SUNY Cortland
Critical Criminology, 2017
Methamphetamine (“meth”) has received a massive amount of media attention in the United States over the last decade. In reporting, journalists, politicians, and police commonly link meth to widespread risk, violence, criminality, and... more
Recently released HBO documentary Meth Storm, directed by co-filmmakers and brothers Craig and Brent Renaud, opens with a high speed chase along a stretch of rural Arkansas road. The chase is headed by state troopers and DEA agents in... more
Police increasingly rely on new media software for public communication and policing operations. One such software is MobilePatrol: Public Safety App, a free to use mobile phone application marketed by data and analytics company Appriss... more
With a rise in overdose deaths in the United States, opioid awareness has come in a variety of ways. One of these, as reporters suggest, is obituary writing. Obituaries are considered in news media as offering “brutally frank” depictions... more
Courtroom media is a longstanding genre of news and entertainment, in radio, film, television, and print. Digital streaming platforms such as YouTube, which boasts over 2 billion users, have become a prominent source of courtroom content.... more
Drug treatment courts have continued to gain local, state, and national support in the United States. In lieu of incarceration, participants receive treatment and work with a drug court team comprised of treatment specialists and criminal... more
From 2017 to 2019, I conducted fieldwork on the opioid crisis in upstate New York. As part of my research, I interviewed people who use/d opioids. Interviewees discussed their beginning use, escalating use, and, for many, eventual... more
The scourge of male violence against women manifests along a continuum of harms. From the cumulative effects of gender-based micro-aggressions that exhaust and corrode their targets'
In this writing, I draw on three core elements of a positive drug pedagogy for Arcadia Magazine - of critical research, advocacy, and personal (and, I should add, collective) reflection.
- by Kevin Revier
non-profit Art For Justice (, has set up paintings in the front of the room, created by people who are incarcerated-all of whom have fought for decades to claim they've been wrongfully convicted. Art is a "a way to give... more
- by Kevin Revier
America’s Horror Stories: U.S. History through Dark Tourism conducts a ghost tour(ist) methodology to explore how slavery and racism are represented in dark tourism via ghost tours. The authors travel to key sites of racist U.S.... more
Access: Flames of (In)Justice is a parable that speaks to ongoing conservative efforts against Critical Race Theory (CRT) in public education. In the... more