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"Only If You Want To" (Merry/Pip R) [12 Jun 2003|12:17am]

[ mood | accomplished ]

Title: Only If You Want To
Author: Amber Moore
E-mail: [email protected]
Fandom: LOTR
Pairing: Merry/Pippin
Archive: If you'd like
Rating: R for tame sex
Summary: Merry could never refuse Pippin
Feedback: Is much appreciated
Notes: For the super wonderful domhobbitzes, who requested the line "Only if you want to" be used in a direct context. Here ya go babe! Totally unbetad and written for the most part in the wee hours of the morning.

Only If You Want ToCollapse )

4 stolen kisses| feel the halfling love

Ay me! I never realized the scale of it all before... [08 Apr 2003|05:53pm]

[ mood | surprised ]

A petition to bring Merry and Pippin more to the fore of the whole New Line LotR machine. Not that signing it will do anything, but it is shocking how much they've been shafted, especially in favor of Frodo and Sam *narrows eyes* ;)

1 stolen kiss| feel the halfling love

Only Elijah and Billeh could make my Dommiekins look tall [28 Feb 2003|07:15pm]

[ mood | excited ]

That is all. :)~

Yes I know it's OT. But it's still cute.

5 stolen kisses| feel the halfling love

The day is (pretty much) here! [17 Dec 2002|11:31pm]

[ mood | jittery ]

Well, in about half an hour, the reels should start rolling all across the East Coast of the United States... since I'm wretchedly sad (but coping, slightly about not getting to see it until my other friends have (damn them and their midnight showings), when are you guys going to get your first dose of The Two Towers?

I think this'll be my last communique' online until after I've seen it -- I'll just get too bitter and too jealous ;) HAVE FUN, you guys -- and squeal as much as you want on-list or here!

Er, spoiler-protected, of course. :)

feel the halfling love

*clears throat* [11 Dec 2002|09:28am]

[ mood | groggy ]

Because I am a bum, and because the U of C decided to have finals now, I would like to offer a belated bon anniversaire to one half of my favorite hobbitses ever.

Happy being... er... *counts on fingers*... 2...7? Is he 27? Well, bugger, happy birthday, Dom! Smoochies from us and Pippin ;)

1 stolen kiss| feel the halfling love

Folks, get your tushies over here... [24 Nov 2002|02:39pm]

[ mood | excited ]

...before New Line finds out and takes it down!!

4 stolen kisses| feel the halfling love

[15 Nov 2002|01:28am]

Flowers in a Lightning Storm Updated

--New links on Bookmarks page.

--"An Autumn Interlude" has been added to Fanfiction.

--New Author Recs page.

--New buttons/banners on Feedback page.
feel the halfling love

Holy hell. [10 Oct 2002|12:56am]

[ mood | enthralled ]

Does this picture scare anybody else?

See why loving Merry and Pippin is so much safer and less creepy... ;) *glomps the folks over at frodo_sam anyway*

2 stolen kisses| feel the halfling love

um.... this is me saying hi. [29 Sep 2002|09:30am]

[ mood | amused ]

alright, my name is Roz, I'm a M/P addict and that's all really.
(so happy to be here by the way)

1 stolen kiss| feel the halfling love

[insert witty title line here] [29 Sep 2002|01:43am]

[ mood | exhausted ]

Wow -- college hasn't even started and I'm already getting a little worn down. Which is why I must now take solace in hobbit slash.

It seems we ought to have a good first discussion amongst ourselves to properly inaugurate this community. So here's my, er, Very Official First Question: what exactly do you think best characterizes our boys' relationship? (I would add my own deeply profound opinion here if I wasn't so bloody incoherent and tired at the moment -- it will follow at a later and more rested date.)

1 stolen kiss| feel the halfling love

H'lo there, Esther-love... [28 Sep 2002|01:08pm]

...d'you think you could make an F/S OTP icon for us over at RingbearersRemembered? :-D If we're to be "sister" communities, as it were, I'd love a little parallelism;)
1 stolen kiss| feel the halfling love

Well well well, the seminal first post! [27 Sep 2002|11:11pm]

[ mood | pleased ]

Hello there, this is BrieflyDel, your friendly administrator/founderess/whatever of Cousbands, your local source for Merry/Pippin discussion a la frodo_sam (which, I may venture to say, will very likely end up being our sister community). I think I'll try and keep this LJ-only for a little while, as I'm just starting college and my mailbox is currently overflowing with the fruits of three mailing lists already.

So, post away -- talk all the Merry/Pippin you'd like! Fanfic, fanart, and discussion of all sorts is completely welcome here. My only stipulation is that we stay away from mentioning The History of Us -- they have their own site for that. Also, my personal opinion regarding that particular work is not popular, though anyone who would like to rant is welcome to do so privately. :)

Share the halfling love, mes amis!

1 stolen kiss| feel the halfling love

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