Papers by Fco. Javier Gil Espinosa

espanolLa intencion de este trabajo es aportar una vision diferente e innovadora de las nuevas te... more espanolLa intencion de este trabajo es aportar una vision diferente e innovadora de las nuevas tecnologias implementadas con un trabajo muy interesante de gamificacion, todo ello para atender al alumnado actual denominados por Prensky (2001) Nativos Digitales, los cuales tienen grandes conocimientos tecnologicos y sienten especial atraccion por estos medios. El trabajo a realizar esta disenado para que tengan el mayor compromiso motor posible dentro de las sesiones de Educacion Fisica (EF) y que se desarrollen utilizando una aplicacion de RA (WallaMe) a traves de un sistema digital tipo Tablet o similar. En realidad, no es otra la mision de este trabajo que la de realizar actividad fisica guiada y divertida para promover que se realice este innovador entrenamiento tanto dentro como fuera del horario escolar luchando con ello contra el gran problema que acontece a la sociedad actual que es el sobrepeso y la obesidad infantil (OMS, 2016) EnglishThe aim of this work is to provide a dif...

Physical activity is essential to child development, but studies show that children are increasin... more Physical activity is essential to child development, but studies show that children are increasingly inactive. Due to schools being considered privileged environments to promote physical activity, the aim of this study was to increase the physical activity performed by early childhood education children during the school day by integrating movement into academic content and analyze this process. The amount and intensity of physical activity performed by a group of 24 3–4-year-old children in three different weeks were measured by accelerometry: one week with the methodology they had been following (week 1); and two weeks in which movement was integrated into the content through a specific proposal (week 2) and the same improved proposal (week 3). The results reveal that the application of a movement integration program not only allowed students to work on academic content in a physically active way, but also significantly increased the amount of physical activity that children perfo...

Journal of Teaching in Physical Education
Purpose: To describe the curricular elements in blended physical education (PE) during the COVID-... more Purpose: To describe the curricular elements in blended physical education (PE) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: A survey of PE teachers was conducted regarding curricular elements related to content blocks, instruction, and assessment. A total of 174 Spanish secondary PE teachers (120 men and 54 women) participated in the survey. Results: For the nonface-to-face part, instruction relied mainly on challenge-based learning as an instructional strategy, the learning of the designed individual program as a teaching–learning style, health-based PE as a pedagogical model, and self-assessment as the most used assessment form. Discussion/Conclusion: The study describes an overview of the characteristics of the curricular elements used in the blended learning PE model in secondary education. Both the age of PE teachers and the socioeconomic level of the families are variables to consider.
Estrategias didácticas para mejorar la convivencia y participación del alumnado en educación física, 2009
Morente-Oria, H., Romance-Garcia A.R., Gil-Espinosa F.J., Benitez-Porres, J. (2018). Factors that... more Morente-Oria, H., Romance-Garcia A.R., Gil-Espinosa F.J., Benitez-Porres, J. (2018). Factors that influence the adherence to Rugby practice in Spanish young Rugby Union players. En Murphy, M.H., Boreham, C.A.G. y De Vito, G. (Presidencia), 23rd Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. Congreso de la ECSS 2018 Dublin, Irlanda

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the educational landscape worldwide. One year after the disease... more The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the educational landscape worldwide. One year after the disease outbreak, blended learning, which combines distance and face-to-face learning, became an alternative to fully online learning to address the demands of ensuring students’ health and education. Physical education teachers faced an additional challenge, given the experiential nature of their subject, but research on teachers’ perspectives is scarce. This study aims to explore high school physical education teachers’ perceptions of the potential, advantages, and disadvantages of the blended learning model of instruction. An online survey was used to register the views of 174 Spanish high school physical education teachers (120 men and 54 women). The main findings revealed that physical education teachers considered that blended learning, compared with full face-to-face learning, implied a work overload, worsened social relationships, and did not help to increase students’ motivation. Likew...

Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, 2021
Las nuevas tendencias o estrategias metodológicas en Educación Física (EF), así como las conocida... more Las nuevas tendencias o estrategias metodológicas en Educación Física (EF), así como las conocidas como metodologías activas, han llevado a la aplicación de modelos centrados en el alumnado como protagonista y orientados al desarrollo competencial del mismo, ello pretende fomentar una participación más activa del alumnado en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. El presente trabajo es una propuesta integradora del aprendizaje basado en proyectos (ABP) y la evaluación mediante rúbrica (incluyendo la coevaluación) en la aplicación del modelo flipped learning (FL) en la clase de EF. A su vez, se plantea un modelo de rúbrica que abarca tanto aspectos didácticos y motrices como los curriculares. Se avanza hacia un proceso de evaluación formativo, sumativo, participativo, significativo y continuo. El objetivo de este trabajo es marcar unas líneas generales que permitan encauzar la elaboración de rúbricas de evaluación, que partiendo de aspectos curriculares permita su integración en el mod...
Red Revista De Entrenamiento Deportivo, 1997
Red Revista De Entrenamiento Deportivo, 1997

