Papers by Afolabi Adedeji

The unique qualities of women can make them bearers of solutions towards achieving sustainability... more The unique qualities of women can make them bearers of solutions towards achieving sustainability and dealing with the dangers attributed to climate change. The attitudinal study utilized a questionnaire instrument to obtain perception of female construction professionals. By using a well-structured questionnaire, data was obtained on women participating in green jobs in the construction Industry. Descriptive statistics is performed on the collected data and presented in tables and mean scores (MS). In addition, inferential statistics of categorical regression was performed on the data to determine the level of influence (beta factor) the identified barriers had on the level of participation in green jobs. Barriers and the socioeconomic benefits which can guide policies and actions on attracting , retaining and exploring the capabilities of women in green jobs can be obtained from the survey data when analyzed.

The ineffective and effective management of construction materials affects construction stakehold... more The ineffective and effective management of construction materials affects construction stakeholders, the construction industry and its environment. Time is a crucial concept, which the construction student must learn to exploit in order to efficiently plan, procure and utilize materials on construction projects. Inadequate inventory should not catch construction students unawares especially when they become construction professionals. The study aimed to examine the teaching of lead time reduction in material inventory planning in the construction education. The study utilized an in-depth literature review and the conceptualization of frameworks on lead time reduction in material inventory planning in the construction education. The study revealed that lead time reduction in inventory planning of construction materials takes into account factors such as ICT, Supplier, Project details, Construction professional, Environment and Construction company factors in helping the construction student effectively understanding construction material management. In conclusion, the study would help to enrich the construction education curriculum by building the knowledge base of construction students in order to be systematic in planning, procuring and control of construction materials leading to a better construction industry and environment.

It is been over 40 years since the introduction of ICT tools and systems into the construction in... more It is been over 40 years since the introduction of ICT tools and systems into the construction industry, yet construction organizations are still unable to obtain the many potential benefits of ICT investment. The purpose of the study was to investigate the e-maturity of construction stakeholders for a web-based e-procurement platform in the construction industry. The study utilized an attitudinal survey research design and the design of a web-based e-procurement platform. Using a system block design and a use case diagram in relation with PHP programming language, MySQL, CSS and HTML a web-based e-procurement platform for tendering purposes in the construction process was developed. The study was conducted within a private tertiary institution in SouthWestern Nigeria that has the desire to exploit the potentials of a web-based e-procurement system. The sample size of one hundred (100) respondents were selected through a non-probabilistic sampling method, while a questionnaire instrument was administered. Statistical tools such as Stacked Bar chart, percentage, Wilcoxon signed rank test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test were used to analyze the data obtained. The study revealed that there is no significant difference in the e-maturity between client and contractor for a web-based e-procurement platform for tendering purposes within the institution. The study showed that the tertiary institution and its registered contractors have the same positive perspective on the benefits of utilizing a web-based e-procurement solution for tendering purposes. In conclusion, the study developed a prototype web-based e-procurement platform for tendering purposes that can be utilized for construction works within the tertiary institution. The study recommended the use of web-based e-procurement platforms due to the many benefits that can be acquired from its use. In addition, the construction industry should readily embrace ICT solutions in order to solve diverse challenges pervading the industry.

The construction industry is a very traditional sector, albeit one that is embracing new technolo... more The construction industry is a very traditional sector, albeit one that is embracing new technology faster now than at any time in its past. The purpose of the research is to assess the economics of cloud-based computing technologies in construction project delivery. The study made use of a cross-sectional survey through a questionnaire instrument distributed to construction stakeholders. The surveyed sample size represent a 58% response rate. Statistical tools of Stacked Bars and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used to present the result. The study identified the cloud-based services mostly used by construction stakeholders. The study revealed that economic benefits such as knowledge sharing, remote access of back-office activities and collaboration among construction stakeholders are evident while utilizing cloud-based computing technologies. Although, there are many benefits to the use of this technology, the study identified fear of security and data privacy, poor/slow connection to the internet, lack of physical control and costly data subscription as major threats to the efficient and effective use of cloud-based computing technologies in the construction delivery process.

