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Se presenta el estudio numérico de la transferencia de calor en una cavidad alargada e inclinada calentada diferencialmente desde la parte inferior. Se consideró a la cavidad alargada en dos dimensiones conteniendo en el interior aire. Se... more
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      Natural ConvectionSolar CollectorRadiative Heat TransferConvection Rayleigh Benard
In this paper, a numerical investigation of the two modes of heat transfer, natural convection and surface thermal radiation, in a tilted slender cavity such a collector is presented. The 2-D conservation of mass, momentum and energy are... more
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      Finite Volume MethodsDesalinationNatural ConvectionSolar Collector
In this paper a numerical investigation of the interaction between two modes of heat transfer, natural convection and surface thermal radiation, in a tilted slender cavity is studied. The bottom and top surfaces of the cavity are heated... more
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      Finite Volume MethodsSolar CollectorRadiative Heat TransferFinite Volume
Double-diffusive natural convection and surface thermal radiation in an inclined cavity that simulates a solar still device is studied numerically. The parameters considered were 103 ≤ RaT (RaM) ≤ 106, 8 ≤ A ≤ 16 and 15º ≤  ≤ 35º. The... more
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      Finite Volume MethodsDesalinationNatural ConvectionSolar Still
The numerical study of double-diffusive natural convection in an inclined rectangular cavity, that simulates a solar still, is carried out. Surface thermal radiation and heat conduction in a glass cover are considered. The study analyzes... more
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      ConvectionHeat and Mass TransferDesalinationComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulation
The numerical study of the pseudo transient thermal behavior of an earth-to-air heat exchanger (EAHE) for three cities in México is presented. The climate conditions correspond to the warmest day in summer and the coldest day in winter... more
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      Finite Volume MethodsHeat TransferComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulationEarth-Air Heat Exchanger
A solar still device was studied numerically as a cavity considering surface thermal radiation. • The effects of solar still device were studied with and without surface thermal radiation. • The surface thermal radiation modifies the... more
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      EngineeringChemistryFinite Volume MethodsHeat Transfer
In this paper a numerical investigation of the interaction between two modes of heat transfer, natural convection and surface thermal radiation, in a tilted slender cavity is studied. The bottom and top surfaces of the cavity are heated... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsMaterials ScienceMechanics
The numerical study of the pseudo transient thermal behavior of an Earth-to-Air Heat Exchanger (EAHE) for three cities in México is presented. The climate conditions correspond to the warmest day in summer and the coldest day in winter... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceFinite Volume MethodsHeat Transfer
Cuales son los 4 tipos de fuerza que distinguen los físicos? Electromagnetismo gravedad fuerzas débiles y super fuerza
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