Changeset 59656
- Timestamp:
- 01/16/2025 09:03:12 PM (7 weeks ago)
- Location:
- trunk
- Files:
- 13 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
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r59509 r59656 67 67 "qunit": "~2.23.1", 68 68 "react-refresh": "0.14.0", 69 "sass": "1. 79.6",69 "sass": "1.83.4", 70 70 "sinon": "16.1.3", 71 71 "sinon-test": "~3.1.6", -
r59185 r59656 1 2 @import 'variables'; 3 @import 'mixins'; 1 @use 'sass:color'; 2 @use 'sass:string'; 3 @forward 'variables' show $scheme-name, $base-color, $body-background, $button-color, $custom-welcome-panel, $dashboard-accent-1, $dashboard-accent-2, $dashboard-icon-background, $form-checked, $highlight-color, $icon-color, $link, $link-focus, $low-contrast-theme, $menu-bubble-text, $menu-collapse-focus-icon, $menu-collapse-text, $menu-highlight-background, $menu-highlight-icon, $menu-highlight-text, $menu-submenu-text, $menu-submenu-focus-text, $menu-submenu-background, $notification-color, $text-color; 4 @use 'variables'; 5 @use 'mixins'; 4 6 5 7 /** … … 8 10 */ 9 11 @function url-friendly-colour( $color ) { 10 @return '%23' + str -slice( '#{ $color }', 2, -1 );12 @return '%23' + string.slice( '#{ $color }', 2, -1 ); 11 13 } 12 14 13 15 body { 14 background: $body-background;16 background: variables.$body-background; 15 17 } 16 18 … … 19 21 20 22 a { 21 color: $link;23 color: variables.$link; 22 24 23 25 &:hover, 24 26 &:active, 25 27 &:focus { 26 color: $link-focus;28 color: variables.$link-focus; 27 29 } 28 30 } … … 37 39 38 40 .wp-core-ui .button-link { 39 color: $link;41 color: variables.$link; 40 42 41 43 &:hover, 42 44 &:active, 43 45 &:focus { 44 color: $link-focus;46 color: variables.$link-focus; 45 47 } 46 48 } … … 67 69 68 70 input[type=checkbox]:checked::before { 69 content: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,{url-friendly-colour( $form-checked)}%27%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E");71 content: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,{url-friendly-colour(variables.$form-checked)}%27%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E"); 70 72 } 71 73 72 74 input[type=radio]:checked::before { 73 background: $form-checked;75 background: variables.$form-checked; 74 76 } 75 77 76 78 .wp-core-ui input[type="reset"]:hover, 77 79 .wp-core-ui input[type="reset"]:active { 78 color: $link-focus;80 color: variables.$link-focus; 79 81 } 80 82 … … 98 100 select:focus, 99 101 textarea:focus { 100 border-color: $highlight-color;101 box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px $highlight-color;102 border-color: variables.$highlight-color; 103 box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px variables.$highlight-color; 102 104 } 103 105 … … 136 138, 137 139 { 138 border-color: $button-color;140 border-color: variables.$button-color; 139 141 color: color.adjust(#32373c, $lightness: -5%); 140 box-shadow: inset 0 2px 5px -3px $button-color;142 box-shadow: inset 0 2px 5px -3px variables.$button-color; 141 143 } 142 144 … … 145 147 } 146 148 147 @if ( $low-contrast-theme != "true" ) {149 @if ( variables.$low-contrast-theme != "true" ) { 148 150 .button, 149 151 .button-secondary { 150 color: $highlight-color;151 border-color: $highlight-color;152 color: variables.$highlight-color; 153 border-color: variables.$highlight-color; 152 154 } 153 155 … … 155 157 .button:hover, 156 158 .button-secondary:hover{ 157 border-color: color.adjust( $highlight-color, $lightness: -10%);158 color: color.adjust( $highlight-color, $lightness: -10%);159 border-color: color.adjust(variables.$highlight-color, $lightness: -10%); 160 color: color.adjust(variables.$highlight-color, $lightness: -10%); 159 161 } 160 162 … … 162 164 .button:focus, 163 165 .button-secondary:focus { 164 border-color: color.adjust( $highlight-color, $lightness: 10%);165 color: color.adjust( $highlight-color, $lightness: -20%);166 box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px color.adjust( $highlight-color, $lightness: 10%);166 border-color: color.adjust(variables.