The relevance of the study is to enrich the built environment curriculum. The resolve of this stu... more The relevance of the study is to enrich the built environment curriculum. The resolve of this study is to examine construction craft skill acquisition in the built environment using a competence based education approach. This study was carried out through a detailed literature base and questionnaire survey to elicit data on construction craft skills acquisition in Nigeria’s tertiary institutions. The targeted population comprised educationist and students in the faculty of environmental science. The study revealed that the students were mostly interested in acquiring three (3) major craft skills which include painting, tiling and landscaping craft skills. Acquiring construction craft skills will increase self-employment, increase business opportunities and increase employability of the students. In conclusion, major barriers in acquiring construction craft skills in tertiary institutions are lack of interest from the students and inadequacies in construction curriculum to cover the craft skills. The study developed a construction craft skills’ acquisition framework for the built environment curriculum. It was recommended that the government, National University Commission (NUC) and educators should integrate construction craft skills acquisition programmes in the built environment curriculum. Also, the National Vocational Qualification Framework (NVQF) policies for training and retraining indigenous artisans be extended to tertiary institutions to assess and license construction students in specific chosen trained construction craft skills. It is important to make the craft wage attractive in this quest.

The study examined the consistency in quality of water supply within the student halls of residen... more The study examined the consistency in quality of water supply within the student halls of residence in a Nigerian University. The water samples were collected at four different points along the supply chain for three months and both physico-chemical and bacteriological tests were conducted on the samples based on World Health Organization (WHO) and Nigeria Standard for Drinking Water (NSDW) standards concurrently. The results of the physico-chemical test showed that all the samples were within the WHO and NSDW specified permissible range except their pH (4.57-6.00). However, the bacteriological results revealed that the Escherichia Coli (E. coli) of all samples (2, 2, 4 and 28cfu/100ml) were not acceptable. In addition, the fecal coliform results of two samples (0cfu/100ml) were within WHO and NSDW permissible limit values while other samples (1,2 cfu/100ml) were contaminated by some measure of fecal element. Nevertheless, the results of Total Coliform samples of two points were 0&3cfu/100ml therefore within the acceptable limit range but, the remaining two samples points (TNTC) were not acceptable. One of the influences on the result of the bacteriological is the closeness of the water supply pipes to the sewage pipes. In conclusion, bacteriological standard required by both WHO and NSDW was not satisfied in the water supply to the halls of residents. Therefore there is urgent need for the treatment of water supply against the presence of fecal elements to forestall liable diseases for sustainable health.

Due to the alarming rate of building collapse, this study assesses building control practices in ... more Due to the alarming rate of building collapse, this study assesses building control practices in Lagos state. It examines the effectiveness of building control practices, and it also identifies the factors limiting the capacity of building control practices. To achieve these objectives, quantitative techniques were used in which 61 questionnaires were distributed to selected professionals from contracting firms within the built environment. The sample was selected using the purposive sampling technique. The data collected were processed using mean item score, percentage and ANOVA. The study revealed that not all building control measures were thoroughly observed. It was discovered from the findings that, aside from the measure of processing and scrutinising the building plans for approval, which was duly observed, no other measures were observed, and they are all equally significant. The study also identifies factors that impede adherence to building control practices, such as corruption and the bureaucratic process, which were ranked highest. Hypothesis testing revealed that there is no significant difference among the professionals in their perception of the effectiveness of building control practices. In conclusion, this study recommends regular auditing of the activities of building control agencies due to the prevalence of corruption cases among their members.
Material contributes greatly to the total cost of construction. Effective material procurement ca... more Material contributes greatly to the total cost of construction. Effective material procurement can yield significant cost savings, profit maximization and improved client satisfaction. The a influence on material procurement. research design, with the aid of mainland area of Lagos metropolis, Nigeria multilayered perceptron network model. The findings reveal volume of reputation of manufacturers/suppliers outcome of material price to predict material quality. procurement is unstable. At some time material prices are docile and pick up gradually while at other times material prices appreciate and suddenly crash. findings of the study have strong implications construction site, particularly in fast adoption of effective material between material price, material quality and time of material important in achieving construction

Out of all the professionals involved in the built environment, the most misunderstood is the
Pro... more Out of all the professionals involved in the built environment, the most misunderstood is the
Professional Builder. To avoid the dearth of the profession and ensure a sustainable profession,
the study as a social judgment aims to assess the building profession in the eyes of future
decision makers in Nigeria. Through a purposive sampling method, a structured questionnaire
was distributed to two hundred and thirty-six (236) final year students of selected private and
public universities in Lagos and Ogun state, Nigeria, termed as future decision makers. Using
SPSS 17.0, descriptive and inferential statistics test such as Mean Score, Analysis of Variance
and Factor analysis were used for the study. The results of this study indicated that future
decision makers in the selected institutions in Nigeria had very little awareness of major and
evolving roles of the professional builder. In conclusion, two (2) major areas can influence the
popularity of the profession which are the Student/Professional builders’ participation and the
Professional Associations. The study developed a framework to ensure the sustainability of the
profession by influencing the awareness level of future decision makers.

