Pull to refresh is a popular feature on our mobile devices/Apps that refreshes the current page/screen by pulling down on the view. It is an ultra-intuitive way of refreshing the displayed page content by simply pulling the page down with your thumb, then releasing it — sort of like pulling a lever on a slot machine. It is simple and easy to do!
The official Foursquare and Twitter apps use it, so if you’re into social networking, you’re already familiar.
But so far, its use has been limited to native apps.
- Plugin no option, easy to use, install (enable) and go.
Compatible With All recents Device and Popular Browsers
- Android
- BlackBerry
- iOS
- Windows touch devices
- It also works on desktop browsers.
Upload the PulltoRefresh plugin to your blog, Activate it. Nothing Else
Pull To Resfresh je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
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Přehled změn
- Performance improvements.