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Cretins!'s Journal

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Thursday, April 8th, 2004
6:31 pm
thegeorgehotel this community appears to have died a death. your aims appear to be the same as ours here at assholetothemax

come join, and bring some of your pet morons with you.

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Wednesday, May 7th, 2003
11:27 pm

this guy is a moron. look at how he tries to pass off this passage as his own:

when i first read the entry, i was horrified. for a second, i thought he had written it, and had developed into some articulate genius [well, genius relative to his intellectual capacity]. then i realized that it was palahniuk. and then i laughed, and of course i had to leave some commentary.

current mood: bitchy

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Thursday, February 27th, 2003
5:47 pm - Ahh, the life of a cretin.

[budzzzz] hey u wanna chat?
[PantyShot] about what
[budzzzz] anythin u want im just stoned and bored as fuck
[PantyShot] uh
[PantyShot] no
[budzzzz] why not?
[PantyShot] i dont feel like it
[budzzzz] well u wanna get laid?
[PantyShot] what??
[PantyShot] you fucking oosik, get a life
[PantyShot] how do you even know im female
[PantyShot] or single
[PantyShot] or a slut
[PantyShot] get real
[budzzzz] well if u were than ud say yes
[PantyShot] uh no i wouldnt
[budzzzz] k nevermind bye
[PantyShot] how do you know im even straight
[PantyShot] how do you know id even find you attractive or vice versa
[budzzzz] well i took a leap of faith
[budzzzz] well if u did i could send u my pic
[PantyShot] yeah. desperation is pretty hot.
[PantyShot] no thanks

current mood: sick

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Wednesday, February 5th, 2003
11:04 pm

Why do people not use their brain cells?

Message I got on TUG:

"why u so hot , your a dyke, cant waste such hot materail on the ladies."

What a tool. Learn to spell at least.

And his profile says things such as:

"I am home for the off season and want to meet some beautiful British Columbian Ladies. I love to Pound, if your interested?"

Oh he lives in Surrey, that explains it...ahaha.

current mood: irritated

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Monday, December 16th, 2002
10:47 pm - wow a post

check out this guestbook entry I got:

Name: it aint a dick so keep it out of your mouth
Comments: why the fuck do you have a web page named "opium poppy feilds" if you dont even smoke it?! is it that your just tryin to look pimp sportin opium on your sight? Pretty fuckin lame i think anyway change the fuckin name and you wont have people like me visiting your broke ass.
Monday, December 16th 2002 - 12:29:03 PM


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Monday, June 17th, 2002
10:36 pm

hey mbarrick told me about this comunity when i posted this conversation on my own LJ today. I had to share it (and just for reference sake i do NOT know this guy.)

157976392: Hello
angeline: do i know ya?
157976392: yes
angeline: and you are?
157976392: David
157976392: arre your breast big
157976392: i like to lick your pussy
angeline: what?
157976392: your vigina and your breast
angeline: ok youre done now
angeline: maybe if you learned to type
157976392: can i have sex with you
angeline: hahahahah
angeline: oh youre funny

current mood: amused

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Tuesday, May 7th, 2002
9:10 pm - Rejection line ;)

Found this wonder of wonders in my friend's journal today:

*giggles* Now I want to call it on my cell to listen. ;)

geek. ^_^

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Sunday, April 14th, 2002
5:52 pm - AOL - Still a Bastion of Stupidity

I just got an e-mail from some horny ass-hAOL trying to hit on somebody in one of the pictures on

He didn't even realize he was sending the message to the webmaster and not the person in the picture. It wasn't something like, "How can I contact this person?" It was, "hey there cute costume wear it often?"


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Monday, March 18th, 2002
1:44 pm - MBarrick just told me bout this group...

How suiting:-)

This dork has the gift of gab alright!

