Štítek pluginu: hide
Security Assassin
(0 celkové hodnocení)It protects against third-party access the file system on your site Hide your site from users who did not login Hide your site from some users regist …
Hide and Show Admin Bar
(0 celkové hodnocení)Adds a toggle button to admin bar in the front-end to hide and show the admin bar when required.
Selective Reading
(0 celkové hodnocení)Allows website visitors to deselect categories they don't want to see on your blog.
Hidden Contents
(2 celkové hodnocení)A handy plugin for hide contents and images from guest users. But you can control how many characters and what words show.
OldShatterGeek's Hide Author
(0 celkové hodnocení)Little plug-in that redirects everybody that is using the /?author=1 query parameter trick to your homepage.
Sticky Header & Hide When Scroll Down
(0 celkové hodnocení)Hide Sticky Header when you scroll down and appear when you scroll up again.
PWS Better Widget Title
(0 celkové hodnocení)Hide widget titles that are inside the square brackets, "[]". Handles multiple occurrence. Compatible with WordPress version 3.0+.
Hidden Comment Field
(0 celkové hodnocení)Hidden Comment Field provides functionality to block more spam by adding hidden field with jquery
Hide Posts by Category
(0 celkové hodnocení)A WordPress plugin to hide posts from non-administrators by category.
Hide Related Posts
(0 celkové hodnocení)Just install and activate the plugin to hide related posts.
Product Like and Hide
(0 celkové hodnocení)Allow customers to like and hide products in your WooCommerce store.
Hide Admin Columns
(0 celkové hodnocení)Hide columns in the WordPress admin list tables for custom post types.
PDS Ignore Menu Items
(0 celkové hodnocení)This plugin allows you to ignore specific menu items in the frontend, while still keeping them in the backend. This can be useful for pages that you w …
DA Media CPT Show Custom Fields
(0 celkové hodnocení)Lightweight plugin to hide or show Custom Fields on the edit page of all public Custom Post Types on your Wordpress installation.
Astro Hide Unpublished Post Types From Menu
(0 celkové hodnocení)Hides from menus all post_types that have a status other than published.
Page Visibility Option Hide
(0 celkové hodnocení)Clone Post or Page with it's contents and settings in just one click.
WP Uploaders Only
(0 celkové hodnocení)This plugin fixes the bug of allowing users to access and delete other users uploaded content.