Nuevos retos y perspectivas de investigación en Educación Física
Mobile applications are integrated into students’ lives and, therefore, their use for educational... more Mobile applications are integrated into students’ lives and, therefore, their use for educational purposes can become a resource to improve the learning-teaching process. Simultaneously, the use of applications can help increase the level of motivation in the integration of physical activity into their day-to-day life and extracurricular time. The objective of the didactic experience was to analyze the effect of the use of the Endomondo application in Physical Education subject. In the didactic experience, with a quasiexperimental design without pretest, 138 students in the third and fourth years of Compulsory Secondary Education (64 girls and 74 boys; 15.4±0.5 years) agreed to participate voluntarily in this research. It was implemented in a secondary high school in the southern of Spain, with a medium socio-culture index and integrated into the curriculum of the subject of Physical Education. The students carried out collective challenges by group-class as well as individually. Th...

After the COVID-19 period, academic achievement among elite student-athletes has not shown any im... more After the COVID-19 period, academic achievement among elite student-athletes has not shown any improvement and it is not yet known exactly the main factors that contributed to academic achievement. In addition, limited evidence in previous research that analyzed the relationship between technological and psychological readiness with academic achievement among elite student athletes at the college level became a gap in this study. Therefore, this study investigated the relationship between technological and psychological readiness variables and academic achievement. Correlational research was adopted in this study which involved eighty-five elite first-year student-athletes from the Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Indonesia). Technological and psychological readiness was measured using a questionnaire while academic achievement was measured by filling out questions about soccer, basketball and volleyball. Spearman's rank was used to investigate the relationship of each variable. We ...

Sportis. Scientific Journal of School Sport, Physical Education and Psychomotricity
El 14 de marzo de 2020 se declaró el Estado de Alarma en todo el territorio español, sufriendo el... more El 14 de marzo de 2020 se declaró el Estado de Alarma en todo el territorio español, sufriendo el sistema educativo un cambio que conllevó a reformular muchos aspectos del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. En España, las Comunidades Autónomas (CCAA) asumieron la delegación de responsabilidades para actuar en su ámbito territorial y adaptar las restricciones por zonas territoriales en función de la incidencia de contagios por la Covid-19. Posteriormente, multitud de estudios abalaron la decisión del Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional para el curso 2020-2021, sobre la necesidad de la presencialidad de las clases, encomendando a las CCAA y centros educativos la concreción de planes de contingencia o protocolos de seguridad, con el objetivo de garantizar la máxima presencialidad posible del alumnado en Educación Secundaria. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir y conocer las dificultades que han tenido los docentes de Educación Física (EF) a la hora de impartir las clase...

Education and Information Technologies
Smartphone applications (apps) are thought to be an adequate instructional strategy not only to i... more Smartphone applications (apps) are thought to be an adequate instructional strategy not only to improve the quality of the teaching in physical education (PE), but also to effectively promote leisure-time physical activity (PA) of adolescent students in this context. Although the use of smartphone apps has been generalized in PE, little is known about the curricular approach of smartphone apps to be implemented by teacher to teach specific curricular contents in PE lessons. Therefore, the aim of this research was threefold: a) to conduct a systematic search for smartphone apps focused on PA and sport; b) to assess the features, content and quality of every included smartphone app; and c) to analyze the relationships between every selected app and the secondary PE curriculum. Systematic searches were completed on Google Play Store from January 2021 to March 2021. Apps were included when they met: main goal focused on PA and sport; permitted use by underage; they are free; user scores...

La Covid-19 conllevó a nuevos planteamientos respecto al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la E... more La Covid-19 conllevó a nuevos planteamientos respecto al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Educación Física (EF) tanto en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) como en Bachillerato, generalizándose, en España, la implantación de un modelo de docencia semipresencial durante el curso 2020-2021, a partir de tercero de ESO. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar las diferentes plataformas educativas utilizadas por el profesorado en dicho modelo semipresencial. Un total de 174 profesores (121 hombres y 53 mujeres) de EF participaron en la investigación, basada en un cuestionario ad hoc. Un total de 104 (59.77%) profesores y profesoras afirmaron utilizar la plataforma Google Classroom, mientras que 39 (22.41%) dijeron utilizar la plataforma Moodle y, 31 (17.81%) indicaron otras (Microsoft teams, páginas webs, plataforma Educan y correo electrónico). El nivel socioeconómico de las familias del alumnado estuvo relacionado con la elección y utilización de los diferentes recursos digi...

