Ethics and Compliance

Our Ethics and Anti-corruption program

Ethics is not only a legal topic, it plays a key role in our values and DNA, and we aim through this program to create a culture of compliance within OVHcloud teams and our third parties.
For the last few years, OVHcloud has been deploying its compliance program in line with our culture and with the commitment of our top management.
Our Code of Ethics, Supplier Code of Conduct, Anti-Corruption Policy and our reporting platform define part of our prevention and detection measures to address corruption risks and bring our best practices to our third parties.

A program to combat all forms of corruption

Code of Ethics

Our Code of Ethics has special significance for the entire OVHcloud. We started creating this document because we wanted to share our values, and were conscious of the role we had to play in promoting a responsible business environment. The work allows us to set in stone the way we have always behaved, not because it’s written down, but because it’s part of the OVHcloud mindset.

Why we are implementing this code of ethics?

  • To share our vision of business with the widest possible audience
  • To continue developing internationally and in new markets
  • To consolidate our organization in line with the group’s maturity
  • To strenghthen the role of compliance inour development

Who the code is for ?

Our Code of Ethics is a tool for to raise awareness, and is freely available to everyone.

Covering a variety of topics, our Code of Ethics protects and raises awareness among everyone within OVHcloud.

It is also important for us to make this document freely available. We want to share our best practices and our vision of the business environment with as many people as possible.

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OVHcloud code of Ethics

As society progresses, ethical values change. We keep pace with societal changes, so that we can grow together and remain a leader in these matters.

339.58 KB pdf

Politique Droits Humains

Anti-corruption Policy

Since ethics are integral to our DNA, the OVHcloud’s commitment to this matter is all the more important. That’s why we are taking advantage of the French law on transparency, anti-corruption and economic modernisation, known as Sapin II, to formalise our practices and implement our anti-corruption policy. This approach enables us to share our vision of the company today, and imagine its future development.

Our policy is based on 5 measures:

  • Adoption of a zero tolerance policy against corruption
  • Integrating anti-corruption into our procedures and policies
  • Implementation of the anti-corruption compliance program through independent and autonomous compliance governance.
  • Awareness raising and communication of our policy
  • Our strong commitment to fight any act of corruption, unethical and illegal behaviour.

ROGER, OVHcloud Whistleblower platform

Our “ROGER” whistleblower policy allows all our stakeholders, and in particular our employees, to declare any facts or behaviour found or illegal, unethical and/or dangerous, affecting the public interest, individuals or the company. These alerts are reported directly to our Group’s Chief Compliance Officer, using a confidential and secure reporting platform.

ROGER stands for Respect OVHcloud Guidelines & Ethical Rules.

Discover our associated documents

Some topics are subject to specific group policies, in addition to the Code of Ethics and the whistleblower platform.

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Code of conduct suppliers

354.77 KB pdf

Gift and Entertainment Policy

799.61 KB pdf

UK Modern Slavery Act Statement