There are myriads of ICT tools in the construction industry but many construction procurement org... more There are myriads of ICT tools in the construction industry but many construction procurement organizations are yet to harness the benefits. Tertiary institutions that are at the forefront of accountability, transparency and openness, engage in a lot of construction works but majority of them do not have e-procurement sites. The aim of the study was to develop a web-based tendering protocol for procurement of construction works in a tertiary institution. The development of a web app and a survey research design was carried out for the study. For the latter, a questionnaire instrument distributed to the client representatives and contracting firms operating within a renowned tertiary institution through a convenience sampling method was utilized. A total of 58 questionnaires were returned between the two groups. The study tested hypotheses using Mann Whitney-U and T-test. The result revealed that there are no significant differences between client representatives and contractors on e-readiness and importance of implementing e-tendering in the procurement of construction works. The study developed a web-based tendering system for procurement of construction works in a tertiary institution using PHP, MYSQL, CSS and HTML. The study recommended the increase in awareness of e-tendering platforms through trainings and implementation and stakeholders should take hold of the benefits of ICT in the construction industry. There is need to create official e-tendering sites for both public and private institutions for the purpose of procurement of construction works to encourage competitiveness among different classes of contractors, enhancing transparency, accountability and proper documentation.

The female population represents one of the greatest untapped resources for economic growth and r... more The female population represents one of the greatest untapped resources for economic growth and revitalization in most sectors. The purpose of the study was to examine the socio-economics of women's inclusion in green construction. The study utilized the use of questionnaires which were distributed to female professionals in the Nigerian construction industry. A total of 120 female construction professionals were used for this study. The data gathered was analysed using SPSS v17.0 with tests such as Frequencies, Percentages, Mean Score, ANOVA, and Factor Analysis. The result revealed a low level of participation by women in green construction. Women in construction exhibited moderate participation in Solar panel manufacturing, installation, and maintenance and in the enforcement of environmentally friendly practices on-site. The study revealed that the stressful nature of works, low interest from women, low career growth/progression and low investments in green works are significant barriers affecting women's inclusion in green construction. In conclusion, the study identified three (3) socioeconomic benefits of women's inclusion in green construction. These are family/women related benefits, environment related benefits, and green energy market related benefits. The study suggested measures to increase women's participation in green construction.

The success of the Nigerian construction industry can be aligned with the use of construction pro... more The success of the Nigerian construction industry can be aligned with the use of construction project management systems, although, the industry has been maligned by issues such as building collapse, incessant delays, abandonment and cost overrun. It is therefore imperative to examine the challenges confronting construction project management system in Nigeria. In this study the descriptive survey method was adopted and data were obtained by means of inquiries using questionnaires. A sample size of fifty nine (59) construction professionals was used for the study. The study reveals that location of a project majorly influences Project Manager's decision making on project planning. It asserted the crucial importance of Management skills required in practicing construction project management. In conclusion, the result identified that passive participation from Project Manager, lack of client involvement in making decisions, provision of substandard materials, design error, lack of effective communication and poor treatment of workforce are challenges hampering the use of construction project management. The study recommends the institutionalization of construction project management practice, compulsion of adequate training and skill modification programs for construction professionals to aid the sustainability of construction project management systems in Nigeria.

Bidding is the most common means by which contractors obtain work. The construction industry acco... more Bidding is the most common means by which contractors obtain work. The construction industry accounts for approximately three quarters of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the country. It is generally believed that wrong bidding practice is a major contributor to the construction industry's inefficiency. This means that any improvement in bidding has the potential to enhance the industry's performance, improve the quality of the decision-making process and assist in achieving the strategic objective of contracting organisations. In an effort to uncover the main factors that characterise the bid/no bid decision of contracting organisations, a study to evaluate the factors that affect contractors' decisions to bid for a project and to evaluate the importance of the identified factors to decision makers was conducted. A structured questionnaire was used as the principal instrument for collecting data from respondents. A total sample of 100 was drawn from these collections of construction contractors from Lagos state. Fifty were completed and returned, representing a 50% response rate. Frequency, percentage, mean score and Spearman's correlation were used in analysing data collected for the study. The results indicate that the financial capability of clients, availability of capital and availability of material are the most important factors that contractors consider when making a bid/no bid decision. The study also reveals that competition (number and identity of competitors) does not have significant influence on contractors' bidding decisions. The study recommends that contractors should also build their reputations in the construction industry by acquiring technical competencies and capabilities as these qualities have become important considerations in assessing contractors' competiveness, as well as being key indicators of successful tendering in construction projects.

