Post your goodies here! Showcase individual items, or post a link to your online store or gallery. Pictures are awesome, but put them behind a cut if they're really big. Auction listings and fixed-price sales are both welcome.
Items being advertised must be handmade or DIY. They don't have to be made out of Canadian materials-- the only requirement is that they are being shipped from a Canadian address.
Feel free to post non-sale posts if they are related to crafting in Canada-- notices about craft fairs, queries about materials suppliers, and so on.
Browse, click lots of links, and buy Canadian! If you're looking for a specific kind of item and don't see anything listed here, post a message describing what you're after-- maybe someone can point you in the right direction.
Yes, we only allow ads for items being sold in Canada. No, we are not 'boycotting' or 'censoring' DIYers from other countries. The purpose of this community is to match up Canadian crafters with Canadian buyers so that they don't have to deal with the hassle of doing business across borders.