Datafeedr Comparison Sets


The Datafeedr Comparison Set plugin automatically creates price comparison sets for any product in your WooCommerce store or by using a shortcode.

Heads-up! — This plugin requires that you have an active subscription to one of our API plans. Purchase Subscription.

For personal-use only. Please contact us if you have any questions.


API Usage

Please know that the generating or updating of a single comparison set will require between 2 and 6 API requests. If you are using the API Starter Plan, consider upgrading to the Basic Plan.

Installation & Configuration

[IMPORTANT] Before You Begin

This plugin requires that you have installed and activated the Datafeedr API plugin. The following instructions will assume that you have installed the Datafeedr API plugin and selected your affiliate networks and merchants. Installation and configuration instructions can be found here.

API Usage

Please know that the generating or updating of a single comparison set will require between 2 and 6 API requests. If you are using the API Starter Plan, consider upgrading to the Basic Plan.

Plugin Installation

  1. Upload the datafeedr-comparison-sets folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the Datafeedr Comparison Sets plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress.
  3. Configure here: WordPress Admin Area > Datafeedr API > Comparison Sets.

Enabling Amazon Products

If you want Amazon products to appear in your comparison sets, do the following:

  1. Go here WordPress Admin Area > Datafeedr API > Configuration > Amazon Settings.
  2. Add your Amazon Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, Tracking ID and Locale.
  3. Click the [Save Changes] button at the bottom of the page.
  4. Go here WordPress Admin Area > Datafeedr API > Comparison Sets.
  5. Change the Cache Lifetime field to 86400.
  6. Click the [Save Changes] button at the bottom of the page.

Display Comparison Sets for WooCommerce Products

To display comparison sets for products in your WooCommerce store, follow these instructions.

  1. Go here WordPress Admin Area > Datafeedr API > Comparison Sets > Integrations.
  2. Check the WooCommerce option.
  3. Click the [Save Changes] button at the bottom of the page.

Now, when a product in your store is viewed for the first time, a price comparison set will be generated.

Note: Enabling WooCommerce integration will not generate price comparison sets for all products in your store immediately. Sets will only be generated when the product is viewed for the first time.

Display Comparison Sets using Shortcodes

To display comparison sets in your posts, pages or in other areas where WordPress shortcodes are allowed, use the formats below.

Create a price comparison set using name field:

[dfrcs name="baratza encore"]

Create a price comparison set using name and brand field:

[dfrcs name="j8006" brand="omega" ]

Create a price comparison set with a custom title:

[dfrcs name="chaos harness" brand="black diamond" title="{num_products} great deals on Black Diamond Chaos Harnesses"]

Available Filters

You can further filter the results of a Comparison Set by using the filters attribute. Available filters are:


Here is what each filter controls:

// Return only products which are priced in USD.

// Return Amazon products from US Locale.

// Return only products that have an image.

// Return only products that are on sale.

// Return only products that have a direct URL.

// Return only products with a minimum sale price of $10.

// Return only products with a maximum sale price of $100.

// Return only products with a minimum final price of $20.

// Return only products with a maximum final price of $200.

// Return only products from merchants with specific Merchant IDs (merchant_id).

// Return only products from networks with specific Network IDs (source_id).

Merchant IDs merchant_id (MID) and Network IDs source_id (NID) can be referenced on our Affiliate Networks & Merchants page.

Here are some examples of how to use these filters in your shortcodes:

Create a price comparison set using onsale filter:

[dfrcs name="farpoint 55" brand="osprey" filters="onsale=1"]

Create a price comparison set using currency filter:

[dfrcs name="aeropress coffee maker" brand="aerobie" filters="currency=USD"]

Create a price comparison set using multiple filters:

[dfrcs name="nomad 20 solar panel" filters="currency=USD&finalprice_max=400"]

Create a price comparison set using an EAN code:

[dfrcs ean="737416080066"]

Create a price comparison set using an Amazon ASIN code:

[dfrcs asin="B07BN6KH6W"]

Create a price comparison set using an UPC code:

[dfrcs upc="050946872827"]

Create a price comparison set limited to specific merchants and networks:

[dfrcs brand="patagonia" name="hoodie" filters="merchant_id=61316,33092,97391&source_id=126"]

Shortcode to use on WooCommerce single product pages (ie. in blocks, page builders, widgets, etc…)


Snímky obrazovky

  • This is a price comparison set automatically generated for a product in a WooCommerce store.
  • This is a price comparison set automatically generated using a shortcode.
  • This is the configuration page of the Datafeedr Comparison Sets plugin.

Nejčastější dotazy

Where can I get help?

Feel free to contact us here.


