Papers by Concha Varela-Orol
El objeto de este trabajo es identificar y analizar los distintos estratos perceptibles hoy en la... more El objeto de este trabajo es identificar y analizar los distintos estratos perceptibles hoy en la biblioteca de Emilia Pardo Bazán, especialmente la colección de libros pertenecientes a su padre José Pardo Bazán, así como el alto número de autoras y sus obras presentes en los fondos. Ambas secciones constituyen dos de las grandes aportaciones de la biblioteca al patrimonio bibliográfico y a la historia de Galicia, así como a la historia de las mujeres y el feminismo. Se concluye indicando la necesidad de acometer medidas necesarias y urgentes (unificación espacial de los fondos, buena conservación, mejoras en su catalogación) para que este valioso patrimonio sea de fácil acceso, más y mejor conocido, tanto para la ciudadanía como para la comunidad de investigadoras e investigadores.
A volta do tempo. Estudos de historia contemporánea, 2021

Anales de Documentación, 2018
En el marco de la problemática que ha ocasionado el entorno digital sobre los derechos patrimonia... more En el marco de la problemática que ha ocasionado el entorno digital sobre los derechos patrimoniales de los autores y las iniciativas de cultura libre que intentan frenar la mercantilización del conocimiento, este trabajo analiza las prácticas desarrolladas por un conjunto de bibliotecas digitales españolas pertenecientes a las Administraciones públicas para divulgar sus colecciones patrimoniales en Dominio público. El análisis se basa en los metadatos administrativos, avisos legales y otras fórmulas introducidas en los registros bibliográficos y las páginas web de estas bibliotecas. Se concluye que la escasa atención prestada por la legislación española a las obras en Dominio público es causa de la gran variedad y confusión en el tratamiento de las copias digitales, así como la existencia de una influencia de la plataforma utilizada para poner en servicio las copias sobre la atribución o no de derechos patrimoniales sobre las mismas.
A los recursos tradicionales que constituian el objeto de la gestion de las unidades de informaci... more A los recursos tradicionales que constituian el objeto de la gestion de las unidades de informacion, recursos economicos, recursos humanos, edificios, equipos y colecciones fundamentalmente, se han anadido y con gran fuerza en los 25 ultimos anos los recursos tecnologicos, introduciendo un factor nuevo de desestabilizacion de los recursos economicos, cuya crisis habia comenzado ya a nivel internacional con las crisis del petroleo de los anos 70 del siglo pasado, y posteriormente con la denominada crisis de las publicaciones periodicas. Asi pues, hoy en todos los paises del mundo las bibliotecas han de enfrentarse a la gestion de la tecnologia de la informacion, que
El profesional de la información, 2011
Sus líneas de investigación son: historia de las bibliotecas y de las ciencias documentales, y ge... more Sus líneas de investigación son: historia de las bibliotecas y de las ciencias documentales, y gestión de bibliotecas, sobre las que ha publicado diversos libros y artículos.
Boletín de la ANABAD, 1988
Boletín Avriense, 2018
In 1796 the University of Santiago acquired a collection of books from Alexandre Amédée Lauzières... more In 1796 the University of Santiago acquired a collection of books from Alexandre Amédée Lauzières de Thémines,
bishop of Blois. The aim of this work is to present the hectic life of this refractory bishop, through sources
close to the person, who combined to his dissidence a bibliophile personality and a collector of masterpieces.
Studying the books of him acquired by the University, which oddly approached to his room of banned books a
significant number of works, so as collections of first order of philosophy, Greek and Latin classics, literature
and history which completed the existing collections at the end of the 18th century.

