Papers by International Journal of Business and Applied Social Science (IJBASS)

Article, 2023
This study examined the effects of intellectual capital on the future financial performances of C... more This study examined the effects of intellectual capital on the future financial performances of Consumer Non-Cyclicals companies in Indonesia. Using panel data of 60 observations for the period from 2019-2021. The sample was obtained using a purposive sampling method through some criteria. The result of the study shows that Capital Employed (VACE) affects positively and significantly the company's Future Financial Performance measured using revenue growth and employee productivity, Human Capital affects positively and significantly employee productivity, while STVA is not enough to affect the company's future financial performance. This study has several limitations, one of them is the quality of data that is still lacking, especially when the company's data is not detailed and often researchers have to drill down and make their conclusion about the data. Suggestions for further research are expected to use better data quality to ensure the robust best model to make a better conclusion that can be drawn about the effect of intellectual capital on the firm's financial performance.

March, 2020
This study examines four variables namely leadership style, job satisfaction, motivation, and nur... more This study examines four variables namely leadership style, job satisfaction, motivation, and nurse performance. The purpose of this study is to analyze and explain the effect of leadership and job satisfaction on nurse performance by testing individual motivation as intervening. The research respondents were nurses with government employees who worked at Regional Public Hospital (RSUD) Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Mojokerto city, Indonesia. A total of 117 were sampled for this study. The analysis technique is descriptive and linear regression for confirmation on a structural equation model built by the researcher. The quantitative approach was chosen to explain the influence between research variables. Data collection used a questionnaire. The results of this study found that the leadership style had led to individual motivational behaviour which ultimately had a positive impact on nurse performance. Nurse Job satisfaction affects individual motivation and nurse performance.

March, 2020
This study aims to determine the effect of knowledge management on organizational performance, th... more This study aims to determine the effect of knowledge management on organizational performance, the effect of skills on organizational performance, the effect of organizational commitment on organizational performance, the influence of knowledge management on organizational commitment, the effect of skills on organizational commitment, the influence of knowledge management on organizational performance through organizational commitment, the influence of skills on the organizational performance of PT. Persariran through organizational commitment. The study was conducted on PT. Persariran. The sampling technique uses saturated samples involving 65 employees. Data analysis uses path analysis. Based on data analysis, it is known that knowledge management influences organizational performance partially. Work skill variables affect partially organizational performance. Variable organizational commitment partially affects organizational performance. Knowledge management variables affect organizational commitment partially. The skill variable partially influences organizational commitment. The influence of knowledge management on organizational performance is 0.522. The influence of knowledge management on performance through organizational commitment is 0.649 x 0.846 = 0.549. In this case, the indirect effect is greater than the direct effect so it can be said that the work organization's commitment variable is intervening. The direct effect of skills on organizational performance is 0.620. While the influence of skills on organizational performance through organizational commitment is 0.798 x 0.846 = 0.675. In this case, the indirect effect is greater than the direct effect so it can be said that the work organization's commitment variable is intervening.

March, 2020
This work presents insights on trade union member employees' expectations of union membership and... more This work presents insights on trade union member employees' expectations of union membership and its association with their perceptions of job dissatisfaction at a Scottish university. For over five decades, employees in trade unions have reported higher levels of dissatisfaction with their jobs than non-unionized employees in studies from different countries. The question of trade union membership and job dissatisfaction remains open to inquiry because previous studies used quantitative analyses, yet industrial relations scholars still do not possess a salient explanation for why the phenomenon exists. In contrast to those studies, this work used a qualitative approach of 23 interviews with trade union member employees. The results of the present work contribute to an area in need of data, as the expectations of trade union membership presented here were gathered from a diverse group of trade union member employees to which contemporary trade unions are focusing their recruitment efforts.

Article, 2020
This study on employees' participation on decision making and employees' productivity was elicite... more This study on employees' participation on decision making and employees' productivity was elicited to determine the extent to which employee participation in developing the mission statement, employee participate in policies and procedure formulation, and employees' participation in the bonus/benefit determination enhance employees' productivity. A total of 3901 populations were studied and 363 sample sizes was used to determine the effect of employees' participation in decision making on employees' productivity in Ebonyi state. The survey method was adopted; questionnaires and interviews were used for data collection. Descriptive statistics and Simple linear regression model was used. The findings show that there is a significant positive relationship between employees' participation in decision making and employees' productivity. The study, therefore, recommends among others that the management of the institutions especially academic institutions should continue to allow employees to participate in the decision-making process for increasing productivity.

