SUNY Cortland
An able administrator and the lynchpin of a royal family, Mathilda of Flanders was the duchess of Normandy and the first Norman queen of England. She was also mother to (at least) nine children. Among these numbered a duke and two kings... more
Theresa Earenfight's The King's Other Body: María of Castile and the Crown of Aragon represents the first full-length treatment of an extraordinarily important figure in medieval Iberian politics, María of Castile. Earenfight's work is a... more
Mathilda of Flanders’ coronation and anointing on Pentecost, May 11, 1068 at Westminster was unlike any other seen in England before and included innovative triumphalist elements confected solely for her. It was also the first time (as... more
A central focus of the administration of Mathilda of Flanders, both as duchess of Normandy and queen of England, was her foundation in 1066 of the royal abbey of La Trinité, Caen. Founded as a twin to William the Conqueror’s abbey of St.... more
Book Review of Indian Art History: Changing Perspectives, edited by Parul Pandya Dhar
Chapter for the University of Delhi online data
Kīrtimukha or grāsamukha is one of the most indispensable elements of north Indian art. A floating bodiless, jawless lion face with bulging eyes, ferocious teeth and fangs, horns, a full moustache and a tuft of hair rising from space... more
The Hindu diaspora in the United States has been one of the most educated and highest earning immigrant groups. They exert considerable influence in the arenas of culture, economy and recently politics. They are attempting to... more
This course attempts the impossible! We will study the history of a continent from well before recorded history to 1800! We will not, of course, be covering "everything," but will be looking at the major themes in African History during... more
Co-authored with Jeffrey Smith of the RFK Center in Washington, DC, this piece examines and analyzes the events around the "coup" in Maseru on 30 Aug, 2014 and the subsequent events. It also places events in their regional context.
Journal of African History 55:3 (Nov 2014), 401-421 The rhetoric of development served as a language for Sotho politicians from 1960–70 to debate the meanings of political participation. The relative paucity of aid in this period gave... more