$highlight-color, $lightness: 10%); 167 color: color.adjust(variables.$highlight-color, $lightness: -20%); 168 box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px color.adjust(variables.$highlight-color, $lightness: 10%); 167 169 } 168 170 … … 175 177 176 178 .button-primary { 177 @include button($button-color );179 @include mixins.button( variables.$button-color ); 178 180 } 179 181 180 182 .button-group > { 181 border-color: $button-color;183 border-color: variables.$button-color; 182 184 } 183 185 184 186 .wp-ui-primary { 185 color: $text-color;186 background-color: $base-color;187 color: variables.$text-color; 188 background-color: variables.$base-color; 187 189 } 188 190 .wp-ui-text-primary { 189 color: $base-color;191 color: variables.$base-color; 190 192 } 191 193 192 194 .wp-ui-highlight { 193 color: $menu-highlight-text;194 background-color: $menu-highlight-background;195 color: variables.$menu-highlight-text; 196 background-color: variables.$menu-highlight-background; 195 197 } 196 198 .wp-ui-text-highlight { 197 color: $menu-highlight-background;199 color: variables.$menu-highlight-background; 198 200 } 199 201 200 202 .wp-ui-notification { 201 color: $menu-bubble-text;202 background-color: $menu-bubble-background;203 color: variables.$menu-bubble-text; 204 background-color: variables.$menu-bubble-background; 203 205 } 204 206 .wp-ui-text-notification { 205 color: $menu-bubble-background;207 color: variables.$menu-bubble-background; 206 208 } 207 209 208 210 .wp-ui-text-icon { 209 color: $menu-icon;211 color: variables.$menu-icon; 210 212 } 211 213 } … … 213 215 214 216 /* List tables */ 215 @if $low-contrast-theme == "true" {217 @if variables.$low-contrast-theme == "true" { 216 218 .wrap .page-title-action:hover { 217 color: $menu-text;218 background-color: $menu-background;219 color: variables.$menu-text; 220 background-color: variables.$menu-background; 219 221 } 220 222 } @else { 221 223 .wrap .page-title-action, 222 224 .wrap .page-title-action:active { 223 border: 1px solid $highlight-color;224 color: $highlight-color;225 border: 1px solid variables.$highlight-color; 226 color: variables.$highlight-color; 225 227 } 226 228 227 229 .wrap .page-title-action:hover { 228 color: color.adjust( $highlight-color, $lightness: -10%);229 border-color: color.adjust( $highlight-color, $lightness: -10%);230 color: color.adjust(variables.$highlight-color, $lightness: -10%); 231 border-color: color.adjust(variables.$highlight-color, $lightness: -10%); 230 232 } 231 233 232 234 .wrap .page-title-action:focus { 233 border-color: color.adjust( $highlight-color, $lightness: 10%);234 color: color.adjust( $highlight-color, $lightness: -20%);235 box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px color.adjust( $highlight-color, $lightness: 10%);235 border-color: color.adjust(variables.$highlight-color, $lightness: 10%); 236 color: color.adjust(variables.$highlight-color, $lightness: -20%); 237 box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px color.adjust(variables.$highlight-color, $lightness: 10%); 236 238 } 237 239 } 238 240 239 241 .view-switch a.current:before { 240 color: $menu-background;242 color: variables.$menu-background; 241 243 } 242 244 243 245 .view-switch a:hover:before { 244 color: $menu-bubble-background;246 color: variables.$menu-bubble-background; 245 247 } 246 248 … … 251 253 #adminmenuwrap, 252 254 #adminmenu { 253 background: $menu-background;255 background: variables.$menu-background; 254 256 } 255 257 256 258 #adminmenu a { 257 color: $menu-text;259 color: variables.$menu-text; 258 260 } 259 261 260 262 #adminmenu div.wp-menu-image:before { 261 color: $menu-icon;263 color: variables.$menu-icon; 262 264 } 263 265 … … 266 268 #adminmenu li.opensub >, 267 269 #adminmenu li > { 268 color: $menu-highlight-text;269 background-color: $menu-highlight-background;270 color: variables.$menu-highlight-text; 271 background-color: variables.