Session Start (Yahoo! - goth_posh:osamaabbasly): Mon Mar 18 13:30:04 2002
osamaabbasly: ����
*** Auto-response sent to osamaabbasly: I am currently away from the computer.
osamaabbasly: :)
osamaabbasly: =;
goth_posh: um, do I know you?
osamaabbasly: no
goth_posh: how did you get my yahoo id?
osamaabbasly: from members yahoo
goth_posh: oh
goth_posh: why are you contacting me?
osamaabbasly: i donot know
osamaabbasly: ok
osamaabbasly: =;

current mood: amused

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Friday, March 8th, 2002
1:49 pm - *lick*
nyte poodleplayTM: remember i asked you about licking your nose?
Caistiona: yep
poodleplayTM: do you have any pix of this remarkable feat?
Caistiona: heck no *LOL*

Ok.. so on my web page it says I can lick my nose. Which I can do, but I sure as fark am not going to take a picture of myself doing it!

This is not the first time this guy has asked me to send him a picture. He also has made a yahoo club for people with long tongues. I do NOT have a long tongue, its just a trick I learned as a little kid.

Probably one of the most unusual cretins I have met.. Stupid tongue fetish! ;o)

current mood: giggly

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Wednesday, February 6th, 2002
9:23 pm

Here is a cretin for ya.

He's sure in enough damn communities. Too bad he doesn't have anything intelligent to add. Not to mention he deletes responses to his posts and changes his own constantly to make himself look "good" - what a loser!

current mood: irritated

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Thursday, January 24th, 2002
3:56 pm - Welcome to the world of cretins