Cuadernos de Ilustración y Romanticismo , 2019
resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el catálogo de la subasta de la biblioteca del b... more resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el catálogo de la subasta de la biblioteca del barón de Schönberg, vendida en Ámsterdam en 1743. En el estudio del catálogo se examinan las estrategias comerciales que los libreros ponían en marcha, claramente diri-gidas al mercado bibliófilo. En el estudio de la biblioteca se tienen en cuenta las fuentes de aprovisionamiento de libros del Barón, especialmente de libros españoles, basándonos en el propio catálogo de venta, en su correspondencia con Gregorio Mayans, y en otros catálogos de subastas contemporáneas, que nos han proporcionado un esbozo de la cir-culación del libro español en Holanda, especialmente de los manuscritos, en la primera mitad del siglo XVIII. Se han estudiado también algunas de las temáticas de los libros del Barón, resultando ser muy significativas de la bibliofilia del momento. Palabras ClaVe: Catálogos de subastas de libros, bibliotecas privadas, bibliofilia, Johann Dietrich von Schönberg, siglo XVIII. TRADE WITH THE MUSES. THE FIRST LIBRARY OF THE BARON OF SCHÖNBERG abstraCt: The aim of this work is to analyse the auction catalogue of the Baron of Schönberg's library, sold in Amsterdam in 1743. The study of the catalogue reviews the commercial strategies that booksellers implemented, clearly aimed at the bibliophile market. The study of the library considers the Baron's sources of supply of books, especially Spanish books, based on the sales catalogue itself, on his correspondence with Gregorio Mayans, and on other contemporary auction catalogues, which have provided us with an outline of the circulation of Spanish books in Holland, in particular manuscripts, during the first half of the XVIII th century. Some of the themes of the Baron's books have also been studied, turning out to be very significant from the bibliophilia of the period.
Revista General de Información y Documentación, 2018
The aim of this work is to analyse different aspects related to the protection of personal data i... more The aim of this work is to analyse different aspects related to the protection of personal data in the websites of the libraries of the spanish public universities. Albeit with the inherent limitations of the research source, there are many weaknesses in the treatment of personal data in the digital environment that should be addressed in order to comply with the European Union's Data Protection Regulation. A number of actions are recommended for libraries, which affect both their own actions and the analysis of services provided by suppliers.

Anales de Documentación, 2018
The public domain is our cultural commons: it is like our air, water and forests. We must look at... more The public domain is our cultural commons: it is like our air, water and forests. We must look at it as a shared resource that cannot be commodified. (Giancarlo Frosio) Resumen: En el marco de la problemática que ha ocasionado el entorno digital sobre los derechos patrimoniales de los autores y las iniciativas de cultura libre que intentan frenar la mercantilización del conocimiento, este trabajo analiza las prácticas desarrolladas por un conjunto de bibliotecas digitales españolas pertenecientes a las Administraciones Públicas para divulgar sus colecciones patrimoniales en dominio público. El análisis se basa en los metadatos administrativos, avisos legales y otras fórmulas introducidas en los registros bibliográficos y las páginas web de estas bibliotecas. Se concluye que la escasa atención prestada por la legislación española a las obras en dominio público es causa de la gran variedad y confusión en el tratamiento de las copias digitales, así como la existencia de una influencia de la plataforma utilizada para poner en servicio las copias sobre la atribución o no de derechos patrimoniales sobre las mismas. Palabras clave: Dominio público; copyfraude; derechos de autor; propiedad intelectual; bibliotecas digitales. Title: PUBLIC DOMAIN OR COPYFRAUD OF DIGITAL COPIES? PRACTICES IN SPANISH HERITAGE LIBRARIES. Abstract: In the context of the problems caused by Digital Environment regarding patrimonial rights of the authors and Free Culture initiatives that try to curb the commercialization of knowledge, this work analyzes the practices developed by a set of Spanish digital libraries belonging to the Administrations, in order to publish their heritage collections in the Public Domain. The analysis is based on the administrative metadata, legal notices, and other formulas introduced in the bibliographic records, and in the webpages of these libraries. It is concluded that the limited attention given by Spanish legislation to public domain works is a cause of the great variety and confusion in the treatment of digital copies; besides, there is an influence of the publication platform on the attribution or non-attribution of economic rights over them.
Sefarad, 2017
We present the edition of an unpublished text by Martín Sarmiento that allows us to know the orig... more We present the edition of an unpublished text by Martín Sarmiento that allows us to know the origin of the Hebrew manuscripts from the Library of Monastery of San Martín in Madrid, partly today in Biblioteca Nacional de España

resumen: Se analiza una relación de libros raros españoles de Martín Sarmiento, tenien-do en cuen... more resumen: Se analiza una relación de libros raros españoles de Martín Sarmiento, tenien-do en cuenta la teorización sobre este tipo de obras que se publicó en los siglos XVII y XVIII, así como la concepción del autor sobre el patrimonio que comenzaba a desa-rrollarse en estos siglos, acompañando a la formación de las identidades nacionales. Se incluye la transcripción de la lista de obras seleccionadas por el benedictino, anotada con la identificación de las ediciones. Palabras ClaVe: Martín Sarmiento, libros raros, patrimonio bibliográfico, libros e identidad nacional. NATION BOOKS. RARE BOOKS AND HERITAGE IN MARTIN SARMIENTO abstraCt: We analyze a list of rare Spanish books by Martin Sarmiento, taking into account the theorizing about this type of works that was published during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, as well as the author's conception of heritage that began to be developed in those centuries, going with the formation of national identities. The transcription of the list of works selected by the Benedictine, annotated with the identification of the editions, is also included.