$menu-highlight-background; 270 272 } 271 273 272 274 #adminmenu div.wp-menu-image:before, 273 275 #adminmenu li.opensub > div.wp-menu-image:before { 274 color: $menu-highlight-icon;276 color: variables.$menu-highlight-icon; 275 277 } 276 278 … … 281 283 .nav-tab-active, 282 284 .nav-tab-active:hover { 283 background-color: $body-background;284 border-bottom-color: $body-background;285 background-color: variables.$body-background; 286 border-bottom-color: variables.$body-background; 285 287 } 286 288 … … 292 294 #adminmenu .wp-has-current-submenu.opensub .wp-submenu, 293 295 #adminmenu a.wp-has-current-submenu:focus + .wp-submenu { 294 background: $menu-submenu-background;296 background: variables.$menu-submenu-background; 295 297 } 296 298 297 299 #adminmenu li.wp-has-submenu.wp-not-current-submenu.opensub:hover:after, 298 300 #adminmenu li.wp-has-submenu.wp-not-current-submenu:focus-within:after { 299 border-right-color: $menu-submenu-background;301 border-right-color: variables.$menu-submenu-background; 300 302 } 301 303 302 304 #adminmenu .wp-submenu .wp-submenu-head { 303 color: $menu-submenu-text;305 color: variables.$menu-submenu-text; 304 306 } 305 307 … … 308 310 #adminmenu a.wp-has-current-submenu:focus + .wp-submenu a, 309 311 #adminmenu .wp-has-current-submenu.opensub .wp-submenu a { 310 color: $menu-submenu-text;312 color: variables.$menu-submenu-text; 311 313 312 314 &:focus, &:hover { 313 color: $menu-submenu-focus-text;315 color: variables.$menu-submenu-focus-text; 314 316 } 315 317 } … … 321 323 #adminmenu a.wp-has-current-submenu:focus + .wp-submenu li.current a, 322 324 #adminmenu .wp-has-current-submenu.opensub .wp-submenu li.current a { 323 color: $menu-submenu-current-text;325 color: variables.$menu-submenu-current-text; 324 326 325 327 &:hover, &:focus { 326 color: $menu-submenu-focus-text;328 color: variables.$menu-submenu-focus-text; 327 329 } 328 330 } … … 330 332 ul#adminmenu a.wp-has-current-submenu:after, 331 333 ul#adminmenu > li.current > a.current:after { 332 border-right-color: $body-background;334 border-right-color: variables.$body-background; 333 335 } 334 336 … … 337 339 #adminmenu li.wp-has-current-submenu .wp-submenu .wp-submenu-head, 338 340 .folded #adminmenu { 339 color: $menu-current-text;340 background: $menu-current-background;341 color: variables.$menu-current-text; 342 background: variables.$menu-current-background; 341 343 } 342 344 … … 349 351 #adminmenu li a:focus div.wp-menu-image:before, 350 352 #adminmenu li.opensub div.wp-menu-image:before { 351 color: $menu-current-icon;353 color: variables.$menu-current-icon; 352 354 } 353 355 … … 358 360 #adminmenu .awaiting-mod, 359 361 #adminmenu .update-plugins { 360 color: $menu-bubble-text;361 background: $menu-bubble-background;362 color: variables.$menu-bubble-text; 363 background: variables.$menu-bubble-background; 362 364 } 363 365 … … 366 368 #adminmenu li:hover a .awaiting-mod, 367 369 #adminmenu > a .update-plugins { 368 color: $menu-bubble-current-text;369 background: $menu-bubble-current-background;370 color: variables.$menu-bubble-current-text; 371 background: variables.$menu-bubble-current-background; 370 372 } 371 373 … … 374 376 375 377 #collapse-button { 376 color: $menu-collapse-text;378 color: variables.$menu-collapse-text; 377 379 } 378 380 379 381 #collapse-button:hover, 380 382 #collapse-button:focus { 381 color: $menu-submenu-focus-text;383 color: variables.$menu-submenu-focus-text; 382 384 } 383 385 … … 385 387 386 388 #wpadminbar { 387 color: $menu-text;388 background: $menu-background;389 color: variables.$menu-text; 390 background: variables.$menu-background; 389 391 } 390 392 … … 393 395 #wpadminbar > #wp-toolbar span.ab-label, 394 396 #wpadminbar > #wp-toolbar span.noticon { 395 color: $menu-text;397 color: variables.$menu-text; 396 398 } 397 399 … … 400 402 #wpadminbar .ab-item:before, 401 403 #wpadminbar .ab-item:after { 402 color: $menu-icon;404 color: variables.