Spall64: hey'
OpiumPoppyFields: hi
OpiumPoppyFields: who are you
Spall64: i have some questions bout opium..can u answer them
OpiumPoppyFields: no
Spall64: then why is youre sn opiumpoppyfields?
OpiumPoppyFields: jesus I am sick of this
Spall64: okay im sorry
Spall64: do u do opium?
OpiumPoppyFields: how didyou get my sn
Spall64: some opium webpage
OpiumPoppyFields: yeah probably MY webpage
Spall64: probs
OpiumPoppyFields: where it specifically states (if you read it at all) that my name is just a name, it has nothing to do with opium the drug, I don't do opium, I don't know where to get it, I don't know much about it, so don't even ask me
Spall64: okay sorry..
OpiumPoppyFields: well if you got bombarded with these questions as much as I do, you'd get annoyed as well
Spall64: yea i know
OpiumPoppyFields: when i put on my webpage an FAQ!
Spall64: haha
OpiumPoppyFields: read it
Spall64: ok
Spall64: so whats youre real name?
OpiumPoppyFields: what does it matter
Spall64: dont piss on my head bitch
OpiumPoppyFields: Oh yeah, that's a great way to get on my good side.
Spall64: do i care youre being a bitch
OpiumPoppyFields: you're the one that started pestering me, so don't be surprised if I get bitchy
Spall64: maybe youre screen name shoguldnt be opiumpoppyseed if you dont want people to IM you bout opium
OpiumPoppyFields: you're the first!
OpiumPoppyFields: and it's not opiumpoppyseed
Spall64: you said people do a lot
OpiumPoppyFields: yeah in email
OpiumPoppyFields: not on here
Spall64: well i was just asking a question then u pissed on my head
OpiumPoppyFields: well if you went to a webpage about opium and managed to find my SN, you should have been able to find my FAQ and read that
Spall64: well maybe no one gives a shit about youre FAQ cause your gay as hell
OpiumPoppyFields: and I have every right to be bitchy because this is annoying
OpiumPoppyFields: Yeah you're right, I'm a dyke. Maybe if you read my webpage you would know that too!
Spall64: well it hink you need to pull the stick out of youre ass cause youre a dueschOpiumPoppyFields: well if you went to a webpage about opium and managed to find my SN, you should have been able to find my FAQ and read
Spall64: youre gay
OpiumPoppyFields: yeah that made sense
Spall64: shut the fuck up
Spall64: youre screen name is gay
OpiumPoppyFields: why should I? You messaged me.
Spall64: i messaged you
Spall64: shut the fuck up you too
Spall64: tool
OpiumPoppyFields: How is it gay? Please enlighten me.
Spall64: because u dont do opium or deal it so why the fuck would it be youre sn
OpiumPoppyFields: Does it fuck other men up the ass?
Spall64: nope i think its a lesbian like you toolbag
OpiumPoppyFields: ah I see
OpiumPoppyFields: yeah a screenname has a sexual preference
OpiumPoppyFields: how silly of me
Spall64: sarcastic piece of shit shut the fuckl up
OpiumPoppyFields: You need some new insults, my friend.
Spall64: yea so do u
Spall64: ugly piece of shit
OpiumPoppyFields: Let's many times now have you said "Shut the fuck up" "Piece of shit" "tool/bag" and "you're gay"
OpiumPoppyFields: maybe I should count.
OpiumPoppyFields: let me're in high school.
Spall64: yea maybe it will give you something to do loser
OpiumPoppyFields: Maybe you should go back to grade 2 and learn how to spell "You're" and "your" correctly.
Spall64: does it matter mahh look at me im a poppyseed tool
OpiumPoppyFields: If you could read, you'd see it says Fields, not Seed.
Spall64: sorry im not a fucknig spelling pro like u
OpiumPoppyFields: Obviously.
Spall64: Omg youre soo gay
OpiumPoppyFields: Even though I learned the difference in elementary school.
Spall64: yea i bet you were a big tool
Spall64: i bet you were that ugly loser girl with no friends who sat in the corner
OpiumPoppyFields: You're a cretin.
Spall64: riiiiiight and you know waht you are?
Spall64: a big fat tool
OpiumPoppyFields: Wow! I didn't see that one coming!!!!
OpiumPoppyFields: Oh let me guess...
OpiumPoppyFields: I get I should shut the fuck up
OpiumPoppyFields: because I'm gay
OpiumPoppyFields: am I right?
Spall64: nope
Spall64: i was thinking mayvbe you should go screw youreself with that stick thats stuck up youre ass
OpiumPoppyFields: You mean "Your ass"
OpiumPoppyFields: Otherwise you'd be saying "up you are ass"
Spall64: nope pretty sure i typed youre thanks
OpiumPoppyFields: God you're pathetic.
OpiumPoppyFields: Getting more people to message me.
Spall64: god youre gay
OpiumPoppyFields: lol
Spall64: lol yea thats cool
Spall64: not
OpiumPoppyFields: LOL!!!!!!!! You just burned yourself you moron.
Spall64: explain please b/c how i see it youre just fucked up in the head and dont get it
Spall64: yea thats waht i thought tool
Spall64: see if u read it i said lol yea thats cool making fun of lol then u said it again because youre a dumb bitch
OpiumPoppyFields: stop wasting my time.
Spall64: what time tool
OpiumPoppyFields: goodbye little boy
Spall64: too bad im not a boy
OpiumPoppyFields: that's even more pathetic


D00ky123: hi
OpiumPoppyFields: yes?
D00ky123: u suck at life
OpiumPoppyFields: Are you one of SPall's little idiot friends?
D00ky123: what the fuck are u talking about
OpiumPoppyFields: Well what do you want
D00ky123: i am one of spalls firends
OpiumPoppyFields: Wow what a surprise
D00ky123: are u a homosexual by cahnce
OpiumPoppyFields: Yeah I like pussy. Now go away/
D00ky123: u like pussy
D00ky123: do u eat it
D00ky123: i eat muff
D00ky123: your moms
OpiumPoppyFields: good for you
OpiumPoppyFields: wow that was mature
D00ky123: yeah im only 12 do i ahve to be mature for u or somthing
OpiumPoppyFields: ohhh that makes sense
OpiumPoppyFields: how old is your little friend
D00ky123: ummmmm
D00ky123: go fuck yourself
OpiumPoppyFields: And I'm sure 12 year olds eat muff.
D00ky123: yeah your moms
D00ky123: she gives it up like nothing
OpiumPoppyFields: Go whack off to the Sears catalogue some more.
D00ky123: yeah? what the fuck does that mean
OpiumPoppyFields: Stop wasting my time little boy/
D00ky123: fuck u will do whatever the fuck i want u fucking bitch

current mood: aggravated

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Wednesday, January 23rd, 2002
11:38 am - Got Cretins?
nyte I have a profile on Its a page my friend Joi runs.. It features a profile of the moment, I was a moment the other week.