2. 4. 2020 1 odpověď
Fits perfectly into my needs. It is easy to implement and use. I had some technical questions and the team replied within a few hours WITH AN ANSWER which worked perfectly. I highly recommend it as it is really easy to use and the support is A+ Thanks! Maurice
8. 7. 2019 1 odpověď
This plugin works excellent! And the guys from Datafeedr are giving you top notch support! If other companies would deliver high standard support like Datafeedr does….this world would be a lot happier ;-))) I have worked with many other developers…but this high level of service, I have not seen before! Keep up the good work guys!
6. 2. 2018 1 odpověď
…awesome customer support! The Datafeedr Team provides first-class customer support. As a longtime customer, I highly recommend their plugins and services. They certainly stand behind their products and services 110%.
Přečtěte si všech 10 recenzí


Datafeedr Comparison Sets je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.


Přehled změn

0.9.71 – 2024/07/05

  • Updated „tested up to“ value

0.9.70 – 2023/11/10

  • Updated „tested up to“ value
  • Declaring WooCommerce HPOS compatibility.

0.9.69 – 2023/10/31

  • Fixed type declaration causing errors on sites running PHP < 8.0.

0.9.68 – 2023/10/30

  • Added signed encoded source values.

0.9.67 – 2023/10/19

  • Verifying hashes
  • Better handling of source data string

0.9.66 – 2023/04/20

  • Filter out products that are no longer available in the API.

0.9.63 – 2022/10/28

  • Updated „tested up to“ values

0.9.62 – 2022/07/12

  • Changed the dfrcs_wc shortcode to return instead of echo to resolve issues with builders like Elementor.

0.9.61 – 2022/07/11

  • Updated readme and tested up to values.

0.9.60 – 2022/04/06

  • Changed „Date Format“ label to „Date Timezone“
  • Changed some site health info options to use absint() === 1 instead of less strict
  • Added the following site health info items:
  • Display Image
  • Display Logo
  • Display Price
  • Display Button
  • Display Promo
  • Use Amazon Data
  • Amazon Disclaimer Title
  • Amazon Disclaimer Message
  • Amazon Disclaimer More Info Link
  • Amazon Date Format
  • Amazon Date Timezone

0.9.59 – 2022/03/24

  • Added support for merchant_id and source_id filters to be used in shortcodes.

0.9.58 – 2022/03/14

  • Added option to disable using Amazon data in Comparison Set product search. Useful if Comparison Sets are returning inaccurate results.
  • Added return values for some functions.
  • Updated require_once statements.
  • Added DFRCS_PLUGIN_FILE constant.
  • Updated WC tested up to to 6.3.

0.9.57 – 2022/03/02

  • Added a minimum WordPress version check to the register_activation_hook
  • Added a Multisite check to the register_activation_hook to ensure that plugin can only be activated at Site-Level, not Network-Level
  • Added „Requires PHP: 7.4“ to plugin headers

0.9.56 – 2022/02/10

  • Replaced DFRAPI_DOMAIN with 'datafeedr-comparison-sets'.

0.9.55 – 2022/02/07

  • Fixed issue where & in filters param in shortcode was being converted to &amp; causing the filters param to break.

0.9.54 – 2021/12/14

  • Added support for new Amazon disclaimer message.

0.9.53 – 2021/11/29

  • Added links to Documentation, Support and Configuration page for plugin on Plugins page.

0.9.52 – 2020/09/03

  • Added new setting to display or hide the product image for each item in a Comparison Set. (WordPress Admin Area > Datafeedr API > Comparison Set)
  • Added new setting to display or hide the merchant logo for each item in a Comparison Set. (WordPress Admin Area > Datafeedr API > Comparison Set)
  • Added new setting to display or hide the product price for each item in a Comparison Set. (WordPress Admin Area > Datafeedr API > Comparison Set)
  • Added new setting to display or hide the [View] button for each item in a Comparison Set. (WordPress Admin Area > Datafeedr API > Comparison Set)
  • Added new setting to display or hide the product promo text for each item in a Comparison Set. (WordPress Admin Area > Datafeedr API > Comparison Set)

0.9.51 – 2020/09/01

  • Made the list of Amazon fields to query filterable.

0.9.50 – 2020/04/01

  • Fixed undefined notice.

0.9.49 – 2020/03/31

  • Fixed {lowest_price} and {highest_price} Comparison Set title placeholders formatting.

0.9.48 – 2020/02/18

  • Reverted changes from 2020/02/17 as it caused permission issues.

0.9.47 – 2020/02/17

  • Fixed issue where dfrcs_manage_compsets_capability filter wasn’t allowing new capabilities to access „Add Products“ page.

0.9.46 – 2020/02/16

  • Fixed jQuery migrate issues.
  • Updated add_submenu_page() capability with dfrcs_manage_compsets_capability filter.