$menu-icon; 403 405 } 404 406 … … 408 410 #wpadminbar.nojs .ab-top-menu > li.menupop:hover > .ab-item, 409 411 #wpadminbar .ab-top-menu > li.menupop.hover > .ab-item { 410 color: $menu-submenu-focus-text;411 background: $menu-submenu-background;412 color: variables.$menu-submenu-focus-text; 413 background: variables.$menu-submenu-background; 412 414 } 413 415 … … 415 417 #wpadminbar:not(.mobile) > #wp-toolbar li.hover span.ab-label, 416 418 #wpadminbar:not(.mobile) > #wp-toolbar a:focus span.ab-label { 417 color: $menu-submenu-focus-text;419 color: variables.$menu-submenu-focus-text; 418 420 } 419 421 … … 422 424 #wpadminbar:not(.mobile) li:hover .ab-item:after, 423 425 #wpadminbar:not(.mobile) li:hover #adminbarsearch:before { 424 color: $menu-submenu-focus-text;426 color: variables.$menu-submenu-focus-text; 425 427 } 426 428 … … 429 431 430 432 #wpadminbar .menupop .ab-sub-wrapper { 431 background: $menu-submenu-background;433 background: variables.$menu-submenu-background; 432 434 } 433 435 434 436 #wpadminbar .quicklinks .menupop ul.ab-sub-secondary, 435 437 #wpadminbar .quicklinks .menupop ul.ab-sub-secondary .ab-submenu { 436 background: $menu-submenu-background-alt;438 background: variables.$menu-submenu-background-alt; 437 439 } 438 440 … … 441 443 #wpadminbar .quicklinks .menupop.hover ul li a, 442 444 #wpadminbar.nojs .quicklinks .menupop:hover ul li a { 443 color: $menu-submenu-text;445 color: variables.$menu-submenu-text; 444 446 } 445 447 446 448 #wpadminbar .quicklinks li .blavatar, 447 449 #wpadminbar .menupop .menupop > .ab-item:before { 448 color: $menu-icon;450 color: variables.$menu-icon; 449 451 } 450 452 … … 467 469 #wpadminbar li:hover #adminbarsearch:before, 468 470 #wpadminbar li #adminbarsearch.adminbar-focused:before { 469 color: $menu-submenu-focus-text;471 color: variables.$menu-submenu-focus-text; 470 472 } 471 473 … … 476 478 .quicklinks .ab-icon:before, 477 479 .quicklinks .ab-item:before { 478 color: $menu-submenu-focus-text;480 color: variables.$menu-submenu-focus-text; 479 481 } 480 482 481 483 .quicklinks .hover .ab-icon:before, 482 484 .quicklinks .hover .ab-item:before { 483 color: $menu-icon;485 color: variables.$menu-icon; 484 486 } 485 487 … … 488 490 489 491 #wpadminbar #adminbarsearch:before { 490 color: $menu-icon;492 color: variables.$menu-icon; 491 493 } 492 494 493 495 #wpadminbar > #wp-toolbar > #wp-admin-bar-top-secondary > #wp-admin-bar-search #adminbarsearch input.adminbar-input:focus { 494 color: $menu-text;495 background: $adminbar-input-background;496 color: variables.$menu-text; 497 background: variables.$adminbar-input-background; 496 498 } 497 499 … … 499 501 500 502 #wpadminbar #wp-admin-bar-recovery-mode { 501 color: $adminbar-recovery-exit-text;502 background-color: $adminbar-recovery-exit-background;503 color: variables.$adminbar-recovery-exit-text; 504 background-color: variables.$adminbar-recovery-exit-background; 503 505 } 504 506 505 507 #wpadminbar #wp-admin-bar-recovery-mode .ab-item, 506 508 #wpadminbar #wp-admin-bar-recovery-mode a.ab-item { 507 color: $adminbar-recovery-exit-text;509 color: variables.$adminbar-recovery-exit-text; 508 510 } 509 511 … … 512 514 #wpadminbar:not(.mobile) .ab-top-menu > #wp-admin-bar-recovery-mode:hover > .ab-item, 513 515 #wpadminbar:not(.mobile) .ab-top-menu > #wp-admin-bar-recovery-mode > .ab-item:focus { 514 color: $adminbar-recovery-exit-text;515 background-color: $adminbar-recovery-exit-background-alt;516 color: variables.$adminbar-recovery-exit-text; 517 background-color: variables.$adminbar-recovery-exit-background-alt; 516 518 } 517 519 … … 519 521 520 522 #wpadminbar .quicklinks li#wp-admin-bar-my-account.with-avatar > a img { 521 border-color: $adminbar-avatar-frame;522 background-color: $adminbar-avatar-frame;523 border-color: variables.$adminbar-avatar-frame; 524 background-color: variables.$adminbar-avatar-frame; 523 525 } 524 526 525 527 #wpadminbar #wp-admin-bar-user-info .display-name { 526 color: $menu-text;528 color: variables.