Resumen. Se estudia el concepto de libro raro en el siglo XVIII, partiendo de los principales rep... more Resumen. Se estudia el concepto de libro raro en el siglo XVIII, partiendo de los principales repertorios bibliográficos dedicados al tema en el período, y de las posiciones distintas al respecto que manifiestan bibliógrafos y libreros. Considerando significativa la lectura que realiza Martín Sarmiento de la obra de David Clément, se concluye que el concepto que ambos grupos tienen de este tipo de libros tiene numerosos puntos de contacto, aunque hay un interés evidente por parte de los círculos eruditos en un uso enfocado a sus inclinaciones eruditas y a la construcción de una historia literaria para la que los libros raros constituían fuentes escritas fundamentales. Abstract. The concept of rare book is studied during the XVIII century starting from both, the main repertoires devoted to this subject in this period of time and the different positions that bibliographers and booksellers show about it. Taking as significant the reading that Martin Sarmiento makes of David Clement's work, it can be deduced that what both groups think about this kind of books show a great number of points in common, although the erudite circles pay a greater attention to the interest of the text and the value of the books to develop a history of learning in which rare books became fundamental written sources.
Sarmiento’s Literary Reflections are analyzed from the perspective of the
Republic of Letters in ... more Sarmiento’s Literary Reflections are analyzed from the perspective of the
Republic of Letters in Spain during middle of the eighteenth century
along with his proposals achieved for its improvement, with special attention
to the approach developed around copyright, business of books,
books trade, the publishing program schemed and the patrimonialization
of certain works. The analysis allows us to frame the text in European
debates on the world of the book in the eighteenth century, as well as the
contribution from Sarmiento in this field that, in his opinion, should play
a role in economic and social development in the Spain of this time.
In this work the books catalogue from the auction that the Dutch bookseller Adriaen Moetjens held... more In this work the books catalogue from the auction that the Dutch bookseller Adriaen Moetjens held in 1732 in The Hague so the selection of the rare books that performs on the same Martin Sarmiento are analysed. The Benedictine’s selection shows the use of catalogues as a training tool, both his prior knowledge of the field of rare books, as well as the quasi completeness applying to Spanish rare books. It is concluded that Sarmiento had an interest that made dialogue bibliophile and history of learning in claiming the Spanish cultural heritage.

L'univers n'est qu'un vaste océan, sur la surface duquel nous apercevons quelques îles plus ou mo... more L'univers n'est qu'un vaste océan, sur la surface duquel nous apercevons quelques îles plus ou moins grandes, dont la liaison avec le continent nous est cachée. (Jean d'Alembert, Discours préliminaire de l'Encyclopédie) Resumen: Se estudia el catálogo de los libros de la biblioteca de Martín Sarmiento redactado por el propio autor, especialmente la ordenación temática del mismo y la disposición de los libros dentro de cada materia, relacionándolas también con otros sistemas de clasificación propuestos por él. Finalmente se ofrece una visión global de la composición de la biblioteca de acuerdo a las cinco grandes clases en que se dividía la ciencia en el siglo XVIII. Se concluye que ordenación de los libros y composición de la biblioteca son significativas del propio autor, de sus preocupaciones por el método y las novedades científicas, y de la fragmentación de la ciencia que caracteriza al siglo XVIII. Palabras clave: Martín Sarmiento; bibliotecas particulares; clasificación de libros; ilustración española. Title: MARTIN SARMIENTO'S LIBRARY. DISTINGUISHING TO UNITE. Abstract: We study the catalogue of Sarmiento's library written by the author, especially its thematic planning and the layout of books within each subject. We also relate this to other classification systems proposed by him. Finally, we offer an overview of the composition of the library according to the five major classes in which science was divided in the XVIIIth century. We conclude that both arrangement of books and library composition are representative of the author himself, of his interest on the method and on scientific latest innovations, and of the fragmentation of science that characterizes the XVIIIth century.
