Plugin nebyl testován na 3 nejnovějších verzích WordPressu. Nemusí už být tedy podporován a u novějších verzí WordPressu může mít problémy s kompatibilitou a může být nestabilní.

Purge Cloud Flare


It clears whole CloudFlare cache for desired domain.
Purge is done from WordPress admin panel or plugin’s page. Current version contains functionality which purges individual files by URL and clears CloudFlare cache after Save Post action.


  • Whenever you get error clearing the cache alert popup appears with CloudFlare Api response.
  • This version allows you to purge whole CF cache and specific files by their urs.
  • Clear cached files to force Cloudflare to fetch a fresh version of those files from your web server. You can purge files selectively or all at once.
  • Purging the cache may temporarily degrade performance for your website.

Snímky obrazovky

  • Plugin blank settings
  • Plugin settings filled with purge button
  • CloudFlare cache being cleared with API key setting unveiled
  • Error notification popup
  • Settings page with successful purge status
  • Purge individual files modal


  1. Upload the plugin plugin to your blog.
  2. Activate it.
  3. Go to Dashboard->CF Purger (or directly to this URL: „“) and enter following fields:
    • CloudFlare Email Address
    • CloudFlare API Token (you can find it in your CloudFlare Account ) previously logged in to CloudFlare
    • Zone ID – required to specify the domain clear cache for
  4. Press „Save Changes“ button
  5. Be happy! 🙂

Nejčastější dotazy

Notice tells „CloudFlare cache clear attempt was done“. How can I understand if autopurge is successful?

Good question. This notice doesn’t guarantee the cache wa successfully purged. Next major version of the plugin will contain that functionality if needed.

How can I clear particular files?

Hover over Purge button in right top corner on WordPress admin bar and click „Specific Files“. You will see modal (screenshot 6). Enter files in appeared form, press „purge Individual Files“ button. Be happy =)

I have cleared cache, but no changes on my frontend. Why?

If no error message has appeared – wait for 30 seconds more. It must have successfully purged all assets. Please allow up to 30 seconds for changes to take effect.

I want to clear specific Cache Tag. How can I do it

This feature is available for Enterprise CloudFlare accounts only. It’s not developed so far.


8. 2. 2017
A simple and direct plugin that allows us to program CloudFlare to cache ALL of our content. That means that our site is delivered at lightning speed without even hitting our servers… our servers can be shutdown and the site still works! This plugin allows our content editors to update content and have CloudFlare update on the next hit. Support from the developer when a problem was found resulted in a hotfix within hours – great stuff, thanks.
13. 1. 2017
Nice plugin btw. I like your modal. And I wish that there was option to purge CF cache automatically when new post/page is updated/created
Přečtěte si všechny 2 recenze


Purge Cloud Flare je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.


Přehled změn


  • important bugfix: when your WordPress was installed to subfolder – ajax call might have not worked


  • bugfix when adding a new menu and atoclear cache option is enabled


  • Small bugfixes and adjustments with style.css and script.js


  • Autopurge option is added. You now can clear whole CloudFlare cache after post is updated/saved/created


  • Small improvement with js


  • Purge individual files feature is added


  • Domain is replaced with Zone ID


  • script.js is bugbixed. uprgade emmediatelly


  • plugin is migrated to CloudFlare API v4


  • Styles are added for admin bar.
  • Menu name is renamed to Purge Cloud Flare


  • Initial plugin release