • Fixed permission bug.
  • Added alt text to images.


  • Fixed issue that showed black bars around certain-sized thumbs.


  • Fixed an issue with thumb widths on some screen sizes.


  • Added an overlay over player to ask for cookie consent.

  • Fixed the referer error in YouTube API calls.

  • Fixed the banner image error issue. Now image is replaced by the YouTube black color.

  • Fixed an issue related to videos not being refreshed.
  • Created a backup cache function so YourChannel can still show older videos if API Key (created at Google) stops working for crossing daily quota limits etc.

  • Fixed a layout bug in Playlists tab.

  • Fixed a layout bug in Playlists tab.

  • Added shortcode instructions on YourChannel page.
  • Minor updates for latest WordPress release.
  • Fixed bugs that caused conflict with some page builder and SEO plugins.
  • Added button to refresh cache.


  • Implemented cache system to load faster and make less YouTube API calls.


  • Improved grid layout – no ugly margins.
  • Blacklist videos.
  • Improved Prev / Next pagination.
  • Specify grid column numbers.
  • Choose default tab: Videos, Playlists or Search.
  • ** Licensing system: Please update the plugin to receive future updates. **


More iOS issues fixed, and made compatible with new WP release.


Fixed playback issues on iOS devices.


Playlists are optional.
If playlists not shown, menu’ll also be hidden.
Default colors accents is now Black & White.


Now also accepts Channel ID.


Initial version.