IJBASS, 2020
The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in the financial performance of Indonesi... more The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in the financial performance of Indonesian banks before and after the acquisition during the period 2002-2017. There were 41 merger and acquisition transactions during this period conducted by foreign and domestic investors/banks. The analysis of this study was conducted on two groups, the first group is a sample of bank acquisitions conducted by foreign investors/banks, and the second group is a sample of bank acquisitions conducted by domestic investors/banks. Samples collected from 24 local private banks, which were acquisitions in the period 2002-2017. Data from annual reports and bank publications derived from the Financial Services Authority (OJK). Statistical Methods used in this study were descriptive statistics, t-test, and Wilcoxon Test. Empirical evidence has shown that in both sample groups, credit quality improved. However, in the sample group of cross-border acquisitions, there was also an improvement in management compliance with regulatory regulations where the minimum reserve requirement increased, while the capital adequacy ratio increased only for banks that were acquired by domestic investors/banks.

Article, 2020
The man by nature tries and develops his activity for a better, richer and happier life, which in... more The man by nature tries and develops his activity for a better, richer and happier life, which in its essence means fulfilling diversified material, spiritual and cultural needs. 1 Government, social-political communities or public legal entities, contemporary entities and institutions with forms of organization, with mechanism, and their instruments based on laws, must offer an organized life and opportunities for fulfilling general and common needs. Up to date, theoretical and practical knowledge shows that basic needs (security, education, healthcare, protection, jurisprudence, etc.) can be fulfilled more easily, faster, and more successfully, more rationally and continually, with higher quantity and quality with better and fairer organizing of the state and of the public legal entities of the institutions that respond to requests on realization of the new social and economic order of the world. 2 The healthcare sector in Kosovo is financed mainly on income taxes, taxes, and co-payments, whereas out-of-pocket private payments are very high and include about 40% of costs for healthcare services. 3 The budget for healthcare allocated by the government in the year 2015 was in total 163,760,703 million €, whereas the participation of budget for healthcare out of Kosovo's total budget is 9.73., and 2,79% of GLP, that provided 90.72 € per citizen within one year! PHC is financed through transfers from the central budget to municipalities on specific grant form, on the amount 42,085,036 € that includes 28 % of the budget provided for healthcare. SHC and THC are financed by the Ministry, and it includes over 72% of the budget provided for healthcare. (PHC-primary healthcare, SHC-secondary healthcare, THC-tertiary healthcare). The purpose of this paper The purpose of this study is to explore the theoretical and practical aspects of public health financing and its impact on a specific environment, in particular the health sector in Kosovo, the positive and negative factors, efficiency, and application of public financing standards in the health department in Kosovo.

IJBASS, 2020
The dairy industry seems to have convinced the food industry that whey is a miracle product. The ... more The dairy industry seems to have convinced the food industry that whey is a miracle product. The list of supposed benefits it gives to food is as long as your arm. Some of the benefits may be real. Whey is the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled and strained. It is a by-product of the manufacture of cheese or casein and has several commercial uses. To produce cheese, rennet or an edible acid is added to heated milk. This makes the milk coagulate or curdle, separating the milk solids (curds) from the liquid whey. Sweet whey is the byproduct of rennet-coagulated cheese and acid whey (also called sour whey) is the byproduct of acid-coagulated cheese. Sweet whey has a pH greater than or equal to 5.6, acid whey has a pH less than or equal to 5.1. Whey is also a great way to add sweetness to a product without having to list sugar as an ingredient as whey contains up to 75% lactose. And it sounds healthy. This study is done to research the examinations for the production of mozzarella cheese from Cow's milk, after research and analyses of a physical-chemical peculiar feature of whey from coagulum. We have followed the processes from the drying of whey from the coagulum analyzer's physical-chemical peculiar feature. We carried out three experiments. For every experiment, we took three patterns and analyzed the physical-chemical. The calculation was appraised statistically. This paper deals with the research of% of whey fat during the process of milk production from standardized to non-standardized milk. Where% of whey fat should be an economic indicator for standardizing milk for dairy production.
International Journal of Business and Applied Social Science, 2020
China's One Belt and One Road initiative is meaningful in building new types of international rel... more China's One Belt and One Road initiative is meaningful in building new types of international relations. China and Russia share similarities in their histories of development, industrial structures, and geographical locations, which are instrumental in building the China-Russia Free Trade Zone. However, the existing structure of the merchandise trade between the two countries lacks variety. Additionally, the protectionist trade policy creates barriers to the setup of the China-Russia Free Trade Zone. Nevertheless, building the China-Russia Free Trade Zone promotes the development of One Belt and One Road and the common progress of China and Russia and benefits the whole world. Therefore, establishing One Belt and One Road-based China-Russia Free Trade Zone is presented with both opportunities and challenges.

