That Warped Tour is 240897509823904 days away.
All my favorite bands [with the exception of 2] are gonna be there, and I'm SO excited to see them all. Together. On the same day.
The A.K.A's!
Jet Lag Gemini!
Family Force 5!
I CANNOT wait for July 24th, 2008.
In other news, I got a new job.
With my aunt.
It's not that bad and it pays $9/hr.
Which isn't that good, but it's good enough for me.
It lets me get to all the shows I want to get to.
Speaking of shows, you can catch me at these ones...
4/9 - The Dreaming.
4/13 - The Dear Hunter.
4/25 - SETTINGS!
4/26 - We The Kings.
4/27 - The AP Tour.
4/29 - Streetlight Manifesto.
Yeah, I bailed on that Mindless Self Indulgence thing.
Mostly because it cost me so much to go to Cleveland a few weeks ago.
And OHH YEAH, I didn't post about that. =]
I had the BEST time ever.
Here's how it happened.
We got to the train station at 11pm. Why? I have no idea.
The train wasn't supposed to leave until midnight, but my dad said he talked to the people there and they told him to get there an hour early.
So we sat there. For an hour. Doing nothing.
I found out that I could get on myspace from my phone. And that saved me from boredom MANY times throughout the trip.
The train FINALLY got there at 12:35!
Yeah, they were 35 minutes LATE! So we actually had to wait an hour and a half.
Then the train stopped a billion more times on the way to Cleveland to let "slow moving freight trains" pass us.
So we got to Cleveland at 5:00AM.
We were supposed to get there at 3:30AM.
Nice one, Amtrak.
People were fucking in the rooms when we got there too. It was disturbing.
And I'm super happy that my dad can't hear.
Or that would have been EXTREMELY awkward.
We went to bed at 5:30-6:00ish.
And got up at 9:30AM.
We went to that house where they shot part of the movie "A Christmas Story".
It was pretty cool, cause we didn't know that there was scheduled times for the tour of the house, and we just walked in.
We were the only ones there, so it was pretty cool. =D
That Lifebuoy soap smells HORRIBLE, though.
After that we went to Tower City.
It's this mall type thing in downtown Cleveland.
It was alright, but I'll stand by the fact that I've never seen a better mall than the Galleria Mall in Buffalo.
Then we went back to the hotel room and just sat around for a few hours.
It was super boring, and I got sick [literally] from waiting around. I think part of that had to do with the gross, disgusting McDonalds food my dad made me consume at Tower City though.
I really hate McDonalds. And I haven't eaten that shit in almost a year.
So I don't think my body was used to it, haha.
I was on myspace from my phone during this, but no one seemed to want to talk to me, so I was still pretty bored.
We left [on foot, cause we were broke from all the taxi rides] to find The Agora.
Well actually, we wanted to go to Subway for dinner first, but it closed at 4pm [it was 4:30]!
What kind of SUBWAY closes at 4pm!?
So we just decided to try to find The Agora, and maybe we'd see something along the way.
Well, it was a good thing Subway was closed, cause we needed that extra time to find The Agora.
We got lost. In Cleveland. On foot.
By the time we FINALLY found The Agora, my jeans were SOAKED up to my knee.
We got there at 5:30 though, and the doors opened at 6:30.
We were probably close to 20-30th person in line.
I got 3rd person back from the stage! But by the time Madina Lake came on, I was between the first, and second row!
I was so happy. =D
I missed those dudes so much, I didn't see them for almost four months.
They were absolutely amazing. If you need to know why I love them so much - go to a show, talk to them afterwards. I can promise you, you won't regret it.
After their set, I left to go find them [I didn't even watch Aiden, haha].
I found Nathan first:
Me: "Here I got this for you!"
Nathan: "Gifts?! For me?"
*Hugs* =D
Me: "Can you take a picture with him?" [My dad - ohhhh yeah, I DID ask him, haha.]
Nathan: "Sure!"

Hahahhaah. Yeah, it's amazing. =D
Then, I found Matthew.
I always make myself look like an idiot in front of him. =/
I was talking to my dad, and he tapped me on the shoulder, I turned around, and he had his arms open to give me a hug.
But instead, I pretty much shoved the stuffed penguin I got for him in his hands.
THEN, I hugged him. He gives amazing hugs, honestly. =]
Then, I saw Dan.
