„Custom post types“ is the best completely free WordPress plugin that lets you:
✔ create custom post types;
✔ create custom taxonomies;
✔ create custom fields;
✔ create custom admin pages;
✔ create custom admin notices;
✔ create custom templates;
directly from the WordPress dashboard easily and quickly without writing code or development knowledge.
The „Custom post types“ plugin has been designed to make many advanced CMS features simple and accessible to everyone, without any technical knowledge or programming languages. Respecting the true nature of CMS (speed and ease of use).
The „Custom post types“ developers ongoing work guarantees maximum compatibility with themes, plugins and page builders. The plugin uses functions and resources already present in the WordPress core, this guarantees maximum performance and security. To report bugs, malfunctions, compatibility problems or send suggestions write to the support section.
What else? What are you waiting for? Try it now!
❤ BECOME PRO (support and get benefits)
Custom Post Types – Custom Fields
„Custom fields“ are powerful WordPress tools needed to extend content data (posts, pages, media, etc).
The metadata generated by the custom fields can be used to: improve dashboard management, add content details on frontend, filter queries to the database.
Add custom fields to any content type:
- Any post type;
- Any taxonomy;
- Settings/Admin pages;
- Users;
- Media;
- Comments;
- Menu items;
Add any type of custom fields:
- Text;
- Number;
- Textarea;
- WYSIWYG editor;
- Range – PRO;
- Checkbox;
- Radio;
- Dropdown;
- Switch ON/OFF – PRO;
- Tel;
- Email;
- Password – PRO;
- Link – PRO;
- Date picker;
- Time picker;
- Color picker;
- File upload;
- Embed – PRO;
- Map – PRO;
- Post relationship;
- Taxonomy relationship;
- User relationship – PRO;
- Html;
- Separator – PRO;
- Repeater;
and many other coming.
Custom fields will make your project powerful and professional!
Custom Post Types – PRO FEATURES ⚡
The PRO version of the „Custom post type“ plugin includes awesome features:
✔ create custom templates;
✔ create custom admin pages;
✔ create custom admin notices;
✔ +8 fields types;
✔ export settings;
✔ import settings;
✔ PRO updates;
✔ PRO support;
By choosing the PRO version of „Custom post types“ you help to keep the FREE version as well.
Thanks for your support ❤
Custom Post Types – Create post type & taxonomy (1:33)
In this video you can see how simple it is to create custom post types and custom taxonomies with the „Custom post types“ plugin.
I created a custom post type and a taxonomy in just over 1 minute.
Do not you believe it? Watch it!
This demo is of the older version (3.x.x), the latest version is better.
Custom Post Types – Create custom field (1:31)
In this video you can see how simple it is to create custom fields with the „Custom post types“ plugin.
I created some custom fields in just over 2 minutes.
Do not you believe it? Watch it!
This demo is of the older version (3.x.x), the latest version is better.
Custom Post Types – Create custom template (1:52)
In this video you can see how simple it is to create custom templates with the „Custom post types“ plugin.
I created a custom template in just over 2 minutes.
I used the „Twenty Nineteen“ and Gutenberg builder, you can design the template using the page builder of your theme (see compatibility, if your theme is not compatible send a request to the developer in the support section) or using HTML code.
Do not you believe it? Watch it!
This demo is of the older version (3.x.x), the latest version is better.
100% compatible with many themes, for example:
and other fantastic free or paid themes.
You can create fantastic custom templates using HTML code or any page builder, even Gutenberg.
Custom Post Types – Why choose this plugin?
„Custom post types“ is free and will save you time, and therefore money!
You can create post types, taxonomies, custom fields and templates easily in 5 minutes.
The „Custom post types“ plugin generates various IDs, you can use these IDs to create / use in your own custom functions, custom templates and more.
This plugin is written using only functions included in the WordPress core, so it does not reduce the performance of your website and does not cause compatibility problems.
You can use the „Custom post types“ plugin with any theme builder, with any theme and with any plugin. It’s perfect!
Custom Post Types – For developers
Using the „Custom post types“ plugin you will have some PHP functions that you can use in your files:
Do you need other functions? Ask the developer from the support section.
Custom Post Types – Credits
The „Custom post types“ plugin is made with ❤️
Your support, through reviews and donations, is very important for the project.
Snímky obrazovky
To automatically install the „Custom post types“ plugin you can search from the „Plugins > Add new“ section of your WordPress dashboard and click on the „Install Now“ button corresponding to this plugin.
To manually install the „Custom post types“ plugin you can download the latest version from the WordPress.org site, and unpack the zip file in the „wp-content/plugins“ folder of your CMS.