International Journal of Business and Applied Social Science, 2020
This paper examines the dynamics of the location patterns of the foreign direct investment(FDI)su... more This paper examines the dynamics of the location patterns of the foreign direct investment(FDI)subsidiaries in manufacturing and service sectors across regions in a developing economy before and after the accession of the European Union in 2004. The data at the NUTS level 2 on regions in Poland is analyzed employing the revealed location advantage (RLA) index for industrial specialization (RLAis) of the regions. The study tests the concentration patterns of industrial sectors along with the industrial specialization level of regions' participating foreign enterprises across all regions of Poland. The findings allow answering for the presented hypothesis testing the level of industrial specialization across regions and its impact on narrowing industrial specialization, wages and the level of R&D investment. The results determine that the location of foreign firms in service-related industries is concentrating mostly in the largest agglomerations with the presence of large markets and universities. While, also, several regions seem to be able to narrow their manufacturing specializations, they generally locate at, or near, the legacy centers of those industrial sectors. This provides answers for, and confirms the raised hypothesis and generally follows the existing theoretical path of the developed economies. The study, also, shows that Polish regions attracting a higher number of foreign service-related investments also seem to increase their industrial specialization in select manufacturing sectors that can increasingly attract R&D investment.

This paper examines the dynamics of the location patterns of the foreign direct investment(FDI)su... more This paper examines the dynamics of the location patterns of the foreign direct investment(FDI)subsidiaries in manufacturing and service sectors across regions in a developing economy before and after the accession of the European Union in 2004. The data at the NUTS level 2 on regions in Poland is analyzed employing the revealed location advantage (RLA) index for industrial specialization (RLAis) of the regions. The study tests the concentration patterns of industrial sectors along with the industrial specialization level of regions' participating foreign enterprises across all regions of Poland. The findings allow answering for the presented hypothesis testing the level of industrial specialization across regions and its impact on narrowing industrial specialization, wages and the level of R&D investment. The results determine that the location of foreign firms in service-related industries is concentrating mostly in the largest agglomerations with the presence of large markets and universities. While, also, several regions seem to be able to narrow their manufacturing specializations, they generally locate at, or near, the legacy centers of those industrial sectors. This provides answers for, and confirms the raised hypothesis and generally follows the existing theoretical path of the developed economies. The study, also, shows that Polish regions attracting a higher number of foreign service-related investments also seem to increase their industrial specialization in select manufacturing sectors that can increasingly attract R&D investment.

The problem with the most of the developing economies is that their monetary policy is constraine... more The problem with the most of the developing economies is that their monetary policy is constrained by external shocks and developed economies central banks especially FED and ECB. In this research, we examine the effects of major external shocks like global oil price shocks, foreign interest rate shocks and global food price shocks on the major macro variables of Pakistan which creating hurdles for the SBP to achieve its monetary policy objectives independently. The results stating that the global oil price and global food price shocks have direct impacts on the major macro variables of Pakistan and put inflationary pressure on the Pakistan economy which making difficult for the central bank to achieve its predetermined dual objective of monetary policy i.e. full employment and stable inflation. Additionally, we examine how the changes in US monetary policy effects Pakistan economy and find that positive foreign interest rate shock has minor impacts on the major macro variables of Pakistan except for the exchange rate and domestic inflation rates which is also imposing an external constraint on the monetary policymaking process of Pakistan central bank. In a nutshell, all these external shocks are creating hurdles and imposing monetary constraints on the Pakistan which making difficulties for Pakistani central bank to achieve its monetary policy objectives.

