Spicy Scrambled Eggs
Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat them, just until the yolks and whites are combined. Season with salt and pepper and beat in the cream.
Put a medium skillet, preferably non-stick, over medium heat for about 1 minute. Add the butter or oil and swirl it around the pan. After the butter melts, but before it foams, turn the heat to low.
Add the eggs to the skillet and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon. At first nothing will happen; after 10 minutes or so, the eggs will begin to form curds. Do not lose patience: Keep stirring, breaking up the curds as they form, until the mixture is a mass of soft curds. This will take 30 minutes or more. Serve immediately.
Spicy Scrambled Eggs
Scrambled Eggs for a Crowd
Egg Muffins
Perfect Buttermilk Pancakes
Silky Scrambled Eggs With Pancetta, Pepper and Pecorino
Extra-Creamy Scrambled Eggs
Fried Eggs and Potatoes
Velvety Scrambled Eggs
Sunny-Side-Up Eggs
Scrambled Eggs With Peppers, Tomatoes and Potatoes
Whole-Grain Pancakes
Perfect Boiled Eggs
Baked Eggs With Onions and Cheese
Marion Cunningham’s Lemon Pancakes
A Perfect Hard-Boiled Egg
Make-Ahead Breakfast Sandwiches
Dutch Baby
Soft-Boiled Eggs With Watercress and Walnut-Ricotta Crostini
Skillet Poached Eggs
Private Notes
What do you do with the cold toast and coffee when the eggs are done? :)
Amateurs. The ultimate scrambled egg uses direct sunlight to heat the pan and 7.5 hours of continuous stirring.
No way. I do it the Jacques Pepin way. Hot and fast. The eggs turn out silky and moist. They don't need the addition of cream because they haven't been dried out in a skillet for 30 minutes. My whole family -- especially sons in law -- demand them. I use a skillet with a stainless steel interior and copper bottom and a modest amount of butter. Nothing sticks to the pan.
Read down one years worth of notes and I didn’t see my trick. For every 2 or 3 eggs used I add an extra yoke. Yummm!
My mother always made us scrambled eggs like this for breakfast as a special treat on weekends when she had time to cook. She called them 'coddled eggs'. They are also a prelude - in much larger quantities, and without pepper - to what my family (Ukrainian-Rusyn Greek Catholics) call in English "Easter Cheese".
The quality of the eggs is most important. Cheap eggs taste cheap.
Julia Moskin
Julia Moskin
Melissa Clark
Melissa Clark
Melissa Clark
Julia Moskin
Claire Saffitz
Melissa Clark