0.9.45 – 2020/02/09

  • Added manage compsets capability filter.

0.9.44 – 2020/01/29

  • Added Site Health Info

0.9.43 – 2020/01/14

  • Added ability to automatically prune old records from the dfrcs_compsets database table.

0.9.42 – 2020/01/12

  • Added support for Amazon „Used“ prices.
  • Added new dfrapi_get_price() function to render pricing.

0.9.41 – 2020/12/01

  • Fixed „PHP Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool“

0.9.40 – 2020/09/30

  • Added the ability to override „Last updated“ text. add_filter( 'dfrcs_last_updated_text', function($text, $compset){return 'UPDATED:';}, 10, 2 );
  • Added asin as a default barcode field.

0.9.39 – 2020/08/20

  • Added new filter to remove Amazon products from compsets returned via shortcodes.

0.9.38 – 2020/07/27

  • Updated for WooCommerce compatibility.

0.9.37 – 2020/03/30

  • Added new [dfrcs_wc] shortcode to use on WooCommerce single product pages.

0.9.36 – 2020/03/11

  • Added support for WooCommerce 4.0.

0.9.35 – 2020/02/24

  • Requiring all Amazon API requests to be made over an HTTPS connection.

0.9.34 – 2019/12/15

  • Updated dfrcs_sort_products() to pass variable, not array, to array_multisort().

0.9.33 – 2019/11/12

  • Updated version support for WC 3.8

0.9.32 – 2019/10/30

  • Fixed more issues with accented characters. (#325)

0.9.31 – 2019/10/23

  • Updated to handle source names with accented characters.

0.9.30 – 2019/08/20

  • Updated to support latest version of WooCommerce

0.9.29 – 2019/07/17

  • Escaped values in debug output.

0.9.28 – 2019/05/06

  • Updated readme.

0.9.27 – 2019/04/23

  • Updated readme.

0.9.26 – 2019/03/04

  • Fixed handling of barcode values of 000000000000 or similar.

0.9.25 – 2019/02/19

  • Updated readme.txt.

0.9.24 – 2018/12/07

  • Updated readme.txt.

0.9.23 – 2018/11/01

  • Updated readme.txt.

0.9.22 – 2018/09/03

  • Fixed uncaught exception.

0.9.21 – 2018/05/07

  • Fixed bug when Amazon keys are missing.

0.9.20 – 2018/04/25

  • Updated readme.txt.

0.9.19 – 2018/03/14

  • Declared required and supported WooCommerce version.

0.9.18 – 2018/02/05

  • Fixed PHP compatibility issue in new function.

0.9.17 – 2018/02/01

  • Added a couple of helper functions.

0.9.16 – 2018/01/17

  • Updated readme.txt and added new

0.9.15 – 2018/01/10

  • Fixed bug related to new class.

0.9.14 – 2018/01/10

  • Added new Datafeedr_Plugin_Dependency class.

0.9.13 – 2017/10/18

  • Amazon links are now generated via the dfrapi_url() function instead of returning the raw link from Amazon. (#15201)

0.9.12 – 2017/10/04

  • Removed references to $product['suid'] in the query_amazon() method. (#15084)

0.9.11 – 2017/09/19

  • Fixed bug related to manually products that no longer exist still being displayed in Comparison Sets.

0.9.10 – 2017/04/26

  • Updated readme and plugin info.

0.9.9 – 2017/04/18

  • Changed permissions on dfrcs_can_manage_compset() function.

0.9.8 – 2017/02/21

  • Modified so Comparison Sets are NO LONGER created or updated when a bot is viewing the page. Comparison Sets will be displayed to a bot if it’s already cached however it will not be created or updated if the current USER AGENT matches any bot in the dfrcs_visitor_is_bot() function.

0.9.7 – 2017/02/16

  • Changed references to $product properties to calls to public methods such as get_id() and get_title(). This is in preparation for WooCommerce 2.7.

0.9.6 – 2016/09/27

  • Optimized merchant logo display. (#13884, #13881)

0.9.5 – 2016/08/05

  • Replaced intval() with sanitize_text_field() on the source ID because 32 bit systems were converting long IDs to 2147483647. More info

0.9.4 – 2016/08/01

  • Added support for asin and isbn to be passed along as shortcode attributes for Amazon searches.

0.9.3 – 2016/04/04

  • Initial PUBLIC release.
  • Clarified help texts on configuration page.
  • Updated readme.txt for WordPress repository.

0.9.2 – 2016/03/21

  • Changed format of URL to merchant logos to new format (#12900)

0.9.1 – 2016/03/09

  • Fixed currency sign position for products with sign of „kr“.

0.9.0 – 2016/03/07

  • Initial BETA release.