I didnt realise how many stupid idiots are out there looking for ANYONE to talk to them.

I got a letter from one guy saying he will be in Lansing next summer and since he will probably bump into me, he wanted to start talking to me now. (I dont plan on bumping into him). Some guy with extremely bad English asked me to marry him and move to "his country" where he would "treat me like a queen". (Again, no thank you)

And then we get to Mr. Ramon. I am sure many of you have probably heard from him. He write saying that he is curious if he is too old to be part of the gothic lifestyle. DO NOT WRITE BACK! Don't try to be compassionate and say there isnt an age limit, because it will be followed by a flood of e-mails about Kon and TOOL. If you write back telling him to piss off, he will respond with many many letters calling you foul names and attempting to insult.

It can be amusing.. but I have many e-mail address for different mailing list, so this guy has written to me about 8 times. hehe..

current mood: giggly

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Monday, January 21st, 2002
4:19 am - How's this for a truly disgusting conversation?

re: hi
MelsyWSOU: hi there
re: do u enjoy casual sex?
MelsyWSOU: I don't do that
re: y not
re: sex is fun right?
MelsyWSOU: I'm not big on it
re: wow u must be terrible at it then
re: u just lay there huh?
MelsyWSOU: No, for reasons I don't have to explain., I've never been big on it.
re: molested?
re: or raped?
MelsyWSOU: I'm not going to explain
re: a bit of both?
MelsyWSOU: I'm not going to anser
re: I understand
re: its not like ur the only person thats happened to
re: nothing to be secretive about
re: its ok

I erased most of the name to protect the identity. But anyways, is this any ofthis person's goddamn business. Fuckers!

current mood: irritated

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Wednesday, January 16th, 2002
10:51 am - HuH?

hi...I'm a black male, 5'11, 34, 170pds...I seem to attract white women who like to be controled...smiling.

*sigh* why do I bother logging on? I don't even have that screename listed.

current mood: aggravated

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Tuesday, January 8th, 2002
12:06 am - gothic poetry....

this cretin just started messaging me weird poetry... freak!

stoneofblood: the dark is in my drem and soll and i love the tast of my sweet blood
some time i can fell and smile my own grave my own home
and seeing the vampire come to me
love is for the dead


current mood: amused

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Saturday, January 5th, 2002
4:07 am - What the fuck

An email I just got:

Hi opi,
wanto travel to warmer climes?
Are you a scuba diver?
enjoy sex, drugs and rock and roll? (and gardening with herbs and
Gary Schleimer
410 9059293

current mood: yeah ok

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Tuesday, January 1st, 2002
5:49 am - Bring in the New Year with a nice fat CRETIN

