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Craft Girls
[Most Recent Entries] [Calendar View] [Friends]

Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Crafty Girls' LiveJournal:

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Monday, June 3rd, 2013
2:16 pm
Wednesday, April 10th, 2013
2:49 pm
Crazy bird
+++++Collapse )
Thursday, March 7th, 2013
11:50 am
Me again with some awesome new listings!
Renewed a bunch of my most popular listings! Check em out before they're gone!

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012
6:30 pm
Christmas in July Sale!
Hello everyone! As a promotional bid we’re having a Christmas in July Sale at my shop, Creative Charmer! 15% everything in my store! Great chance to stock up on some cute and quirky presents :) Enter code: JULYCHRISTMAS12
Saturday, January 15th, 2011
3:37 pm
Thursday, December 30th, 2010
5:11 pm
White Rabbit Cameo Necklace Giveaway - Ends Jan. 6

Christmas will come twice this year for someone lucky!  I decided to giveaway this cute necklace so it could find a new owner. How to enter?

Mandatory Entry:
  • Leave a comment in my journal with your name and a way to contact you.
  • Blog, facebook or tweet about this giveaway (leave a link with your post letting me know you've done so.)
  • Heart on Etsy ( leave your etsy username)
Extra entries: ( Leave a separate comment for each extra entry)
  • share this giveaway on any other networking site, spread the word! More links - more chances to win !
Giveaway is open worldwide! I will choose the lucky winner with  after 12:00 pm EST on Jan. 6, 2011 and one of the commenter will win! I will contact that lucky one through the e-mail address. If I won't hear back from the winner within 3 days, a new number will be chosen.

Good luck! 

Friday, December 3rd, 2010
11:42 am
20% off sale at MoiraCoon's Shinies

Take 20% off all items in BOTH my Etsy and ArtFire shops through Monday, December 6th with coupon code LJDEC2010

Interested in my work, but can’t justify spending money on yourself during the holidays? In my ArtFire shop, you can add my pieces to your Amazon Wish List by clicking the “Add To Amazon Wish List” link along the left side of each item screen to let friends and family know what you’re wishing for!
Wednesday, November 24th, 2010
2:10 pm
Welcome to the world of "Goodthings"!
Vintage style jewelry and fun funky accessories, made with pleasure and love!

Thursday, October 7th, 2010
9:52 pm
Monday, August 30th, 2010
3:48 pm
Wednesday, July 28th, 2010
11:01 am
Wednesday, July 7th, 2010
8:07 am
Saturday, June 26th, 2010
6:44 pm
Sunday, May 30th, 2010
8:53 pm
Восточный костюм.
Хочу показать Вам свою последнюю масштабную работу.Больше вышивки,нарядов для выпускниц ,украшений и сценической одежды Вам можете посмотреть у меня в ЖЖ
Буду рада новым гостям и друзьям.

Костюм в деталяхCollapse )
Saturday, May 15th, 2010
5:01 pm
Thursday, May 13th, 2010
12:07 am
Vintage Antique,Retro Kitschy,cute Style Handmade Jewelry
Hello. I opened my etsy store recently. I make vintage antique,retro kitschy,cute style Jewelry,accessories.

thank you:)

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Monday, April 5th, 2010
3:54 pm
Friday, April 2nd, 2010
12:20 pm
Stocking sun-dress
Good afternoon! I am a designer of clothes and accessories.I invite to visit my page and enjoy my works. It one of my works.Pleasant viewing!

another photoCollapse )
Saturday, March 6th, 2010
5:54 pm
Buy my stuff on etsy:

I went shopping and got some leather necklace chords and a thing to display my stuff on. =)

What I have been up to:

This is for sale on etsy:

This was given to someone in a craft swap on
Sunday, February 21st, 2010
2:59 pm
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