This work analyses legislation regarding bibliographic heritage both from the national government... more This work analyses legislation regarding bibliographic heritage both from the national government and Spain’s Autonomous Communities, with the intention of identifying the scope and characteristics of holdings addressed in these laws. At the same time, the web sites of public and university libraries are studied regarding a number of practices indicative of the way certain assets are considered to be patrimonial. By establishing this give-and-take between legislation and practice –and their areas of agreement and discordance—this work seeks to reveal how bibliographic heritage content is built.
We analyze the book collection donated to the Universidade de Santiago by the galician politician... more We analyze the book collection donated to the Universidade de Santiago by the galician politician
Jacobo María de Parga y Puga, including the catalog of these books accomplished by his
executors in 1853. The analysis display that the rich set of issues, basically the Golden Age,
answer the interests and the fancy of the first generation of Spanish romantics.
The purpose of this paper is to study the contribution of Martin Sarmiento in the first
project c... more The purpose of this paper is to study the contribution of Martin Sarmiento in the first
project carried forward in Spain during the 18th century (Eighteenth Century, Enlightenment) to
revive Arabic studies, the catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts of the Escorial by Miguel Casiri.
This contribution is analysed in two ways: his assessment to the ideological framework of the
project as part of his reflection about the construction of a national memory, constituent
element on the creation of the modern state, and his consideration on the operational issues that
should be implemented to carry out the work of Casiri.
Papers by Concha Varela-Orol
bishop of Blois. The aim of this work is to present the hectic life of this refractory bishop, through sources
close to the person, who combined to his dissidence a bibliophile personality and a collector of masterpieces.
Studying the books of him acquired by the University, which oddly approached to his room of banned books a
significant number of works, so as collections of first order of philosophy, Greek and Latin classics, literature
and history which completed the existing collections at the end of the 18th century.
Republic of Letters in Spain during middle of the eighteenth century
along with his proposals achieved for its improvement, with special attention
to the approach developed around copyright, business of books,
books trade, the publishing program schemed and the patrimonialization
of certain works. The analysis allows us to frame the text in European
debates on the world of the book in the eighteenth century, as well as the
contribution from Sarmiento in this field that, in his opinion, should play
a role in economic and social development in the Spain of this time.
Jacobo María de Parga y Puga, including the catalog of these books accomplished by his
executors in 1853. The analysis display that the rich set of issues, basically the Golden Age,
answer the interests and the fancy of the first generation of Spanish romantics.
project carried forward in Spain during the 18th century (Eighteenth Century, Enlightenment) to
revive Arabic studies, the catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts of the Escorial by Miguel Casiri.
This contribution is analysed in two ways: his assessment to the ideological framework of the
project as part of his reflection about the construction of a national memory, constituent
element on the creation of the modern state, and his consideration on the operational issues that
should be implemented to carry out the work of Casiri.
bishop of Blois. The aim of this work is to present the hectic life of this refractory bishop, through sources
close to the person, who combined to his dissidence a bibliophile personality and a collector of masterpieces.
Studying the books of him acquired by the University, which oddly approached to his room of banned books a
significant number of works, so as collections of first order of philosophy, Greek and Latin classics, literature
and history which completed the existing collections at the end of the 18th century.
Republic of Letters in Spain during middle of the eighteenth century
along with his proposals achieved for its improvement, with special attention
to the approach developed around copyright, business of books,
books trade, the publishing program schemed and the patrimonialization
of certain works. The analysis allows us to frame the text in European
debates on the world of the book in the eighteenth century, as well as the
contribution from Sarmiento in this field that, in his opinion, should play
a role in economic and social development in the Spain of this time.
Jacobo María de Parga y Puga, including the catalog of these books accomplished by his
executors in 1853. The analysis display that the rich set of issues, basically the Golden Age,
answer the interests and the fancy of the first generation of Spanish romantics.
project carried forward in Spain during the 18th century (Eighteenth Century, Enlightenment) to
revive Arabic studies, the catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts of the Escorial by Miguel Casiri.
This contribution is analysed in two ways: his assessment to the ideological framework of the
project as part of his reflection about the construction of a national memory, constituent
element on the creation of the modern state, and his consideration on the operational issues that
should be implemented to carry out the work of Casiri.