inferno_matrix2003: goth chick
inferno_matrix2003: love you
lorrafaye: uhmm
inferno_matrix2003: hello there
inferno_matrix2003: what is going on
lorrafaye: no tmuch
inferno_matrix2003: you are hot
inferno_matrix2003: love the lip ring
lorrafaye: uh thanks
inferno_matrix2003: so are you bi straight what
lorrafaye: I'm gay
inferno_matrix2003: ever think about getting with a gal and her husband
lorrafaye: No. PIss off. You're a guy.
inferno_matrix2003: yes but I was wanting to get a gal to sleep with my wife
inferno_matrix2003: interested
inferno_matrix2003: you don't have to be rude
lorrafaye: Oh yeah sure I always sleep with complete strangers
lorrafaye: give me a break
inferno_matrix2003: ok not into that is fine
inferno_matrix2003: wish u would consider it, I would love to see her with you
lorrafaye: Good for you
inferno_matrix2003: have you ever been video taped
lorrafaye: what?
inferno_matrix2003: video taped
lorrafaye: Yes I can read
inferno_matrix2003: wanted to video tape a gal and my wife
lorrafaye: But if you mean something perverted, no
lorrafaye: Oh god go away
inferno_matrix2003: don't pretend that you are innocent lil gal
inferno_matrix2003: I know better
lorrafaye: *LAUGH*
inferno_matrix2003: I thought so
lorrafaye: You need to get a life, man
inferno_matrix2003: you need to open up to new things
lorrafaye: You think that you can just go around lesbian chat rooms and find a dyke to sleep with your wife so YOU can get off?
lorrafaye: Right
inferno_matrix2003: I was just making a proposition
lorrafaye: And I already said fuck off
inferno_matrix2003: could you do it for me
inferno_matrix2003: I could hit it from the back while you eat my wife
lorrafaye: Do you have the brain damage?
inferno_matrix2003: I bet you have a fine ass
lorrafaye: Get a life
inferno_matrix2003: I know your pussy is soaked right now
lorrafaye: Oh please.
inferno_matrix2003: do you shave your kitty
lorrafaye: Maybe from tears of laughter about who pathetic you are
lorrafaye: how
inferno_matrix2003: you are so flustered that you cannot even spell
lorrafaye: No it's 5:30sm on new years day, retard
lorrafaye: am
inferno_matrix2003: haha
inferno_matrix2003: sm, like s and m
inferno_matrix2003: see you do have a dirty mind
inferno_matrix2003: do you ever get with men?
lorrafaye: Even if I have a dirty mind doesn't mean I want to fuck your wife you pathetic fuck. Go whack it over someone else.
inferno_matrix2003: are you bi or les
lorrafaye: You obviously have brain worms
lorrafaye: I told you before.
inferno_matrix2003: I am asking if you have EVER been with a man?
lorrafaye: That's none of your business
inferno_matrix2003: jeez you are secretive
inferno_matrix2003: why it is not like I am your neighbor
inferno_matrix2003: that is the beauty of the web
lorrafaye: Uh, I don't want to talk to some horny male cretin. Get the hint?
inferno_matrix2003: then why have you stayed here with me for this long
inferno_matrix2003: secretly you want my cock
lorrafaye: It's entertaining to laughat you
inferno_matrix2003: and to eat my wife don't you
lorrafaye: Keep dreaming asshole
inferno_matrix2003: ohhh your mean that is sexy
inferno_matrix2003: I just wanted to know if your pussy is tight that is all
inferno_matrix2003: or do you use toys and such
inferno_matrix2003: OK, can I ask a serious ?, why do les use toys that simulate a man what is the point?
inferno_matrix2003: if you want cock go get cock for chrissakes
inferno_matrix2003: I am talking to you bitch


current mood: annoyed

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Friday, December 7th, 2001
11:06 am - my website needs you!

i make myself a cretin just by simply writing this post... but here goes:

would any of you consider yourselves "good writers?" well im looking for people that might wanna post at my website. to be honest, i dont care WHAT you post about, or WHO you offend. this is an open invitation to all of you who have the knack for writting, and want an open place to put it. along with your posts you can use basic html too. so you can post more than just writing/articles. you can post pics on the page as well. see something funny on the net youd like to share with us? jot it down and post the link on the site. this is just an open invitation for you to put your mark on my lil whitespace of the web. if you are interested, email me with the username youd like to use, a password that you can remember, and your email address.