An aspect of an operational nation building would be a country that has a sustainable constructio... more An aspect of an operational nation building would be a country that has a sustainable construction industry whereby it is self-sufficient in the production of its building materials, but that is not the case. The aim of this study was to assess the entrepreneurial opportunities in the production of Building materials. A literature review approach and desk study using secondary data of net income (Profit after tax) during the period 2010 – 2014 of eight (8) building materials companies, publicly listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) were used for the study. From the study, it is evident that there are entrepreneurial prospects in the Housing and infrastructural needs, Maintenance and repairs, need for quality building materials to avoid Building collapse. These entrepreneurial opportunities gives room for huge production of Building materials such as cement, paint, tiles and steel reinforcement. In conclusion, there is a dire need for investment in the production of building materials locally rather than the heavy reliance on importation. In this exasperating times when oil prices have dwindled, the study calls for diversification to other sector. It was recommended that internally and international short term loan acquisition schemes supported by the federal government should be made available to entrepreneurs in production of building materials. Allied facilities such as improved power sector and material protection policy on imported building materials should be fast tracked.

It is difficult to fathom the words 'skilled labour shortage' in a country of over 160 million, b... more It is difficult to fathom the words 'skilled labour shortage' in a country of over 160 million, but the challenge of shortage of trained skilled construction labour is glaring in the industry. The purpose of the study was to examine Professionals' preference for Migrant Craftsmen in Lagos State. A survey research design through the administration of questionnaires was used for the study. A convenience sampling method was used for the study in a vibrant sample area Lekki, Lagos where there are high volumes of building construction activities. From the forty-five (45) construction sites visited in Lekki, Lagos only thirty (30) construction sites were responsive to the study representing a 67% response rate. The data were compiled and calculations performed using SPSS 21.0. The result showed that migrant craftsmen from major four (4) countries in West Africa namely Benin, Ghana, Niger and Togo, are preferred by construction professionals for crafts work on building construction sites. The factor influencing the choice of Migrant craftsmen is due to the shortage of skilled local Craftsmen in the construction industry. The major factors militating against the use of local craftsmen are that they cut corners in carrying out their craft, they rush their work and they are not keen on improving their trainings. The preference for Migrant craftsmen would result in an adequate supply of craftsmen in the industry and consequently unemployment for local craftsmen. It was recommended that local content Act should be enacted and enforced for construction companies in the Nigerian construction industry to ensure an adequate quota for local professionals and craftsmen on construction sites. Nigerian institutions aimed at providing trade skill improvement programs for local craftsmen should be revamped in order to obtain skills to evolve and survive in the competitive construction industry.

In Nigeria, several housing schemes have evolved over the years; embarked upon by government and ... more In Nigeria, several housing schemes have evolved over the years; embarked upon by government and private corporations at various levels, in an attempt to provide shelter for its citizens, yet housing problems still persist. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the factors affecting hous-ing and urban development projects in Lagos State. Data was obtained using 157 questionnaires addressed majorly to professionals working in the Ministry of Physical Planning and Urban De-velopment (MPPUD) Lagos State, Lagos State Physical Planning and Development Authority (LSPPDA) and Lagos State Development and Property Corporation (LSDPC). The result of the analysis reveals that housing and urban development projects provides and improves the infra-structural facilities to meet the needs of the Lagos Mega City. The major factor affecting housing and urban development projects is growing urbanization within the state, which is affecting the housing sector, making it extremely deficient in meeting the infrastructural needs of the state. In-creasing the housing output is necessary to prevent the creation of slums and slum dwellers. The government and private sector should intensify efforts towards sourcing building materials local-ly through encouragement and funding of research into those materials and its production there-by reducing the cost of housing and urban development projects and increasing the stock.

