Papers by John Stackhouse
Oxford University Press eBooks, Jun 30, 2022
‘Original evangelicalism’ discusses the precursors of evangelicalism. Evangelicals differ from Ca... more ‘Original evangelicalism’ discusses the precursors of evangelicalism. Evangelicals differ from Catholics and Orthodox Christians in that they champion the Bible as the supremely authoritative guide to faith and life. Indeed, the self-understanding of evangelicals tends to leap directly from the pages of the Bible to the Reformation of the sixteenth century. The topics of Puritanism and Pietism are also worthy of consideration. There are a number of notable “ur-evangelicals,” including Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, and John Wesley. For evangelicals, genuine Christianity is focused on the evangel, purified from ecclesiastical and social errors, and gratefully dutiful in obeying, and extending the influence of, the Word of God.
Oxford University Press eBooks, Nov 6, 2017
No tradition of Christianity loves and venerates the Bible more than does evangelical Protestanti... more No tradition of Christianity loves and venerates the Bible more than does evangelical Protestantism. The history of this love affair dates back to Evangelicalism’s extended roots in the sixteenth century. In fact, precisely because evangelicals tend to set aside other religious resources such as liturgies, creedal statements, sacramental rituals, and clerical hierarchies in favor of the Bible, the identity, activity, and vitality of evangelicals has depended crucially upon the Bible in their midst. This chapter surveys how the Bible has figured in evangelical life and suggests how the role of the Bible is under stress amid sweeping changes in contemporary evangelicalism’s theology, piety, and mission.
Oxford University Press eBooks, Dec 3, 2010
T&T Clark Handbook of Ecclesiology
Canadian Evangelicalism in the Twentieth Century, 1993
Philosophia Christi, 2016
Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses, 1992
, MB R3T 2N2. The research for this article was completed with assistance from the Social Science... more , MB R3T 2N2. The research for this article was completed with assistance from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, through the University of Manitoba. their &dquo;Graham crusade decision.&dquo;4 873-90; Donald A. Clelland and Thomas C. Hood, "In the Company of the Converted:
Making the Best of It, 2008
This chapter examines the thoughts and views of German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer on the role... more This chapter examines the thoughts and views of German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer on the role of Jesus Christ and the Church in society. Bonhoeffer maintained that he and his fellow Christians must not only focus on resolving the current crisis and alleviating their current distress but they must also build for the future on behalf of those who would succeed them. Though he retained the emphasis upon discipleship from his earlier writings, he has also moved beyond the model discipleship as simple obedience to Christ's commandments he advocates particularly in Discipleship.

Humble Apologetics, 2002
Investigates principles of epistemology that guide all decision making and, more specifically, re... more Investigates principles of epistemology that guide all decision making and, more specifically, religious decisions. Epistemological principles discussed include hypothetical thinking (human thoughts are provisional guesses); graduated assent (we ought to proportion our assent to the apparent grounds and importance of what is to be believed); truth as understood in terms of coherence, correspondence, and pragmatic value; and of faith as an act of commitment anchored in, yet going beyond, what we think we know. The chapter goes on to offer both substantive and functional definitions of religion and recommends a method of deciding among religious options. Having come to the best conclusion possible, one must take a step of trust and commitment: an act of faith. Beneath and within all this human effort is the reality that because religious decision is not just intellectual but an act of the will, the Holy Spirit must turn a person away from sin to love God.

Historical papers, 1994
According to John's Gospel, Jesus prayed to his Father on behalf of his disciples on the night be... more According to John's Gospel, Jesus prayed to his Father on behalf of his disciples on the night before his death. A few verses from the account of this prayer may help focus our attention on what has proved to be a slippery problematic indeed, namely, secularization. "They do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong to the world. Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. As you have sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world" (John 17:16-18 NRSV). In David Marshall's ambitious book, Secularizing the Faith: Canadian Protestant Clergy and the Crisis of Belief, 1850Belief, -1940, 1 , 1 he intends to show (in his own words) that "the dominant trend in Canadian Protestant history from some time during the Victorian era has been the accommodation of the clergy and churches to a society growing more secular, not a march of progress towards the Kingdom of God." 2 He goes on to discuss two of the main denominations in Ontario of the time as, one supposes, indicators of this national Protestant trend. And he finds what he thinks are powerful indicators of this sweeping trend. The question of whether the church becomes too cosy with the world, whether it sells out its identity and mission to an identity and agenda constructed elsewhere, is a perennial and important one. Answering it requires historical and social scientific analysis. I suggest today, though, that it requires more than that -and probably more than most scholars are prepared, at least as scholars, to offer. In brief, I suggest that defining and determining "internal secularization" requires theological
Oxford University Press eBooks, May 26, 2022
… : Evangelicalism in Australia, Britain, Canada and …, 1994
Amazing Grace: Evangelicalism in Australia, Britain, Canada, and the United States Book by George... more Amazing Grace: Evangelicalism in Australia, Britain, Canada, and the United States Book by George A. Rawlyk, Mark A. Noll; 1994. Read Amazing Grace: Evangelicalism in Australia, Britain, Canada, and the United States at Questia library.
... and egalitarian views of women's roles and comes up with a paradigm that is evenhanded, ... more ... and egalitarian views of women's roles and comes up with a paradigm that is evenhanded, orthodox, contemporary, and temporary. That is, he uses historical and eschatological lenses to look to both the past and the future to form a realistic model for Christian men and women ...
Can I Believe?
This chapter offers a brief challenge to the reader to undertake due diligence and to come to a p... more This chapter offers a brief challenge to the reader to undertake due diligence and to come to a prompt decision in the matter of religious choice. One must do one’s homework, yes, but without undue delay. For why not enjoy a better life as soon as one can?
Church History
A dozen years ago, I was sitting in a suburban Vancouver church on a Saturday afternoon, waiting ... more A dozen years ago, I was sitting in a suburban Vancouver church on a Saturday afternoon, waiting for my young sons’ piano recital to start. I looked around the rented facility, new to me, and noticed an impressionistic painting of the crucifixion toward the front of the sanctuary.
Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses
Papers by John Stackhouse