And I love Dan so much, he's so awesome, haha.
I gave him his gifts, and he's like:
"Wait...what does this do?"
Me: *Just stares at him...* "What?" [It was hard to hear him, cause Aiden was playing while we were talking]
Dan: "Ohhhh, it GROWS! I was trying to figure out what it did..Thank you!"
Me: *smiles*
Dan: "Oh, and THIS! *holds up the other thing I got him* THIS is going on the merch table, TONIGHT!"
**Hugs** =D
So, I was waiting for Mateo to come out, and I was watching Aiden:
WiL [lead singer]: "Ok, here's what I want you guys to do...everybody get down, and when the music starts, you all are gonna jump back up, okay?"
**Everybody just stares at him...a few people get down...**
WiL: "Alright, I want EVERYBODY to get the ground."
**More stares...a few more people get down**
Haha, they're pretty good live.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Crystal and Syy talking to Dan..
Then I saw Dan looking at me.
Then he pointed to me, and called me over using his finger. [You get what I mean, right?]
And let me tell you...when a dude like Dan Torelli motions to you like that, you do NOT ignore it. =D
So I go over..
Dan: YOU'RE New York?! What are you doing out here?"
[He was referring to the Madina Lake New York myspace I started for them.]
**I just shrug my shoulders, and smile**
Dan: "Figured you'd make the drive out here? That's cool. Are you having fun?"
**I nod my head** GODDD, I'm SUCH AN IDIOT! Why can't I talk?! Haha.
**More hugggsss**
Then, Matthew walked past us again.
He stopped, looked at me, came over, and hugged me again.
Matthew: "Thank you so much for the penguin, I love him!"
Me: "No problem. =]"
Matthew: "Are you having a good weekend?/Are you excited for this weekend?" [I couldn't really hear what he said, but he said one of the two.]
Me: "Yeah."
Matthew: "That's good, me too!"
Ah, Matthew is the sweetest out of all of them. Seriously, that guy could cheer ANYONE up.
FINALLY, Mateo came out.
I was the FIRST one to talk to him. =]
I gave him the shirt I got him.
Mateo: *Gasps* "For ME?!"
Me: "Yep!"
**He opens it up, laughs, and hugs me again** [It said "I love cheesy fries", btw. You probably wouldn't understand, haha.]
Mateo: "Thank you SO much!"
I just wanna say, that there is NOBODY in this world, that I'd rather hug than the boys of Madina Lake. They are the MOST AMAZING huggers in the world. End of story.
So by this time, my dad was pretty pissed, cause I was taking too long, and we were both running on four hours of sleep.
So we left.
Nothing else eventful happened for the rest of the trip, really. [Minus the people in the OTHER room next to our, fucking. For at least an hour.]
Once again, EXTREMELY grateful that my dad can't hear anything. Haha.
On the way back from Cleveland, our train got stopped in Erie, PA cause border patrol came on, and had to ask EVERY person if they were a U.S. Citizen.
They ended up taking people off the train I'm assuming some people had to say no.
WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU SAY NO? They weren't asking for proof, or ANYTHING, so why would you say no? Just lie, and say yes, and you woulda been on your way, you stupid idiots.
The show on Sunday in Buffalo wasn't as eventful as the show in Cleveland.
Minus the part where Matthew was walking around with a pipe in his mouth.
Some kid: "Why do you have a pipe in your mouth?"
Matthew: "I don't know....there's nothing in it. I look...I don't know, it gives me time to think."
WTF does that even mean? Haha. Matthew had just gotten over a cold though, so maybe he was hopped up on the cold medicine, haha.
Dan was sick that night, though, and I didn't get to talk to him.
Which made me super sad, cause I love that dude so much, it's unreal.
He actually DID put the gift I gave him on the merch table.
I was SO excited.
That boy makes me pretty happy.
Leaving them that night, didn't suck as bad as it did before, cause I knew I'd see them again in a month.
[17 days left!!]
I'm so excited to see them again.
They make me happy, and I love them **so** super much.
I'm thinking of going to Cincinatti to see them too.
So the Buffalo show is on the 17th, and the Cincinatti show is on the 19th.
And the only way I could go, is if I could convince my mom that Cincinnati is a great place to go for a 61st birthday party. =D
Any advice?