Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Centro de Investigaciones Entomológicas
Forecasting models were developed for predicting Aedes aegypti larval indices in an endemic area for dengue (cities of Tartagal and Orá n, northwestern Argentina), based on the Breteau and House indices and environmental variables... more
Forecasting models were developed for predicting Aedes aegypti larval indices in an endemic area for dengue (cities of Tartagal and Orán, northwestern Argentina), based on the Breteau and House indices and environmental variables... more
Food competition in the larval phase of Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus and its effect on the adult stage was experimentally studied under laboratory conditions. Cohorts with different densities of initial first instar larvae (from 50 to... more
Forecasting models were developed for predicting Aedes aegypti larval indices in an endemic area for dengue (cities of Tartagal and Orá n, northwestern Argentina), based on the Breteau and House indices and environmental variables... more
Environmental variables are some of the factors that more impact on Aedes aegypti, vector of Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika viruses. In this study, the Ae. aegypti oviposition activity was related to satellite and meteorological variables,... more
The list of twenty-two species of Culicidae from the southern coast of Mar Chiquita Lake is extended to twenty-eight. Aedeomyia squamipennis (Lynch Arribalzaga) , Culex acharistus Root, Culex chidesteri Dyar, Haemagogus spegazzinii ... more