$menu-text; 527 529 } 528 530 529 531 #wpadminbar #wp-admin-bar-user-info a:hover .display-name { 530 color: $menu-submenu-focus-text;532 color: variables.$menu-submenu-focus-text; 531 533 } 532 534 533 535 #wpadminbar #wp-admin-bar-user-info .username { 534 color: $menu-submenu-text;536 color: variables.$menu-submenu-text; 535 537 } 536 538 … … 539 541 540 542 .wp-pointer .wp-pointer-content h3 { 541 background-color: $highlight-color;542 border-color: color.adjust( $highlight-color, $lightness: -5%);543 background-color: variables.$highlight-color; 544 border-color: color.adjust(variables.$highlight-color, $lightness: -5%); 543 545 } 544 546 545 547 .wp-pointer .wp-pointer-content h3:before { 546 color: $highlight-color;548 color: variables.$highlight-color; 547 549 } 548 550 … … 551 553 .wp-pointer.wp-pointer-undefined .wp-pointer-arrow, 552 554 .wp-pointer.wp-pointer-undefined .wp-pointer-arrow-inner { 553 border-bottom-color: $highlight-color;555 border-bottom-color: variables.$highlight-color; 554 556 } 555 557 … … 559 561 .media-item .bar, 560 562 .media-progress-bar div { 561 background-color: $highlight-color;563 background-color: variables.$highlight-color; 562 564 } 563 565 … … 565 567 box-shadow: 566 568 inset 0 0 0 3px #fff, 567 inset 0 0 0 7px $highlight-color;569 inset 0 0 0 7px variables.$highlight-color; 568 570 } 569 571 570 572 .attachment.details .check { 571 background-color: $highlight-color;572 box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #fff, 0 0 0 2px $highlight-color;573 background-color: variables.$highlight-color; 574 box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #fff, 0 0 0 2px variables.$highlight-color; 573 575 } 574 576 575 577 .media-selection .attachment.selection.details .thumbnail { 576 box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #fff, 0 0 0 3px $highlight-color;578 box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #fff, 0 0 0 3px variables.$highlight-color; 577 579 } 578 580 … … 583 585 .theme-browser .theme.add-new-theme a:hover:after, 584 586 .theme-browser .theme.add-new-theme a:focus:after { 585 background: $highlight-color;587 background: variables.$highlight-color; 586 588 } 587 589 588 590 .theme-browser .theme.add-new-theme a:hover span:after, 589 591 .theme-browser .theme.add-new-theme a:focus span:after { 590 color: $highlight-color;592 color: variables.$highlight-color; 591 593 } 592 594 593 595 .theme-section.current, 594 596 .theme-filter.current { 595 border-bottom-color: $menu-background;597 border-bottom-color: variables.$menu-background; 596 598 } 597 599 598 600 body.more-filters-opened .more-filters { 599 color: $menu-text;600 background-color: $menu-background;601 color: variables.$menu-text; 602 background-color: variables.$menu-background; 601 603 } 602 604 603 605 body.more-filters-opened .more-filters:before { 604 color: $menu-text;606 color: variables.$menu-text; 605 607 } 606 608 607 609 body.more-filters-opened .more-filters:hover, 608 610 body.more-filters-opened .more-filters:focus { 609 background-color: $menu-highlight-background;610 color: $menu-highlight-text;611 background-color: variables.$menu-highlight-background; 612 color: variables.$menu-highlight-text; 611 613 } 612 614 613 615 body.more-filters-opened .more-filters:hover:before, 614 616 body.more-filters-opened .more-filters:focus:before { 615 color: $menu-highlight-text;617 color: variables.$menu-highlight-text; 616 618 } 617 619 … … 619 621 620 622 .widgets-chooser li.widgets-chooser-selected { 621 background-color: $menu-highlight-background;622 color: $menu-highlight-text;623 background-color: variables.$menu-highlight-background; 624 color: variables.$menu-highlight-text; 623 625 } 624 626 625 627 .widgets-chooser li.widgets-chooser-selected:before, 626 628 .widgets-chooser li.widgets-chooser-selected:focus:before { 627 color: $menu-highlight-text;629 color: variables.