Trevor aka Psychotic Pimp
[email protected]om

P.S.: if youd like to know how the domain name came about, just ask.

current mood: hyper

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Monday, November 26th, 2001
7:30 pm

OK. I'm posting this on behalf of Nokturna.

cretin: To many people it is.
nokturna: like how overweight tho
cretin: And then they coin that stupid saying "Big is beatiful".
cretin: A girl of 5' 7 should not weigh more than 150.
nokturna: by who's standards?
cretin: Give or take 5 pounds or so since some girls are more muscular than others.
cretin: Not by a standard but by what I know looks good.
cretin: But of course there's medical weight charts that'll back me up from a medical stand point.
cretin: A health stand point.
cretin: I don't expect a girl that height to weight 120 or something like that.
nokturna: did you know that those "medical" charts were made in the 1950's and that the AVERAGE woman now is 5'6" and weighs 145 - 165 pounds?
cretin: I'm pretty damn reasonable with figure.
cretin: The medical chart that I looked at takes into account all different heights.
nokturna: what about frame tho
cretin: It takes into account the frame as well.
nokturna: *ponders*
cretin: The weight that I mentioned was an estimate as far as looks is concerned. People carry weight differently.
nokturna: Anna Nicole Smith???
cretin: Not my type.
cretin: I have seen a girl of 5' 7 and 150 lbs (according to her). She was at the borderline of getting chubby.
cretin: So I'd generally figure that 155 or 160 will be too much for me.
cretin: At that weight a belly starts to be prominent.
nokturna: so a "normal" woman is out of the question?
cretin: Arms get chubbier.
nokturna: what you are looking for is someone who is built like either barbie or a 14 year old boy
cretin: What's normal to you?
cretin: No, Barie plus a few pounds is just fine.
nokturna: normal to me is whatever anyone is comfortable in their own skin in
cretin: I just don't want chubby.
cretin: Barbie*
nokturna: *yawn*
cretin: How tall are you and how much do you weigh?
nokturna: sending you a pic
cretin: Oh, you're doomkytn!
nokturna: oh
nokturna: ya
nokturna: you know me?
cretin: I "know" ginger.
nokturna: and she's not what you are looking for?
cretin: No.
cretin: Again, I'm NOT looking for toothpick thin!
cretin: Why is it so damn hard for overweight women to understand that when a guy expresses dislike of her figure that it does not mean he's looking for paper thin???
nokturna: it just seems that most men oggle boney girls more
cretin: Between overiweight and boney I'd take boney but really I'm looking for the midway.
cretin: A girl for me needs to be soft.
cretin: Many women, instead of dieting and excercising (and possibly getting a liposuction), they expect men to like them big. Well, for too many women that means eventually settling for a guy that's not so great.
nokturna: really?
cretin: Yep.
cretin: Or they live their lives complaining that guys are so shallow and they end up with nobody.
nokturna: hrmmmm
nokturna: see i think my bf would beg to differ with you on that one
cretin: I didn't say ALL!
cretin: Some guys like big, and I used to work with one of them.
nokturna: you said many tho
cretin: Yes, many.
cretin: Of the girls/women in their 20s that I've come across, many are still single.
cretin: Of the ones that are overweight.
nokturna: sounds like you have come across girls
cretin: The other ones tend to be single mothers.
nokturna: we women are much more self confident than that
cretin: Weight problems and kids I see as the main reason for single women in their 20s and beyond.
cretin: Except for women with mental problems or other more severe issues.
nokturna: abuse?
cretin: Sure.
nokturna: abuse from men who decided that they could "change" the woman they were with into something the woman did not want to be?
cretin: But I'm focusing here on "normal" women.
cretin: I'm focusing on the ones that are single and at least passively looking.
nokturna: good luck finding a "normal" gal in this day and age
cretin: Very little into material things.
cretin: I kinda like the goth look.
cretin: Except for a car.
nokturna: well there aren't that many of us here and those that are are "unsavory to you"
cretin: Unsavory, huh?
nokturna: you know too fat, too motherly or too taken
cretin: I met an 19 year old goth girl, but she's psychotic I believe.
nokturna: what's her name?
cretin: Cute and slender, but issues definitely.
cretin: Motherly would do for something casual.

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