In this example:

Ajax Load More will infinite scroll query results in a table layout.

Note: To help avoid display issues with table rendering you should remove the .alm-reveal container by setting transition_container=”false” in your shortcode.

<?php if($alm_item === 1){?>
   <th class="the_id">ID</th>
   <th class="the_date">Date</th>
<?php } ?>
   <td class="the_id"><?php the_ID();?></td>
   <td class="the_date"><?php the_time("d/m/Y"); ?></td>
   <td><strong><?php the_title(); ?></strong><br/><span><a href="<?php the_permalink();?>"><?php the_permalink();?></a></span></td>

The following shortcode was used to create the Table Layout example.

[ajax_load_more repeater="template_26" scroll="false" button_label="Show More" button_loading_label="Loading data..." container_type="table" css_classes="tbl-example" transition="none" transition_container="false" posts_per_page="4"]

The following Template was used to create the Table Layout example.