$menu-highlight-text; 628 630 } 629 631 … … 633 635 .nav-menus-php .item-edit:focus:before { 634 636 box-shadow: 635 0 0 0 1px color.adjust( $button-color, $lightness: 10%),636 0 0 2px 1px $button-color;637 0 0 0 1px color.adjust(variables.$button-color, $lightness: 10%), 638 0 0 2px 1px variables.$button-color; 637 639 } 638 640 … … 641 643 642 644 div#wp-responsive-toggle a:before { 643 color: $menu-icon;645 color: variables.$menu-icon; 644 646 } 645 647 … … 647 649 // ToDo: make inset border 648 650 border-color: transparent; 649 background: $menu-highlight-background;651 background: variables.$menu-highlight-background; 650 652 } 651 653 652 654 .wp-responsive-open #wpadminbar #wp-admin-bar-menu-toggle a { 653 background: $menu-submenu-background;655 background: variables.$menu-submenu-background; 654 656 } 655 657 656 658 .wp-responsive-open #wpadminbar #wp-admin-bar-menu-toggle .ab-icon:before { 657 color: $menu-icon;659 color: variables.$menu-icon; 658 660 } 659 661 … … 665 667 .mce-container.mce-menu .mce-menu-item-normal.mce-active, 666 668 .mce-container.mce-menu .mce-menu-item-preview.mce-active { 667 background: $highlight-color;669 background: variables.$highlight-color; 668 670 } 669 671 … … 674 676 #customize-controls .accordion-section-title, 675 677 #customize-controls .control-section .accordion-section-title:focus { 676 color: $link;677 border-left-color: $button-color;678 color: variables.$link; 679 border-left-color: variables.$button-color; 678 680 } 679 681 … … 682 684 .customize-controls-preview-toggle:focus, 683 685 .customize-controls-preview-toggle:hover { 684 color: $link;685 border-top-color: $button-color;686 color: variables.$link; 687 border-top-color: variables.$button-color; 686 688 } 687 689 … … 690 692 .customize-section-back:hover, 691 693 .customize-section-back:focus { 692 color: $link;693 border-left-color: $button-color;694 color: variables.$link; 695 border-left-color: variables.$button-color; 694 696 } 695 697 … … 701 703 #customize-controls .customize-help-toggle:active, 702 704 #customize-controls .customize-help-toggle:focus { 703 color: $link;705 color: variables.$link; 704 706 } 705 707 … … 712 714 #publish-settings:focus { 713 715 box-shadow: 714 0 0 0 1px color.adjust( $button-color, $lightness: 10%),715 0 0 2px 1px $button-color;716 0 0 0 1px color.adjust(variables.$button-color, $lightness: 10%), 717 0 0 2px 1px variables.$button-color; 716 718 } 717 719 … … 719 721 #customize-controls .customize-info .customize-help-toggle:focus, 720 722 #customize-controls .customize-info .customize-help-toggle:hover { 721 color: $link;723 color: variables.$link; 722 724 } 723 725 724 726 .control-panel-themes .customize-themes-section-title:focus, 725 727 .control-panel-themes .customize-themes-section-title:hover { 726 border-left-color: $button-color;727 color: $link;728 border-left-color: variables.$button-color; 729 color: variables.$link; 728 730 } 729 731 730 732 .control-panel-themes .theme-section .customize-themes-section-title.selected:after { 731 background: $button-color;733 background: variables.$button-color; 732 734 } 733 735 734 736 .control-panel-themes .customize-themes-section-title.selected { 735 color: $link;737 color: variables.$link; 736 738 } 737 739 … … 744 746 #customize-outer-theme-controls .accordion-section-title:after, 745 747 #customize-outer-theme-controls .control-section .accordion-section-title:focus:after { 746 color: $link;748 color: variables.$link; 747 749 } 748 750 749 751 .customize-control .attachment-media-view .button-add-media:focus { 750 752 background-color: #fbfbfc; 751 border-color: $button-color;753 border-color: variables.$button-color; 752 754 border-style: solid; 753 box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px $button-color;755 box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px variables.$button-color; 754 756 outline: 2px solid transparent; 755 757 } … … 757 759 .wp-full-overlay-footer .devices button:focus, 758 760 .wp-full-overlay-footer .devices { 759 border-bottom-color: $button-color;761 border-bottom-color: variables.