? ?

Looking for a Christmas gift project?

My latest pattern is a set of Spiral sewn and stuffed ornaments.
I don't think there is anything like this out there on the market!
on tree

I made the pattern originally for a swap, then after I convinced myself that there wasn't anything like this on the market, I fine tuned the patterns, made up a few more, taking step by step photos and wrote the pattern (9 pages of instructions, 3 of pattern pieces)

All four white background
You can read more about the pattern on my Blog where I share a video of each one being spun around so you get a more 3D view

Pattern can be purchased on Etsy or Craftsy

Birthday Party Give Away

Last day of my week long birthday celebration is ending with a bang! a give away.
You could win a Hippo Birdie pattern, or I could digitize your own pattern for you, up to 5 Letter/A4 pages Closes tomorrow at Noon pacific.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Hippo Birdie to ME

I have been working very hard this past week, staying up late, getting up early, ignoring my housewifely dudties in order to launch my VERY FIRST pattern today.

It is all ladybrid's fault, I was remembering the last birthday I spent with her and the hippo cookies she brought, teasing her about forgetting something bird related. I was struck with the inspiration to make a Hippo-Bird mash-up and release it on my birthday (32 btw).

I have done it with the help of a few people to read the pattern and correct my spelling and formating, I now have my first pattern up for sale on Craftsy and Etsy

I am pleased to present the Hippo Birdie
ThHippo Birdie Party

The pattern was originally drawn to be the Larger one, but I thought it was too large, so I reduced it down to 2/3 and tested it again in cotton and polar fleece.

I used a new technique to create the nostrils, a tuck dart gives quite a bit of depth and is a technique I will have to use again.

In honor of Movember, I gave the one a mustache as it seemed to want one.
Blue head

The cupcake is based off my muffin pattern and I need to write those up. I also now need to separate the pattern into a Hippo and a Bird or two.

Ponies for Halloween

So my children we ponies from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic for Halloween.
at the bus stop

I have written up my blog post on it, which includes a link to 8 patterns I made to Pony-ize a Simplicity Hat and Coat pattern.
Read more on my Blog

stupid machines

I pulled out my serger to use it to make K's B-day dress, which I haven't finished and her day was this weekend....
Rainbow Dash Dress Idea
I am NOT a competent Serger user. but I got it working right out of storage and it was a breeze. then I had to put it on the floor to use my sewing machine and the children touched it and I haven't gotten it happy again! grrrrr
The dress currently stands as a bodice. I was making another dress at the same time and attached that bodice to the skirt and it is bad! but wearable, so we shall let the child wear it!

Do you need that piece?

I have posted a blog post about the inclusion or exclusion of rectangular pattern pieces in a pattern (specifically larger rectangles in a downloaded pattern.)

Help me out with some market research.

One last plea

If you are a blogger, could you please blog about my pattern poll? So far there have been about 30 votes, and I want a larger sample size before it closes at the end of the month.

You can use either of these two links

and you can use this image

Here is the link for the image, so you can use it.

REMEMBER the poll closes on January 31st! so just 5 days from now!

thank you kindly.

Post is public, comments turned off to reduce spam, so if you want to comment, go to the Blog!

poll on my blog


This is a poll for which pattern I FOCUS on creating first. This may not be the first pattern released, but I need a focus, and so I am looking outside since I couldn't make the choice myself!

Choose between the Skeleton corset, 1810 Corset en X, Regency Girls, Medieval Child and Dragon.

Please vote, or comment on the blog post and share if you will. Voting closes at the end of the month, January 2013
Comments on this post are blocked since it is public. and I have had an influx of spam!

Steampunk Musings

I am seriously thinking of entering YWU contest this year in the steampunk category, which ends on February 4th, 2013, so I should get planing soon. I have been gathering inspiration on Pinterest for a while now and need to think of just how it will all fit together.
I will ask that you click on the cut ONLY if you are not wanting a surprise. (I am not sure if I am going to keep this secret or not, might be fun!)
AND if you PROMISE not to steal my idea(s) in the completeness. go ahead and be inspired of course, but don't steal all of it (at least until after the contest is over)
This post WILL be picture heavy!

A stempunking we go.Collapse )


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