
Our leadership team has a range and depth of expertise

Each leader is committed to our mission to provide customers around the world with secure, trusted, open, sustainable cloud solutions.

The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors defines the strategy of OVH Groupe and oversees its implementation.
OVH Groupe refers to the corporate governance code of listed companies issued by the AFEP and the MEDEF.
The Board of Directors is composed of 11 directors including 5 independent directors and 2 employees representing the employees. It is also inclusive of 2 censors. The functioning of the Board of Directors is governed by internal rules and the main provisions are detailed in the Universal Registration Document.

Board of Directors committees

Three committees are helping the Board of Directors. Consulted ahead of some decisions, they provide recommendations and advice on their respective field of competence.

The audit committee
The audit committee monitors questions related to the preparation and the control of accounting and financial information and monitors the efficiency of the risk follow-up and operational internal control
The committee is composed of 2/3 of independent directors. Its 3 members are the following:

  • Sophie Stabile (Chairwoman)
  • Corinne Fornara
  • Miroslaw Klaba

The nominations, remunerations and governance committee
The nomination, remuneration and governance committee helps the Board of Directors in the composition of the managing bodies of the Company and the Group and in the determination and regular evaluation of all the compensation and benefits of the Company’s executive officers
The committee is composed of a majority of independent directors. Its 6 members are the following:

  • Bernard Gault (Chairman)
  • Isabelle Tribotté
  • Sophie Stabile
  • Octave Klaba
  • Henryk Klaba
  • Hugues Bodin

The strategic and ESG committee
The strategic and ESG committee helps the Board of Directors in the elaboration of the Group’s strategy and makes sure that the social and environmental topics are taken into account.
The committee is composed of 5 members including independent directors:

  • Octave Klaba (Chairman)
  • Isabelle Tribotté
  • Diane Einterz
  • Benjamin Revcolevschi
  • Miroslaw Klaba

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Board Directors Diversity Policy

Diversity and inclusion must be an integral part of all our activities. OVHcloud's Board of Directors intends to promote diversity and inclusion at all levels of the company, and on 28 June 2023 approved a Board Diversity Policy, which will be reviewed periodically by the Appointments, Remuneration and Governance Committee.