The problem with the most of the developing economies is that their monetary policy is constraine... more The problem with the most of the developing economies is that their monetary policy is constrained by external shocks and developed economies central banks especially FED and ECB. In this research, we examine the effects of major external shocks like global oil price shocks, foreign interest rate shocks and global food price shocks on the major macro variables of Pakistan which creating hurdles for the SBP to achieve its monetary policy objectives independently. The results stating that the global oil price and global food price shocks have direct impacts on the major macro variables of Pakistan and put inflationary pressure on the Pakistan economy which making difficult for the central bank to achieve its predetermined dual objective of monetary policy i.e. full employment and stable inflation. Additionally, we examine how the changes in US monetary policy effects Pakistan economy and find that positive foreign interest rate shock has minor impacts on the major macro variables of Pakistan except for the exchange rate and domestic inflation rates which is also imposing an external constraint on the monetary policymaking process of Pakistan central bank. In a nutshell, all these external shocks are creating hurdles and imposing monetary constraints on the Pakistan which making difficulties for Pakistani central bank to achieve its monetary policy objectives.

In this paper, we investigated empirically the financial performance of energy firms in Greece fo... more In this paper, we investigated empirically the financial performance of energy firms in Greece for the time period 2012-2015 with the use of the well-known Altman test. The results indicated that all firms in the energy industry are financially distressed and are characterized by lack of liquidity, low productivity and high leverage for the whole time period under examination. This means that there is a clear danger of oligopoly formation in the energy market, with its negative outcomes in prices and energy provision stability. Certain policy measures are needed in order to obtain more sustainable and consumer-friendly results. Introduction In recent years Greece has undertaken a well-structured and detailed process, ordered by the European Union (EU), to reform its energy sector in three key directions (European Commission, 2010). First, in order to enhance the role of renewable energy sources. Second, in order to limit its energy dependence on foreign sources and enhance its energy interconnections with other EU member states. And third, to increase competition in the energy sector under the dictation of the EU commission. The third target aims to increase competition in the energy sector following EU guidelines, orders, and directives. EU, in its turn, followed well known neoclassical economic dominant thoughts after 1980, where, in the place of the after war unanimity in favor of publicly regulated or owned energy monopolies, there was a complete course reverse in favor of competition (e.g. Peltzman,1976; Bishop and Kay,1988; Vickers and Yarrow,1991). Here there is also a good reform ground if it delivers (especially smaller prices for consumers, avoiding oligopoly, energy provision crises, etc.). In this paper, we will restrict our interest in the above mentioned third target of the recent energy reforms. In passing we can say for the first two targets that although they are well purposed, perhaps they are not perfectly temporally structured for Greece, since they imply higher prices and increased investments in the energy sector, thus depriving the economy of scarce resources when manufactory investments were almost annihilated during the 10 years' crisis.

This study aims to analyze the effect of performance management practices and company size on inn... more This study aims to analyze the effect of performance management practices and company size on innovation and its impact on organizational performance in 12 regional public hospitals in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. This research contemplates that performance management practices in innovation so that it has impacts on improving organizational performance. The population of the study is the managers of 12 regional public hospitals in South Kalimantan. The research sampled 241 respondents. Data analysis techniques use path analysis to support direct and indirect for organizational management. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of management is related to organizational performance through direct development of 0,778 and an indirect effect of 1,406 relating to the direct involvement of management to the organization of greater improvement, the hypothesis which states that financial management planning supports organizational performance through innovation is proven in this research. The direct effect of management size on organizational performance is 0,095 and the indirect effect is 0,128, which means that the direct effect on organizational performance is smaller than the indirect effect, so the hypothesis that increases company size on organizational support is proven to support this research. The novelty in this study reveals the research that needs to be done to support innovation at regional public hospitals in South Kalimantan in terms of administration, facilities, and infrastructure as well as human resources. Keyword's: implementation of performance management, company size, innovation, organizational performance Introduction Regional public hospitals are currently a Public Service Agency (BLU) which is an agency within the government that was formed to provide services to the community in the form of goods or services sold without prioritizing profits and in carrying out its activities based on the principles of efficiency and productivity. Regional public hospitals are public sector organizations that are not solely for profit (non-profit-oriented) but are organizations established to provide services to the public. Public demands on the quality of hospital health services have become a fundamental problem faced by some regional public hospitals in Indonesia and also in South Kalimantan. The theory underlying the thinking in this research is agency theory and goal-setting theory which states that several factors that cause an increase in organizational performance are clear goals and measurable results needed by

