journal articles by Lorenzo Modia

Oceanide 13, 2020
This article presents a preliminary approach to the study of the images of the New Woman in the ... more This article presents a preliminary approach to the study of the images of the New Woman in the publications The Irish Times and The Weekly Irish Times at the turn of the twentieth century. From the theoretical framework of women's studies the concept of New Woman is analysed in relation to that of New Journalism, which arose at the same time. Additionally, the aetiology and features of the two publications, plus the criteria for corpus selection, are described, and the corpus texts are compared to similar English publications of the period. The complex political situation in Ireland at the turn of the century is also considered. The role of women and the various perceptions of them are analysed, both in the sections of letters to the Editor and in essays. The roles of women in The Irish Times and The Weekly Irish Times are also compared to those depicted in journals and newspapers addressed to a female readership. The study concludes with excerpts of the two publications in question and the analysis of the contradictory opinions on the lives and roles of women in the nineteenth-century fin de siècle.
Books by Lorenzo Modia
Narrativas y voces angloamericanas y gaélicas en clave feminista. Rocio Camacho Riestra, ed. , 2021
Papers by Lorenzo Modia
Clepsydra. Revista Internacional de Estudios de Género y Teoría Feminista, 2004
Atlantis: Revista de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos, 2007
... Kristine Swenson approaches the narrative of empire through the autobiographical novel Saguna... more ... Kristine Swenson approaches the narrative of empire through the autobiographical novel Saguna. ... analyses the critical reception of Charlotte Lennox's The Female Quixote and Fanny ... of Learners: Teaching Christina Rossetti at a Christian College'by Diane Chambers, analyses ...
Bloomsbury Academic eBooks, 2022
This section is devoted to writing that does not fall within the strict definition of 'research' ... more This section is devoted to writing that does not fall within the strict definition of 'research' but that is, nevertheless, of special interest to researchers. It enables us to publish a wide variety of material on many aspects of hispanism: opinion, discussion, interviews, revaluations, arguments, anecdotes and memoirs, and impassioned calls to arms. It also offers us the opportunity of publishing our readers' responses to them. Contributions are invited, and may be of any length from a paragraph to 7,000 words.

In this round table we intend to review the remarkable contribution of women to the development o... more In this round table we intend to review the remarkable contribution of women to the development of the short story in English as well as to discuss the possibility of detecting gender differences in their stories both at a thematic and at an aesthetic level. Therefore, Mª Jesús Lorenzo Modia will describe the antecedents of the short story in the eighteenth century through the emergence of periodical publications such as The Tatler and The Spectator. Stories by male and female writers included in these and other publications will be analysed by Lorenzo Modia in order to provide a panorama of the eighteenth-century short story. Margarita Estévez Saá will review the proliferation of short stories written by women in the nineteenth century and study the peculiar case of the ghost story, a favourite "subgenre" for women readers and writers. María Losada Friend will exemplify with the figure of Edna O'Brien and her work Lantern Slides, the contribution of women writers to the so-called "composite novel" commenting on its function as a unifying structure of short stories and studying some of its antecedents and possible sequels in English and Irish literature. Finally, José Manuel Estévez Saá will discuss the panorama of multiethnic postcolonial short stories written by 1 The authors from the Universidade de Santiago and Universidade da Coruña gratefully acknowledge funding from the research project "Rede de lingua e literatura inglesa e identidade" (2007/000145-0), financed by the Galician Government and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at provided by Repositorio da Universidade da Coruña PROCEEDINGS 31 ST AEDEAN CONFERENCE 776 women in the twentieth century and the interest of the thematic and aesthetic concerns displayed by their authors.
Atlánticas. Revista Internacional de Estudios Feministas
Presentación ao monográfico: “De los feminismo(s) a los ecofeminismo(s): Análisis literarios y cu... more Presentación ao monográfico: “De los feminismo(s) a los ecofeminismo(s): Análisis literarios y culturales”
Lengua y sociedad : linguística aplicada en la era global y multicultural, 2006, ISBN 84-9750-398-8, págs. 419-438, 2006
Estudios Irlandeses, 2020
The present article analyses Medbh McGuckian’s “The Contingency of Befalling”, an unpublished poe... more The present article analyses Medbh McGuckian’s “The Contingency of Befalling”, an unpublished poem dealing with present-day climate crisis from an ecofeminist stance. Arguably, the poet is part of the Northern Irish elegiac trend in dealing with issues of her country, but she departs from a male-dominated tradition and connects lament with ethical, political, national, ecological and women’s issues. This poem is related to those in her recent book Marine Cloud Brightening (2019), in which she included mournful poems for both her brother and other Irish poets who passed away in recent times, with special attention to Seamus Heaney. McGuckian’s vision of the situation of the earth and of those living in it is gloomy, and she connects it with hardship, should rulers’ policies remain unchanged.

Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses, 2022
The social and economic context of the post-war period of the 1920s had a reinvigorating effect o... more The social and economic context of the post-war period of the 1920s had a reinvigorating effect on children’s literature, the fairy tale, and fantasy genres. Moving beyond their characteristic didactic and moral functions, these narratives began to be seen as safe places in which one could escape from reality and seek refuge in a world of adventure. Illustrations had a significant role in the new development of these genres, stimulating the imagination and helping to create fantastical realms for readers. Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865) had already served that purpose in the Victorian era, and editions and versions of the work for a new 1920s generation would present re-interpreted illustrations, ones which were rendered more appropriate for the new context and which reflected some avant-garde tendencies, whilst not overlooking the essence of the original.

Tanto a area das Humanidades como especificamente os Estudos Ingleses atopanse nun importante mom... more Tanto a area das Humanidades como especificamente os Estudos Ingleses atopanse nun importante momento de transicion durante o primeiro cuarto do seculo XXI. A situacion xeopolitica actual, dominada polas tensions entre a globalizacion e as sensibilidades locais, invita a repensar as relacions dos individuos e das comunidades coa cultura e coas letras e, por este motivo, e importante xerar conecemento que se adecue as necesidades do alumnado que estara exposto a este panorama social. Neste sentido, dende os Estudos Ingleses da Facultade de Filoloxia e os Estudos Irlandeses do Instituto Universitario de Estudos Irlandeses, estanse a facer esforzos por achegar ao noso alumando e a comunidade local e global o conecemento cultural e academico que manexamos nas nosas actividades universitarias, e estanse a desenvolver iniciativas para dinamizar estes clusters informativos. Unha destas propostas educativas consiste no desenvolvemento dunha rede informativa sobre os recursos de investigacio...
The Grove, 1998
Page 43. THE FEMALE SPECTATOR: AN EXPERIMENT IN WOMEN'S PRESS IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ... more Page 43. THE FEMALE SPECTATOR: AN EXPERIMENT IN WOMEN'S PRESS IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY María Jesús Lorenzo Modia University of Corunna The Female Spectator (1744-1746), together with The Parrot ...
Sobre Mario Vargas Llosa, 2019
journal articles by Lorenzo Modia
Books by Lorenzo Modia
Papers by Lorenzo Modia