$button-color; 760 762 } 761 763 762 764 .wp-full-overlay-footer .devices button:hover:before, 763 765 .wp-full-overlay-footer .devices button:focus:before { 764 color: $button-color;766 color: variables.$button-color; 765 767 } 766 768 767 769 .wp-full-overlay .collapse-sidebar:hover, 768 770 .wp-full-overlay .collapse-sidebar:focus { 769 color: $button-color;771 color: variables.$button-color; 770 772 } 771 773 … … 773 775 .wp-full-overlay .collapse-sidebar:focus .collapse-sidebar-arrow { 774 776 box-shadow: 775 0 0 0 1px color.adjust( $button-color, $lightness: 10%),776 0 0 2px 1px $button-color;777 0 0 0 1px color.adjust(variables.$button-color, $lightness: 10%), 778 0 0 2px 1px variables.$button-color; 777 779 } 778 780 … … 783 785 &.wp-customizer .theme-overlay .theme-header .left:focus, 784 786 &.wp-customizer .theme-overlay .theme-header .left:hover { 785 border-bottom-color: $button-color;786 color: $link;787 } 788 } 787 border-bottom-color: variables.$button-color; 788 color: variables.$link; 789 } 790 } -
r59185 r59656 1 @use 'sass:color'; 2 1 3 /* 2 4 * Button mixin- creates a button effect with correct -
r59185 r59656 1 @use "sass:color"; 2 1 3 // assign default value to all undefined variables 2 4 … … 38 40 $menu-current-background: $menu-highlight-background !default; 39 41 40 $menu-submenu-text: mix( $base-color, $text-color, 30% ) !default;42 $menu-submenu-text: color.mix( $base-color, $text-color, 30% ) !default; 41 43 $menu-submenu-background: color.adjust($base-color, $lightness: -7%) !default; 42 44 $menu-submenu-background-alt: color.adjust(color.adjust($menu-background, $lightness: 7%), $saturation: -7%) !default; … … 60 62 $adminbar-recovery-exit-text: $menu-bubble-text !default; 61 63 $adminbar-recovery-exit-background: $menu-bubble-background !default; 62 $adminbar-recovery-exit-background-alt: mix(black, $adminbar-recovery-exit-background, 10%) !default;64 $adminbar-recovery-exit-background-alt: color.mix(black, $adminbar-recovery-exit-background, 10%) !default; 63 65 64 $menu-customizer-text: mix( $base-color, $text-color, 40% ) !default;66 $menu-customizer-text: color.mix( $base-color, $text-color, 40% ) !default; 65 67 66 68 // Dashboard Colors -
r59185 r59656 1 @use "sass:color";1 $highlight-color: #096484; 2 2 3 $scheme-name: "blue"; 4 $base-color: #52accc; 5 $icon-color: #e5f8ff; 6 $highlight-color: #096484; 7 $notification-color: #e1a948; 8 $button-color: #e1a948; 3 @use "../_admin.scss" with ( 4 $scheme-name: "blue", 5 $base-color: #52accc, 6 $icon-color: #e5f8ff, 7 $highlight-color: $highlight-color, 8 $notification-color: #e1a948, 9 $button-color: #e1a948, 9 10 10 $menu-submenu-text: #e2ecf1; 11 $menu-submenu-focus-text: #fff; 12 $menu-submenu-background: #4796b3; 11 $menu-submenu-text: #e2ecf1, 12 $menu-submenu-focus-text: #fff, 13 $menu-submenu-background: #4796b3, 13 14 14 $dashboard-icon-background: $highlight-color; 15 16 @import "../_admin.scss"; 15 $dashboard-icon-background: $highlight-color 16 ); -
r59185 r59656 1 @use "sass:color";1 $base-color: #59524c; 2 2 3 $scheme-name: "coffee"; 4 $base-color: #59524c; 5 $highlight-color: #c7a589; 6 $notification-color: #9ea476; 7 $low-contrast-theme: "true"; 3 @use "../_admin.scss" with ( 4 $scheme-name: "coffee", 5 $base-color: $base-color, 6 $highlight-color: #c7a589, 7 $notification-color: #9ea476, 8 $form-checked: $base-color, 8 9 9 $form-checked: $base-color; 10 11 @import "../_admin.scss"; 10 $low-contrast-theme: "true" 11 ); -
r59185 r59656 1 @use "sass:color";1 $base-color: #523f6d; 2 2 3 $scheme-name: "ectoplasm"; 4 $base-color: #523f6d; 5 $icon-color: #ece6f6; 6 $highlight-color: #a3b745; 7 $notification-color: #d46f15; 3 @use "../_admin.scss" with ( 4 $scheme-name: "ectoplasm", 5 $base-color: $base-color, 6 $icon-color: #ece6f6, 7 $highlight-color: #a3b745, 8 $notification-color: #d46f15, 8 9 9 $form-checked: $base-color; 10 11 @import "../_admin.scss"; 10 $form-checked: $base-color, 11 ); -
