Satish Pandey
Phone: +91 9999366937
Address: Flexible Pavement Div.
CSIR- Central Road Research Institute, New-Delhi, India
Address: Flexible Pavement Div.
CSIR- Central Road Research Institute, New-Delhi, India
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Papers by Satish Pandey
of geosynthetic materials specially geogrid and geotextile form the perspective of reinforcement in bituminous pavement and associated road infrastructure. Expected benefits in terms of improvement in service life, reduction in overall thickness and ease of construction in difficult areas are discussed in detail. Utilization of geosynthetic materials for subgrade stabilization, as base reinforcement and overlay reinforcement with stress absorbing interlayer are discussed in detail. This paper also presents few case studies, involving pioneering use of geosynthetic materials enumerating design and construction approach with their success stories.
of geosynthetic materials specially geogrid and geotextile form the perspective of reinforcement in bituminous pavement and associated road infrastructure. Expected benefits in terms of improvement in service life, reduction in overall thickness and ease of construction in difficult areas are discussed in detail. Utilization of geosynthetic materials for subgrade stabilization, as base reinforcement and overlay reinforcement with stress absorbing interlayer are discussed in detail. This paper also presents few case studies, involving pioneering use of geosynthetic materials enumerating design and construction approach with their success stories.