? ?
20 April 2008 @ 10:12 pm
I really enjoy making SuJu themes, and since I'm crazy I decided it would be fun to try to make themes for each individual member. To see if this would even work I tried making a Sungmin theme. It worked! I'm not sure if there would be enough photos for some of the members (even this one was a bit of a stretch), but I'm sure I could make at least Eeteuk and Eunhyuk ones (what with all the Sukira pics), probably Donghae, definitely Heechul as he is a camera whore, and I'm going to do my best to make a Geng one because he is my favourite. However before I try, does anyone even want them? Or would you rather use the one with everyone in it, instead of just a single member? If there's some want for them, I will definitely try, but if no one wants them then there is not much point!

Anyway!! Caps are from,, Super Market, and Soompi. Hooray!!


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Music: Immaculate Machine - Broken Ship
20 April 2008 @ 10:06 pm
I've updated my Super Junior theme!!


Full preview and zip here.
Music: Epik High - 우산 (feat. 윤하)
15 April 2008 @ 09:18 pm
This one's for calixa, who I promised this to about... er, a year and a half ago. >_> Images are mostly from Thanks to my lemontart for helping me out once again!! Enjoy!

Wang Leehom

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mood: happy
Music: Loveholic - Sad Story
I would like to lock BSG's cinematographer in a room with Joss Whedon's. Maybe the latter could teach the BSG guy that making a show dark and depressing doesn't have to mean it's all grey and murky... In other words, I had a tough time making this thing look okay. Why so murky, dude? Why?

Anyway, this is for hecatesknickers, who capped some eps for me so that I could finally finish this! Other caps are by me,, and There are absolutely no caps in this from season 4, there are only caps up to the last episode in season 3. I'm sure I'll be updating this for season 4 one day, but probably not until we get nicer caps (did I mention the murky?). Enjoy!


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mood: pensive
Music: Ibadi - Sunny Came Home
02 April 2008 @ 05:18 pm
This one took a long time, but I think it was worth it! There are images from all five seasons, although less from the last two because by the time I got to season 4 I had already made all the moods and grown attached to them too much to replace them... Anyway, all caps are from Screencap-Paradise. Enjoy!

Angel (General)

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mood: satisfied
Music: Bluedawn - Sarang
16 March 2008 @ 01:09 am
Woo!! More free time = more mood theming time!! Images are from here, as well as Soompi and Also thanks to lemontart for helping me with those last problem moods!

FT Island

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mood: pleased
Music: Laura Marling - Ghosts
05 March 2008 @ 10:44 pm
Hey look, I made a mood theme! Thanks to my wonderful lemontart for capping the movie for me, and the lovely twirls for helping me with finding photos. The theme's about 90% movie caps, and 10% behind the scenes caps and other photos. By the way, Glen and Marketa are going to be touring the US soon, so if you have a chance to get tickets, take it. Seeing them live is even better than the movie, if that's possible.


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Music: Nell - It's Okay
08 November 2007 @ 11:42 pm
Okay, sorry everything's a mess on the community at the moment, all the links are broken because my domain has expired! I'm currently moving every link to my new domain but it's gonna take at least til Sunday for me to get all the posts back up and running. There are a lot of links on this thing. Aiee.

However, if there's a mood theme you'd like to download right now, comment here with your e-mail address and the theme you want, and I'll send it to you attached to an e-mail in the next couple days!

ETA: Okay, everything should be updated now! If you see any broken links please let me know, I'm sure I've missed something somewhere.
Music: Nell - Ottoke Saengakhae
04 August 2007 @ 09:34 pm
I'm afraid I'm going in for surgery on Tuesday and I won't be online for at least a few weeks afterwards, so if you have any problems or questions during that time I won't be able to reply. Your best bet is to check out the Troubleshooting page and the FAQs. If you're still having problems, read the comments on the troubleshooting page and the main how-to page - there's about a 99.999% chance that your question's already been answered before. If not, I'll definitely answer you when I get back.

Anyway, caps in this one are from Screencap Paradise.

Winifred "Fred" Burkle

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Music: Darren Hanlon - Romance Is Deafening
04 August 2007 @ 09:16 pm
All caps are from the beautiful Screencap Paradise. Hooray!


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Music: Forest City Lovers - Lost Parts