Dwellers along the coastline area of Lagos State, Nigeria, are exposed to abundant supply of the ... more Dwellers along the coastline area of Lagos State, Nigeria, are exposed to abundant supply of the natural resources of Atlantic Ocean and Lagoon water and may not have the privilege of having potable drinking water at their disposal for producing concrete. This study evaluates the characteristics of concrete produced with Atlantic Ocean and Lagoon water. Concrete produced with Tap water (regarded as potable drinking water) serves as the control experiment. Compressive strength, Workability and Density, were used to evaluate the characteristics of concrete specimens. All the concrete samples have true slump with Lagoon water concrete having low workability and both Tap and Atlantic Ocean water concrete having medium workability. The concrete specimens produced with the three types of water fall into the category of normal weight concrete as their densities lie within the range of 2200 to 2600 kg/m3 specified. The 28th day compressive strength of concrete specimens produced with Atlantic Ocean, Tap and Lagoon water are 25.0 and 33.5 N/mm2, 17.9 and 28.6 N/mm2 as well as 15.1 and 19.4 N/mm2 for mix ratios 1:3:6 and 1:2:4, respectively. The very high compressive strength of concrete specimens produced with Atlantic Ocean water notwithstanding, the high chloride content in it is detrimental to its use where reinforced steel bars are required. It was concluded that Tap water should be used in mixing concrete where strength is of major concern and Lagoon water may be used for general concrete works where strength is of less importance such as in mass concrete, floor screed and mortar.
Conference Presentations by Afolabi Adedeji

The participation of females in the construction industry holds several potentials for the indust... more The participation of females in the construction industry holds several potentials for the industry. Increased female inclusion in construction can bring about complete utilization of the full range of skills and competences available in the industry. Furthermore, more female participation can rebrand the image of the industry as pluralistic. However, empirical studies reveal that females are underrepresented in the construction industry. This paper reports the experiences of potential construction professionals namely architecture and building female students who would someday decide to remain in the construction industry or seek other career alternatives. The paper presents two different experiences: experience in school and practical work experience during industrial training. The study adopted a qualitative research design where in - depth interviews were conducted for 12 and 18 female students from architecture and building programmes respectively in a university in Nigeria. Data obtained from the interview were tape-recorded, transcribed and then analyzed with the use of the NVivo software. Building students described the course as initially complex but simple and interesting once the basic concepts were understood. Architecture students describe architecture as stressful yet interesting. 83% of the Building students interviewed indicated interest in the course and have the desire to practice building on graduation. However, only 37% of architecture students interviewed desire to practice architecture after school. Male domination was a common experience for most of the interviewees. While only 3 interviewees raised issues concerning sexual harassment during industrial training. Suggestions were made on how to increase participation of females in the construction industry which includes: the creation of a vibrant association of women in construction who would serve as role models, counselors and inspiration to female students, incentives such as scholarship for undergraduate and post graduate programmes in construction related courses should be provided to motivate female students, strict policies safe guarding women against sexual harassment and enlightenment of male colleagues on the potentials of female construction professionals to national development.

Building measurement is a course taken by students in construction related programmes. It provide... more Building measurement is a course taken by students in construction related programmes. It provides the basic skill required for evaluating the cost of proposed construction work and the calculation of final accounts for work executed. Building measurement is calculation-based and requires great skill in mensuration and a good understanding of design and construction. Competence in building measurement holds great benefits for students and the construction industry at large. Students who have an understanding in the course would likely perform better than those who have difficulties in the course. Furthermore, students who graduate with a proficiency in building measurement would likely be absorbed into the industry to augment existing building economists and replace ageing ones. However, it has been noted that students' generally have learning difficulties with calculation courses. Hence, the study sets out to identify the learning difficulties encountered by students in building measurement. The study adopted a qualitative research design with the use of in-depth semi structured interviews in order to obtain a full understanding of the difficulties encountered by students in building measurement. Twenty five students of building department from a university in Nigeria were interviewed. Data generated from the interview were tape-recorded, transcribed and then analyzed with the use of the NVivo software. The interviews revealed three sources of learning difficulties namely: lecturer, lecture and learning facilities. The interviewees noted that in some cases the teaching style of the lecturer made it difficult for students to comprehend the course. Students desired that lecturers would not assume that they already possess knowledge but rather teach them step-by-step and not rush over the lecture in a bid to cover up the course outline. The interviews further revealed insufficient examples and non-interactive nature of lectures as lecture sources of learning difficulties. Some of the students noted that examples given in class were not illustrative enough which makes comprehension difficult. The students also desired student – centered-learning that would encourage students' participation and increase understanding of the course. Lack of exposure to soft wares and indigenous textbooks on building measurement were identified as the learning facilities sources of learning difficulties. Most of the students reported that the use of soft wares would aid in visualizing and understanding the theories of construction process which is needed for building measurement. The interviewees noted that text books written by indigenous people would further increase understanding of the course. The students pointed out that foreign textbooks emphasis the use of certain building fabric that are not used in Nigeria thereby making comprehension a little difficult. Recommendations for improving students learning in building measurement include: site visits, sufficient examples, reference to indigenous textbooks, interactive teaching sessions and use of 3D drawings and videos. Learning difficulties identified in this study would be operationalized in further studies using quantitative research design with well-structured questionnaire to determine the extent of learning difficulties in building measurement among students of other higher institutions in Nigeria.

