Set different Homepage for your Logged IN and Logged OUT users. Increase your engagement, and let your users see what they should be seeing.
It’s a powerful and lightweight WordPress plugin that lets you set different homepage for your logged-in and logged-out users. With this plugin, you can boost user engagement by showing tailored content to your visitors and members. Whether you want to welcome new visitors with an overview of your site or provide personalized content for your registered users, this plugin can help you deliver the right message to the right audience. Its intuitive settings make it easy to set up and use, without requiring any coding skills or technical expertise. Download the plugin today and start creating custom homepages that drive results!
Please follow the below steps for installing this plugin:-
Automatic Installation:
1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard, and navigate under Plugins > Add New
2. In the Search Box, search for \“Different Home for Logged IN & Logged OUT\“
3. Besides the plugin named \“Different Home for Logged IN & Logged OUT\“, click Install
4. After the installation has been completed, click Activate.
5. The plugin is now activated and now you will see a menu named „Diff Home“ in your Admin Toolbar. Click on there, and you will be able to manage the settings of the plugin.
Manual Installation:
1. Download the plugin\’s zip file by clicking on Download from the above of this page
2. Log in to your WordPress dashboard, and navigate under Plugins > Add New
3. At the Top, click on Upload.
3. Upload the zip you downloaded
4. Click on Upload.
5. After the plugin is uploaded, click on Activate.
6. The plugin is now activated and now you will see a menu named „Diff Home“ in your Admin Toolbar. Click on there, and you will be able to manage the settings of the plugin.
Nejčastější dotazy
How can I set the page for logged in and logged out?
After you activate the plugin, you will see a menu named „Diff Home“ in your Admin Toolbar. Click on there, and you will be able to manage the settings of the plugin.
What can I do if I want to dispaly the same homepage for all users?
You can just choose the same page for both the „Logged IN“, and „Logged OUT“. Or you can choose to deactivate the plugin, and use the WordPress default homepage settings for this scenario.
Will this work for any sort of websites?
Yes, this will work on any sort of websites. We hav not found any known issue with any websites till now. If you find one, please report that via the support forum, and we will take a look.
Different Home for Logged IN & Logged OUT je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
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Přehled změn
- Simple fix for edge case.
- Updated freemius SDK
- Added new option to be able to add any post types as the frontpage. This was previously restricted to only pages.
- Fixed issue with Cross-Site Scripting.