Now on the „Plugins“ section of your WordPress dashboard you can see the „Custom post types“ plugin, click on „Activate“.
Nejčastější dotazy
What would the „Custom Post Types, Custom Fields & More“ plugin be useful for?
An example: use the „Custom Post Types, Custom Fields & More“ plugin to create a „Services“ post type with the „Price, Time, Location“ custom fields and a custom template, your visitors will see the services section and single service page with the style and the details of your choice.
Is the „Custom Post Types, Custom Fields & More“ plugin compatible with other plugins, themes and page builders?
Absolutely yes! The „Custom Post Types, Custom Fields & More“ plugin is compatible with any plugin any theme and any builder.
Do I need technical knowledge to use the „Custom Post Types, Custom Fields & More“ plugin?
Absolutely not! The „Custom Post Types, Custom Fields & More“ plugin follows the nature of WordPress. Can be used by anyone!
Does the „Custom Post Types, Custom Fields & More“ plugin slow down my website?
Absolutely not! The „Custom Post Types, Custom Fields & More“ plugin was built using native WordPress core resources and features. No slowdowns and no security issues.
Custom post types, Custom Fields & more je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
SpolupracovníciPlugin „Custom post types, Custom Fields & more“ byl přeložen do 2 jazyků. Děkujeme všem překladatelům za jejich pomoc.
Přeložte “Custom post types, Custom Fields & more” do svého jazyka.
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Přehled změn
5.0.6 – 2024-04-03
- FIX: version_compare first argument null;
- FIX: check if class exist before short load using functions.php;
- FEAT: add phpversion on feedback request;
5.0.5 – 2024-04-03
- FIX: sanitize shortcodes output;
5.0.4 – 2024-03-21
- FIX: improve plugin bug feedback;
5.0.3 – 2024-03-20
- FIX: improve plugin bug feedback;
5.0.2 – 2024-03-11
- FIX: improve plugin self-request security;
5.0.1 – 2024-02-16
- FIX: Authenticated (Administrator+) Stored Cross-Site Scripting (thanks to Taihei Shimamine);
- FIX: add sanitization on repeater fields;
- FIX: html field render only allowed HTML tags for post content;
- FIX: post types by code on field groups assignment (thanks to @alessiac95)
- FEAT: now text field accept allowed HTML tags for post content;
5.0.0 – 2023-11-06
- FIX: stored XSS vulnerability in admin screens with UI labels (thanks to Taihei Shimamine);
- FIX: repeater (remove the first item, and try to add a new item, this will overwrite the existing one);
- FIX: nested repeater (after first save, the add field button add multiple times as nested repeater);
- FIX: select2 conflicts;
- FIX: refresh rewrite rules after created content updating;
- FEAT: core refactoring to improve performance and security;
- FEAT: apply WordPress standard quality code rules;
- FEAT: check for pro min version;
- FEAT: improve all plugin hooks/filters;
- FEAT: Now can use on template {{cpt-field key=XXX}} instead [cpt-field key=XXX] (for all shortcode of this plugin);
- FEAT: Now the [cpt-field]/[cpt-*-field] shortcode accept a new argument „output-filter“, if set to „0“ the meta value is returned from db without apply filters, default true;
- FEAT: Now the [cpt-term] shortcode accept 2 new arguments: „output-type“ links|names|ids, default links; „separator“ default „, „;
- DEPRECATED: hook cpt_field_types;
4.0.12 – 2023-09-01
- Fix bug on admin page registration and not admin logged (@mhannpannos);
- Introduce admin only fields for admin notices;
4.0.11 – 2023-08-28
- Fix bug on file fields preview;
- Introducing fields for Menu items;
4.0.10 – 2023-08-17
- Color picker native instead vanilla;
- Introducing fields for Media and Comment;
- Improve rest api fields for: terms, users, media, comments;
4.0.9 – 2023-08-16
- Introducing of blacklist for prevent the override of core contents;
- Edit „Key“ label to „ID“;
- Introducing Core instance;
4.0.8 – 2023-08-07
- Restore extra/users field groups;
- Improve quality of code;
- Introduce REST API fields feature;
- Add translation template;
4.0.7 – 2023-07-30
- Activation/deactivation actions;
4.0.6 – 2023-07-28
- Performance improvments;
4.0.5 – 2023-06-30
- Check if attachment.sizes.thumbnail.url exists on file field (@dealespaloit);
4.0.4 – 2023-06-12
- Fix file field styles inside repeater field (@dealespaloit);
- Prevent multiple type filter on field output;
- Post rel / Tax rel output aria-label;
Previous versions changelog
- Refer to v5.0.0 readme.txt (https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/custom-post-types.5.0.0.zip);