Book Reviews by Matías Rosso
The criminological positivism reached the Argentinean coasts after Lombroso, Ferri and Garofalo e... more The criminological positivism reached the Argentinean coasts after Lombroso, Ferri and Garofalo exposed to the world the need to end the classic criminal law. At first, the new Italian trend was received with joy by a good part of the Argentinean penalists, but in reality, the practical application of its postulates was conspicuous by its absence. Throughout this article, we will study how criminological positivism became a reference doctrine in the Argentine legal world, and at the same time, we will explain the reasons that caused it to become nothing more than a memory around the 1930s.
GLOSSAE. European Journal of Legal History 17 (2020), 2020
The criminological positivism reached the Argentinean coasts after Lombroso, Ferri and Garofalo e... more The criminological positivism reached the Argentinean coasts after Lombroso, Ferri and Garofalo exposed to the world the need to end the classic criminal law. At first, the new Italian trend was received with joy by a good part of the Argentinean penalists, but in reality, the practical application of its postulates was conspicuous by its absence. Throughout this article, we will study how criminological positivism became a reference doctrine in the Argentine legal world, and at the same time, we will explain the reasons that caused it to become nothing more than a memory around the 1930s.
Reseña de libros N° 48, INHIDE, Buenos Aires, julio-diciembre 2014 [pp. 245-248] GISELA SEDEILLAN... more Reseña de libros N° 48, INHIDE, Buenos Aires, julio-diciembre 2014 [pp. 245-248] GISELA SEDEILLAN, La justicia penal en la provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituciones, prácticas y codificación del derecho , Buenos Aires, Biblos, 2012, 219 págs.
Conference Presentations by Matías Rosso
Primer Circular
Ciu... more Primer Circular
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, 25, 26 y 27 de septiembre de 2019
Museo Roca- Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas (Calle Vicente Lopez Nº 2220)
Papers by Matías Rosso

Si bien existieron algunos intentos codificadores en la primera mitad del XIX, como el proyecto d... more Si bien existieron algunos intentos codificadores en la primera mitad del XIX, como el proyecto de Guret Bellemare de 1822, hubo que esperar hasta 1852 para encontrar el primer impulso serio y comprometido de codificación. Urquiza fue el encargado de designar las comisiones para la redacción de los códigos, entre ellos el penal. El intento no prosperó pero sirvió de antecedente para que los convencionales de 1853 redactaran el inciso 11 del art. 64. El proyecto del doctor Carlos Tejedor se convirtió en el fundamento del primer código penal nacional que entraría en vigencia en 1887.
Anteriormente cada provincia fue sancionando su propio código penal. Todas las ellas se inclinaron por el proyecto del doctor Tejedor salvo Córdoba que opto por el proyecto de la comisión revisora de 1881. Con respecto a las provincias de Jujuy y Santiago del Estero no se dieron códigos provinciales rigiéndose por la normativa Castellana hasta la sanción del primer código nacional. Tomando una serie de causas criminales de finales del siglo XIX de la jurisdicción de Córdoba, nos proponemos analizar algunos aspectos de ese primer momento de codificación provincial, poniendo el foco de atención en el Código vigente en la provincia entre 1882 y 1886.
Books by Matías Rosso

The Western Codification of Criminal Law. A Revision of the Myth of its Predominant French Influence, 2017
This essay analyzes the gradual process of criminal reform in the territories that would form Arg... more This essay analyzes the gradual process of criminal reform in the territories that would form Argentina throughout the 19th century. After the independence and in spite of different attempts for establishing a new republican system, the reform of the criminal laws did not have the revolutionary pace that one could expect. The Spanish colonial law persisted during the first half of the 19th century.
The first national penal code was enacted in 1886, two decades after the constitutional organization of the country (1853–1860). We will describe the process of coding the criminal law, paying attention to the inherent complexity derived from the hybridism of the Argentinean constitutional model (half Federal, half Unitarian). In order to get a better comprehension of the way in which actors of the time understood the codification process, we will look at the archives, focusing our view in the experience of the Province of Cordoba, the second district in
population and territory of the country. These primary sources help us to understand the way in which the daily justice administration gradually encompassed the codification process. Finally, we cast some doubts about the efficacy of the first national penal code for achieving the sought after legal uniformity.
Book Reviews by Matías Rosso
Conference Presentations by Matías Rosso
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, 25, 26 y 27 de septiembre de 2019
Museo Roca- Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas (Calle Vicente Lopez Nº 2220)
Papers by Matías Rosso
Anteriormente cada provincia fue sancionando su propio código penal. Todas las ellas se inclinaron por el proyecto del doctor Tejedor salvo Córdoba que opto por el proyecto de la comisión revisora de 1881. Con respecto a las provincias de Jujuy y Santiago del Estero no se dieron códigos provinciales rigiéndose por la normativa Castellana hasta la sanción del primer código nacional. Tomando una serie de causas criminales de finales del siglo XIX de la jurisdicción de Córdoba, nos proponemos analizar algunos aspectos de ese primer momento de codificación provincial, poniendo el foco de atención en el Código vigente en la provincia entre 1882 y 1886.
Books by Matías Rosso
The first national penal code was enacted in 1886, two decades after the constitutional organization of the country (1853–1860). We will describe the process of coding the criminal law, paying attention to the inherent complexity derived from the hybridism of the Argentinean constitutional model (half Federal, half Unitarian). In order to get a better comprehension of the way in which actors of the time understood the codification process, we will look at the archives, focusing our view in the experience of the Province of Cordoba, the second district in
population and territory of the country. These primary sources help us to understand the way in which the daily justice administration gradually encompassed the codification process. Finally, we cast some doubts about the efficacy of the first national penal code for achieving the sought after legal uniformity.
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, 25, 26 y 27 de septiembre de 2019
Museo Roca- Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas (Calle Vicente Lopez Nº 2220)
Anteriormente cada provincia fue sancionando su propio código penal. Todas las ellas se inclinaron por el proyecto del doctor Tejedor salvo Córdoba que opto por el proyecto de la comisión revisora de 1881. Con respecto a las provincias de Jujuy y Santiago del Estero no se dieron códigos provinciales rigiéndose por la normativa Castellana hasta la sanción del primer código nacional. Tomando una serie de causas criminales de finales del siglo XIX de la jurisdicción de Córdoba, nos proponemos analizar algunos aspectos de ese primer momento de codificación provincial, poniendo el foco de atención en el Código vigente en la provincia entre 1882 y 1886.
The first national penal code was enacted in 1886, two decades after the constitutional organization of the country (1853–1860). We will describe the process of coding the criminal law, paying attention to the inherent complexity derived from the hybridism of the Argentinean constitutional model (half Federal, half Unitarian). In order to get a better comprehension of the way in which actors of the time understood the codification process, we will look at the archives, focusing our view in the experience of the Province of Cordoba, the second district in
population and territory of the country. These primary sources help us to understand the way in which the daily justice administration gradually encompassed the codification process. Finally, we cast some doubts about the efficacy of the first national penal code for achieving the sought after legal uniformity.