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crappy room-mates' Journal
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Below are the 3 most recent journal entries recorded in crappy room-mates' LiveJournal:

Wednesday, March 24th, 2004
2:44 am
yea. fuck yea.
ahhh Jared is man-God.
that is all.
lots of upheaval in life lately.
LJ drama,
parents and family found it type drama. things not so good
not so bad either.
loves jared.
will write more tomorrow. yes yes yes
Wednesday, March 3rd, 2004
3:55 pm
I bought a huge container of cream cheese. My roomies ate it all and bought a new, smaller one. So I just used their new one in a dip I made.
Sunday, September 8th, 2002
2:48 pm
my first entry. THE first entry!
yep. i moved out last month with 2 girls. one is adorable and oh so nice and great to live with. the other is a complete bitch.
she picked the house. she has made a bunch of major decisions that are really quite shitty. and she is making life miserable for me. alot of the time.
so. yeah. ill tell you all about her and the shitty things she does. all in good time. and i hope you all have stories to share on the same subject.. good luck!

Current Mood: blah