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Cornwall invokes idyllic pictures of an indigenous population living a rural dream desired by those who cannot escape urban pressures. However, this neglects the social reality for some Cornish Citizens who live in urban communities... more
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The traditional role of the British State in determining and protecting the public interest was informed by deontological ethical principles that determined what actions were right or wrong, what constituted the concepts of good or bad.... more
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      Political PhilosophySocial Sciences
Public servants, who are working in a bureaucratic public sector, embrace community participation subject to carefully prescribed premises. Firstly, community organisations are instruments of policy implementation legitimately subject to... more
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      Political PhilosophyCommunity EmpowermentSocial Science
It is apparent that a contemporary strategy devised to deliver an effective social enterprise will seek to create a paradoxical business environment in which a hybrid organisational form must embrace contending strategic understandings.... more
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    • Social Enterprise
Students can experience a wide range of attitudes towards completing assignments in their first year as undergraduates. These inclinations, when considered as a continuum, may range from the notion that coursework can be easily completed... more
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      Foundation degreesTeaching and Learning In Adult and Higher Education
MANAGING COMMUNITY: A PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS OF PRAXIS by ALAN SANDERSON Abstract If communities are to become a viable means of implementing social policy then community practitioners must individually examine their personal... more
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      Political TheoryCommunity DevelopmentEthical TheoryPhilosophies of Human Nature
MANAGING COMMUNITY: A PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS OF PRAXIS by ALAN SANDERSON Abstract If communities are to become a viable means of implementing social policy then community practitioners must individually examine their personal... more
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      Political PhilosophyCommunity DevelopmentEthical TheoryPhilosophies of Human Nature
MANAGING COMMUNITY: A PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS OF PRAXIS by ALAN SANDERSON Abstract If communities are to become a viable means of implementing social policy then community practitioners must individually examine their personal... more
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      Political PhilosophyCommunity DevelopmentEthical TheoryHuman-Nature Relationships
MANAGING COMMUNITY: A PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS OF PRAXIS by ALAN SANDERSON Abstract If communities are to become a viable means of implementing social policy then community practitioners must individually examine their personal... more
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      Political PhilosophyCommunity DevelopmentEthical TheoryHuman-Nature Relationships
MANAGING COMMUNITY: A PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS OF PRAXIS by ALAN SANDERSON Abstract If communities are to become a viable means of implementing social policy then community practitioners must individually examine their personal... more
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      Political PhilosophyCommunity DevelopmentEthical TheoryHuman-Nature Relationships
MANAGING COMMUNITY: A PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS OF PRAXIS by ALAN SANDERSON Abstract If communities are to become a viable means of implementing social policy then community practitioners must individually examine their personal... more
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      Political PhilosophyCommunity DevelopmentEthical TheoryHuman-Nature Relationships
MANAGING COMMUNITY: A PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS OF PRAXIS by ALAN SANDERSON Abstract If communities are to become a viable means of implementing social policy then community practitioners must individually examine their personal... more
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      Political PhilosophyCommunity DevelopmentEthical TheoryHuman-Nature Relationships
MANAGING COMMUNITY: A PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS OF PRAXIS by ALAN SANDERSON Abstract If communities are to become a viable means of implementing social policy then community practitioners must individually examine their personal... more
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      Political PhilosophyCommunity DevelopmentEthical TheoryHuman-Nature Relationships
New Labour faces a conundrum in its assertion that “community capacity building should develop the sharing of resources, co-operation and mutual support in communities” (Civil Renewal Unit, 2003: 1). Firstly, some community members might... more
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      Political PhilosophyCommunity DevelopmentHuman-Nature Relationships
Thank you for agreeing to take part in this survey. The results will be used in a University of Plymouth Colleges HELP CETL Teaching Fellowship that aims to develop the theoretical understanding of the use of formative assessment.
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      Assessment in Higher EducationFoundation degrees
This project is concerned with the values, attitudes and opinions of college lecturers delivering a higher education (HE) foundation degree (FD) in a further education setting. It is discipline specific as the participants are all... more
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      Learning And Teaching In Higher EducationFoundation degrees
Standards of behaviour govern the lives of individuals − or, fashion their self-identity − or, represent their actuality (Hegel, [1821] 1991: 190). Therefore, an individual’s ethics can be regarded as a self-policing mechanism that can... more
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      Community DevelopmentEthical Theory
Every teacher should carefully consider the complex dynamics of learner support and guidance in their delivery of a progamme of study. Furthermore, the imperatives of upholding standards that reflect equal opportunities and an inclusive... more
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    • Learning And Teaching In Higher Education
The issue of providing flexibly delivered undergraduate education has become a matter of importance, accentuated by the health pandemic of 2020 which makes it desirable for restrictions to be placed on social interaction until levels of... more
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      Higher EducationOnline LearningLevel 3
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