The fastest and easiest way to start accepting Bitcoin payments on your Easy Digital Downloads Store. Since 2015, Blockonomics has helped thousands of ecommerce sites increase sales by including Bitcoin as payment option for their customers.
Accept bitcoin payments, fast & easy
- Payments are received directly into your wallet
- No approvals of API key/documentation required
- Safe and secure transactions
- Installation only takes five minutes – Video Tutorial
- Eliminate chargebacks and fraud
- World-class customer support team
Setup Instructions
- Navigate to Downloads -> Settings -> Payment Gateways -> General
- Select Blockonomics in Payment Gateways section.
- Navigate to Downloads -> Settings -> Payment Gateways -> Blockonomics‘
- Click on Get Started for Free on Blockonomics > Merchants and complete the wizard to get your API Key
- Enter your API Key and Save Changes
- Click on Test Setup to verify installation
Try checkout product , and you will see pay with bitcoin option.
Use bitcoin to pay and enjoy !
Bitcoin Easy Digital Downloads – Blockonomics je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
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