? ?
Journal created:
on 19 August 2002 (#674711)
on 7 July 2021
The Connecticut LiveJournal Community
Connecticut, United States
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
1) Play nice
2) Act like grown-ups
3) Put images and really lengthy posts behind cuts
4) Don't flame
5) Don't continue drama in new posts
6) Don't disable, screen, or delete comments
7) Don't post off-topic.

The community's about Connecticut, so please limit your posts to topics directly related to that.

Maintainer is beginning. Write to her at beginning@lj with any questions you have.

Sibling communities are hartford_conn, ct_bands, uconnhuskies, and a_healthy_ct. For abandoned, beautiful historical sites where you can wander around, check out ct_casualties.
albertus magnus college, american history, asnuntuck community college, berlin turnpike, big e, boston post road, bridgeport, bristol, bushnell park, capital community college, central connecticut state university, charter oak state college, coast guard academy, connecticut, connecticut college, connecticut river, constitution state, ct, danbury, dunkin' donuts, east hartford, eastern connecticut state university, el n gee, enfield, espn, fairfield, fairfield university, gateway community college, greenwich, groton, hartford, hartford courant, hartford whalers, hartford wolfpack, hartt school of music, housatonic community college, housatonic river, hubbard park, i-84, i-91, i-95, insurance, lake compounce, litchfield, litchfield hills, long island sound, manchester, manchester community college, meriden, middlesex community college, middletown, mitchell college, mystic, naugatuck valley, naugatuck valley community college, new britain, new britain rock cats, new england, new haven, new london, northeast, northwestern connecticut community college, norwalk, norwich, oakdale, post university, pratt & whitney, quinebaug valley community college, quinnipiac university, rensselaer, riverside, sacred heart university, saint joseph college, sikorsky, six flags, sleeping giant, southern connecticut state university, stamford, states, storrs, stratford, submarines, the berkshires, the brickyard, the meadows, thirteen colonies, toad's place, torrington, tourism, trinity college, tunxis community college, uconn, uconn huskies, united states, united technologies, university of bridgeport, university of hartford, university of new haven, wadsworth atheneum, wesleyan university, western connecticut state university, whalley avenue, willimantic, yale university