Technical Education in recent times has witnessed high patronage in term of subscription from mal... more Technical Education in recent times has witnessed high patronage in term of subscription from male and female candidates; this is against the school of thought that believes that technical-based disciplines are cut out for men. However in recent times, female candidates seem to be outperforming their male counterpart breaking the norms which tends to have defied reasonable logic. It is against this background that this study carried out comparative analysis of academic performances of male and female students studying technical-based disciplines in selected tertiary institution. Covenant University in Nigeria was chosen as a location of the study. Random sampling method was used in the study, with a sample of 80 students. A structured questionnaire in Likert scale was administered on student of technical based discipline, Eighty (80) questionnaires was administered on the students to harvest their perspective. The responses were further collated, analyzed with SPSS software, processed with Mean Item Score method and presented in tables and charts. Some factors were identified as being responsible for the trend, which includes: Age diference, emotional maturity, intelligence quotient, educational background, external interference, famiy problem, teachers challenge, complex curriculum, psychological problem, family problem, mode of subject delivery, attention to detail among others. Model was presented of an ideal metrics that influences higher performance of female students over their counterpart and what could be done to improve performance of all gender components.
Papers by Afolabi Adedeji
Professional Builder. To avoid the dearth of the profession and ensure a sustainable profession,
the study as a social judgment aims to assess the building profession in the eyes of future
decision makers in Nigeria. Through a purposive sampling method, a structured questionnaire
was distributed to two hundred and thirty-six (236) final year students of selected private and
public universities in Lagos and Ogun state, Nigeria, termed as future decision makers. Using
SPSS 17.0, descriptive and inferential statistics test such as Mean Score, Analysis of Variance
and Factor analysis were used for the study. The results of this study indicated that future
decision makers in the selected institutions in Nigeria had very little awareness of major and
evolving roles of the professional builder. In conclusion, two (2) major areas can influence the
popularity of the profession which are the Student/Professional builders’ participation and the
Professional Associations. The study developed a framework to ensure the sustainability of the
profession by influencing the awareness level of future decision makers.
Conference Presentations by Afolabi Adedeji
Professional Builder. To avoid the dearth of the profession and ensure a sustainable profession,
the study as a social judgment aims to assess the building profession in the eyes of future
decision makers in Nigeria. Through a purposive sampling method, a structured questionnaire
was distributed to two hundred and thirty-six (236) final year students of selected private and
public universities in Lagos and Ogun state, Nigeria, termed as future decision makers. Using
SPSS 17.0, descriptive and inferential statistics test such as Mean Score, Analysis of Variance
and Factor analysis were used for the study. The results of this study indicated that future
decision makers in the selected institutions in Nigeria had very little awareness of major and
evolving roles of the professional builder. In conclusion, two (2) major areas can influence the
popularity of the profession which are the Student/Professional builders’ participation and the
Professional Associations. The study developed a framework to ensure the sustainability of the
profession by influencing the awareness level of future decision makers.
construction industry resulting in issues of cost overrun, delay, high levels of construction waste, wastefulness, project abandonment, climate change etc. The purpose of the research is to examine an IT management of building materials’ planning and control processes using web-based technologies. The study made use of a desktop review of literature and a case diagram to illustrate the various interactions involved in the use of an IT system. A framework of drivers and barriers that affect the use of web-based technologies in planning and control of
building materials in order to be able to achieve IT management by Construction Managers and construction firm’s head office was developed. In conclusion, the study developed a framework of a web-based material planning and control system for construction project delivery that engenders openness, transparency and accountability in the management of building materials on construction sites.
has been integrated in the construction industry, the adoption and use of the internet has been relatively low and slow. The use of the internet for the Nigerian construction industry has been mainly used for communication rather than for many other things the platform has to offer. The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of a web-based integrated material planning and control system for construction project delivery. The study used case diagrams and a MVC model in designing the platform for the web-based system. The study revealed that using a web-based system can have the characteristics of ensuring good inventory, good retrieval system, notifications and
prompting system and a third party viewing for good over-sight of construction projects. The study recommended more innovative
use of the internet for solving many challenges confronting the construction industry.