USA Abstract Information attacks are a constant threat to every organization. To protect their se... more USA Abstract Information attacks are a constant threat to every organization. To protect their sensitive information, organizations implement general information technology controls. An example of such controls includes system change controls (or change management controls), which are critical in ensuring the integrity, completeness, and reliability of financial information. The literature points to various evaluation methods of these controls to determine which ones to implement. The literature further shows how traditional assessment methods do not necessarily promote an effective evaluation, prioritization, and, therefore, implementation of system change controls in organizations. Alarming facts within the literature trigger analyses and identification of additional methods to assist organizations in protecting their sensitive and critical information. This research proposes a quantitative approach to assist management in evaluating system change controls using the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Through a case study, the approach is proven successful in providing a way for measuring the quality of system change controls in organizations.
This paper investigates the asset pricing implications of tax policy changes. News about tax cuts... more This paper investigates the asset pricing implications of tax policy changes. News about tax cuts decreases future tax revenues and increases future consumer demand and output. Using cross-sectional variation in industry exposure to structurally identified tax news, I develop a factor mimicking private income tax shocks. I construct an investment strategy, which generates annualized risk-adjusted returns of 5.16 % over the Fama-French 3-factor model. I rationalize the finding by arguing that firms with more elastic demands bear higher consumption risk, which works through a wealth effect.

Entrepreneurship plays an important role in economic prosperity and social stability in many deve... more Entrepreneurship plays an important role in economic prosperity and social stability in many developed countries. Entrepreneurship has been adopted as a strategy to promote economic activities among young people. There is a growing interest in understanding the various challenges of youth entrepreneurship. The main purpose of this study was to assess the challenges in entrepreneurial growth of young entrepreneurs in the Sultanate of Oman. This research was set out to investigate the obstacles that young people encounter when setting up their businesses; the current obstacles that prevent the expansion of their entrepreneurial ventures; as well as the prospects for youth entrepreneurship development in this community. The study employed a descriptive survey research type and used convenience sampling technique to collect data. A standardized questionnaire was used as an instrument to collect data to establish the perceptions of 52 young Omani entrepreneurs. This paper is significant in that it brings insights on challenges for entrepreneurship in Oman. The importance of stimulating the entrepreneurial spirit, values, and attitudes of young people and encouraging innovative business start-ups while fostering a more entrepreneur-friendly culture must be translated into actual and effective policy actions in Oman. We consider that supporting youth entrepreneurship must be an Oman's priority.
The article examines the relationship between infrastructure quality and government effectiveness... more The article examines the relationship between infrastructure quality and government effectiveness in Egypt. The hypothesis is that public private partnership can help Egypt increase its infrastructure efficiency and lower burden in government budget. The paper conclude that Egypt have a considerable opportunity to finance its infrastructure investment gap through private investment. Public-Private partnership could be adopted as it provides the fastest gains in efficiency.

Job satisfaction in work organization influences the general efficiency and effectiveness of the ... more Job satisfaction in work organization influences the general efficiency and effectiveness of the whole employees. This is usually the results of the compensation practices that predominate in a firm. This paper examined the Compensation practices and how it affects the job satisfaction of employees of selected consumer goods firms in Lagos State, Nigeria. The paper adopted the survey research design through quantitative research approach. Primary data was used through administration of 300 copies of questionnaires to employees in the selected consumer goods firms. Findings reveal that Compensation practice has a positive and significant effect on Job satisfaction (R = 0.296, Adj. R 2 =0.071, p < 0.05, F =11.497). It was found that compensation practice significantly affects job satisfaction of employees of selected consumer goods firms in Nigeria. The paper suggests that managers should always think about what compensation packages really motivate and excite their employees.
Papers by International Journal of Business and Applied Social Science (IJBASS)