r59185 r59656 1 1 @use "sass:color"; 2 2 3 $scheme-name: "light"; 4 $base-color: #e5e5e5; 5 $icon-color: #999; 3 $highlight-color: #04a4cc; 6 4 $text-color: #333; 7 $highlight-color: #04a4cc; 8 $notification-color: #d64e07; 5 $menu-avatar-frame: #aaa; 9 6 10 $body-background: #f5f5f5; 7 @use "../_admin.scss" with ( 8 $scheme-name: "light", 9 $base-color: #e5e5e5, 10 $icon-color: #999, 11 $text-color: $text-color, 12 $highlight-color: $highlight-color, 13 $notification-color: #d64e07, 11 14 12 $menu-highlight-text: #fff; 13 $menu-highlight-icon: #ccc; 14 $menu-highlight-background: #888; 15 $body-background: #f5f5f5, 15 16 16 $menu-bubble-text: #fff; 17 $menu-avatar-frame: #aaa; 18 $menu-submenu-background: #fff; 17 $menu-highlight-text: #fff, 18 $menu-highlight-icon: #ccc, 19 $menu-highlight-background: #888, 19 20 20 $menu-collapse-text: #777; 21 $menu-collapse-focus-icon: #555; 21 $menu-bubble-text: #fff, 22 $menu-submenu-background: #fff, 22 23 23 $dashboard-accent-1: $highlight-color; 24 $dashboard-accent-2: color.adjust(color.adjust($highlight-color, $lightness: 7%), $saturation: -15%); 25 $dashboard-icon-background: $text-color; 24 $menu-collapse-text: #777, 25 $menu-collapse-focus-icon: #555, 26 26 27 @import "../_admin.scss"; 27 $dashboard-accent-1: $highlight-color, 28 $dashboard-accent-2: color.adjust(color.adjust($highlight-color, $lightness: 7%), $saturation: -15%), 29 $dashboard-icon-background: $text-color 30 ); 28 31 29 32 /* Override the theme filter highlight color for this scheme */ 30 33 .theme-section.current, 31 34 .theme-filter.current { 32 border-bottom-color: $highlight-color;35 border-bottom-color: admin.$highlight-color; 33 36 } -
r59185 r59656 1 1 @use "sass:color"; 2 2 3 $scheme-name: "midnight";4 3 $base-color: #363b3f; 5 4 $highlight-color: #e14d43; 6 5 $notification-color: #69a8bb; 7 6 8 $dashboard-accent-2: mix($base-color, $notification-color, 90%); 7 @use "../_admin.scss" with ( 8 $scheme-name: "midnight", 9 $base-color: $base-color, 10 $highlight-color: $highlight-color, 11 $notification-color: $notification-color, 9 12 10 @import "../_admin.scss"; 13 $dashboard-accent-2: color.mix($base-color, $notification-color, 90%), 14 ); -
r59419 r59656 1 1 @use "sass:color"; 2 2 3 $scheme-name: "modern";4 $base-color: #1e1e1e;5 3 $highlight-color: #3858e9; 6 $menu-submenu-focus-text: #7b90ff;7 $notification-color: $highlight-color;8 4 9 $link: $highlight-color; 10 $link-focus: color.adjust($highlight-color, $lightness: -10%); 5 @use "../_admin.scss" with ( 6 $scheme-name: "modern", 7 $base-color: #1e1e1e, 8 $highlight-color: #3858e9, 9 $menu-submenu-focus-text: #7b90ff, 10 $notification-color: $highlight-color, 11 11 12 $custom-welcome-panel: "false"; 12 $link: $highlight-color, 13 $link-focus: color.adjust($highlight-color, $lightness: -10%), 13 14 14 @import "../_admin.scss"; 15 $custom-welcome-panel: "false" 16 ); -
r59185 r59656 1 @use "sass:color";1 $base-color: #738e96; 2 2 3 $scheme-name: "ocean"; 4 $base-color: #738e96; 5 $icon-color: #f2fcff; 6 $highlight-color: #9ebaa0; 7 $notification-color: #aa9d88; 8 $low-contrast-theme: "true"; 3 @use "../_admin.scss" with ( 4 $scheme-name: "ocean", 5 $base-color: $base-color, 6 $icon-color: #f2fcff, 7 $highlight-color: #9ebaa0, 8 $notification-color: #aa9d88, 9 $form-checked: $base-color, 9 10 10 $form-checked: $base-color; 11 12 @import "../_admin.scss"; 11 $low-contrast-theme: "true" 12 ); -
r59185 r59656 1 1 @use "sass:color"; 2 2 3 $scheme-name: "sunrise";4 $base-color: #cf4944;5 3 $highlight-color: #dd823b; 6 $notification-color: #ccaf0b;7 $menu-submenu-focus-text: color.adjust($highlight-color, $lightness: 35%);8 4 9 @import "../_admin.scss"; 5 @use "../_admin.scss" with ( 6 $scheme-name: "sunrise", 7 $base-color: #cf4944, 8 $highlight-color: $highlight-color, 9 $notification-color: #ccaf0b, 10 $menu-submenu-focus-text: color.adjust($highlight-color, $lightness: 35%) 11 );
Note: See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.