? ?
Journal created:
on 17 November 2003 (#1468688)
on 2 December 2007
Posting Access:
All Members
This is a community for Christian couples on LJ. It is helpful, but not required, if both you and your S.O. keep a livejournal. This is a good place for posting polls, discussing issues and bouncing ideas off other Christian couples! Whether you're dating, courting, engaged or married... come on and join the fun!

This is, of course, a Christian community. What you say in your own journal is your own business, but please refrain from the use of profanity in the community. Thanks.

New members of the community will need to request permission to post.

FYI: Member introductions are saved in the memories section.

LJ Couples (Does LJ stand for LoveJournal?)
babytoaster and stinkins
canticles and fettman
angelic_1 and dirtbird
kechara and dottey
carries and fraserspeirs
anulyra and jasoneric
sominfun and jsmoe34
chestnutcurls and derisive1
rebianaly and sjfootman
raysofhope and skyesmatt
aftondays and holytrinity
radiojedi and finndarkrider
life_in_7 and kirin76
musicprincess and johnboy76122
lovinghearts and tomcat11782
sillyhead and bkramsey
jilrani and calmingsilence
trozzort and msdjr99
