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A different idea about presentation of people having disability.
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By Rameshwar Yadav "I am the resurrection and the life"-John 11:25 "To Know Christ and the Power of His Resurrection"-Philippians 3:10 "You have brought eternal victory to his resurrection Jesus came to give us this victory today"-Corus 1... more
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    • Theology
The Pentateuch, including the first five books Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy of the Old Testament reveals a profound narrative of a model of true religion and a persistent call to reformation in the midst of... more
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      PentateuchPentateuch Studies
In contemporary societies, cultural diversity is central to daily life, influenced by modern communication, global migration, and media, leading to increased multiculturalism, multifaithism, globalism, cosmopolitanism, and pluralism. This... more
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      SociologySocial TheorySociology of ReligionSocial Sciences
Feminism is the most popular, plural, and persuasive movement today because people have been recognizing it as an effort for women's rights and women's human rights globally. Praise God for this beautiful campaign that has made tremendous... more
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      Feminist TheoryFeminismFeminism and Social Justice
The creation account in the Bible, particularly in the Book of Genesis, has been a focal point for theological reflection, historical inquiry, and philosophical debate for millennia. This article explores the biblical creation narrative... more
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      Critical TheorySystematic Theology
Let us begin with questions. How can we approach reading the Book of Genesis in the 21st century? Where should we focus our attention for a deeper understanding, and how can we discuss its themes with children, teens, young adults, men,... more
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      Critical TheoryTheology
The Book of Genesis stands as a cornerstone in Judeo-Christian theology, presenting profound insights into the nature of God, the origin of the cosmos, the human condition, and the unfolding of divine redemption. This article explores the... more
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      English LiteratureTheology
Abstract The Book of Genesis, as the opening text of the Hebrew Bible, serves not only as the foundational narrative for the Judeo-Christian religious traditions but also as a complex work of ancient literature. This paper explores the... more
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      English LiteratureTheology
This paper explores four-fold aspects of the pastoral ministry and Christian ministry within the context of the Nepali church today. Thought the pastors must go through the multifaceted roles, this paper highlights their personal... more
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    • Theology and Literature
The study examines the perceptions of pre-service English teachers regarding linguistic landscape (LL) in relation to ELT classroom. It aims to find out the implications of linguistic landscapes (LLs) for pedagogical purpose in the... more
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    • Linguistic Practices and Language ideologies, Linguistic Landscapes, Teaching EAP
guidance from the initial stage of my research and with regular inspirations, genuine encouragements, facilitation and invaluable suggestions. It would not have been carried out without his kind help, support and feedback which play the... more
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    • Linguistic landscapes
It is now universally believed that mentality of the individual is inevitable to be present in the way of thinking and doing which drives the person for the particular, especially, negative attitude and vehaviour. Such behaviour is... more
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It is now universally believed that mentality of the individual is inevitable to be present in the way of thinking and doing which drives the person for the particular, especially, negative attitude and vehaviour. Such behaviour is... more
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In Diaspora, the voice of dislocated people is beguiled. The life in Diaspora is bitter, repressed, full of regrets and nostalgia.
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    • English Literature
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As a low-income country with a significant burden of disease and frequent natural disasters, the need for rehabilitation in Nepal is significant. Rehabilitation services currently available in Nepal are limited, but the government has... more
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      RehabilitationPolitical ScienceNepalMedicine