Investigación educativa ante los actuales retos migratorios.
La COVID-19 afectó de forma considerable al sistema educativo mundial (UNICEF, 2020). En España, ... more La COVID-19 afectó de forma considerable al sistema educativo mundial (UNICEF, 2020). En España, tras el confinamiento y la docencia telemática establecida desde marzo hasta junio de 2020, las autoridades permitieron, en el curso 2020-2021, el funcionamiento de diferentes modelos organizativos, procurando encontrar un equilibrio de los aspectos educativos con los sanitarios (Goad et al., 2021). Entre dichos modelos, en educación secundaria, se generalizó la docencia semipresencial, entendida como la combinación entre una parte presencial y otra telemática (Garrison & Kanuka, 2004). El profesorado de Educación Física (EF) tuvo que adaptar, obligatoriamente, el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la asignatura al nuevo modelo organizativo (Beard & Konukman, 2020; Daum et al., 2021). Existen diversas investigaciones relacionadas con la docencia de la EF online, durante el periodo de confinamiento (Centeio et al., 2021), pero muy pocas respecto al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la EF bajo una estructura semipresencial y, en nuestra revisión, no hemos encontrado ninguna relativa a la educación secundaria en España. Así, Johnson et al. (2021), recomiendan llevar a cabo investigaciones que pueden servir de referencia metodológica al profesorado ante situaciones de enseñanza diferentes a la presencialidad tradicional. Cuestiones relativas a la gestión del aula y los aspectos curriculares que el profesorado implementó en la docencia semipresencial, como la priorización de contenidos, estrategias metodológicas o de evaluación, así como la percepción del profesorado sobre la enseñanza semipresencial y su comparación con la enseñanza tradicional presencial, fueron investigadas en el proyecto "Comprehensive and Lifelong Physical Education (CALPE)" (López-Fernández et al., 2021), concluyendo que la experiencia del profesorado y el nivel socioeconómico de las familias afectaron al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. A su vez, se descubrió que el profesorado necesita tanto
La convivencia escolar está permanentemente siendo analizada por su influencia en el rendimiento ... more La convivencia escolar está permanentemente siendo analizada por su influencia en el rendimiento escolar y el bienestar de toda la Comunidad educativa, alumnado, familias y profesorado. El presente trabajo presenta el diseño de dos cuestionarios para valorar la percepción del profesorado de Educación Física respecto a la convivencia escolar. A la vez se plantean diferentes variables que podrían condicionar la misma, tanto a nivel de administración, centros y propio profesorado en la gestión del aula.

Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992), Jan 27, 2018
This study investigated whether general intelligence could predict physical fitness and academic ... more This study investigated whether general intelligence could predict physical fitness and academic achievements one year later. We recruited 129 Spanish adolescents (57.4% boys) with a mean age of 13.6 ± 0.7 years old from a convenience sample of a single public-funded school. The first step was to assess general intelligence during the 2015-2016 school year using the D48 nonverbal test. A year later, we collected data on fitness and academic achievements. Cardiorespiratory fitness was measured with the 20-m endurance shuttle run test, muscular strength with the standing long jump and flexibility with the sit and reach test. Academic achievement was measured using school grades. The findings were assessed using three models with different variables. One year later, general intelligence at baseline was marginally significantly associated with flexibility (p = 0.079) and mathematics (p = 0.084) in the first model, with mathematics (p = 0.029) and geography and history (p = 0.016) in the...

Journal of sports sciences, Jan 7, 2018
The purposes of this study were to examine how fitness at the baseline could predict both academi... more The purposes of this study were to examine how fitness at the baseline could predict both academic achievement and academic achievement changes one school year in advance. A total of 194 adolescents (mean age: 14.15 ± 0.97 years old, 112 boys) who attended secondary school participated in our study. Cardiorespiratory fitness was measured with the 20 m endurance shuttle-run test. We also assessed the lower-limbs muscular strength with the standing long jump test and flexibility with the sit-and-reach test. The academic achievement was assessed by school grades. We performed linear regression analyses. Additionally, we examined the relationship between fitness and changes in the academic performance following the same statistical methodology. Cardiorespiratory fitness was positively associated with mathematics one school year in advance (p = 0.025). Cardiorespiratory fitness was also positively associated with changes in Spanish language (p = 0.005), mathematics (p = 0.023), and the g...
Previous studies have shown that physical activity, fitness and academic achievement might predic... more Previous studies have shown that physical activity, fitness and academic achievement might predict cognitive performance later in life . However, to the best of our knowledge, there are no studies examining the inverse relationship, that is, whether cognition may predict fitness and academic achievement in adolescents one year later . Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the associations between cognitive performance and physical fitness and academic achievement one year later .Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

El sistema educativo está tratando de responder de manera eficaz a los retos y cambios en mater... more El sistema educativo está tratando de responder de manera eficaz a los retos y cambios en materia educativa provocados por la COVID-19. El proceso de transición de una enseñanza predominantemente presencial a una virtual ha supuesto un esfuerzo considerable para el profesorado de Educación Física (EF) con la finalidad de adaptar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. No hay evidencias de estudios que hayan analizado las iniciativas de EF en casa realizadas por los docentes. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar, desde una perspectiva curricular, diferentes propuestas de EF en casa con la finalidad de conocer sus características, compartir ejemplos de buenas prácticas y ofrecer al profesorado orientaciones útiles que les ayuden a diseñar propuestas de calidad en el futuro. Los resultados evidenciaron que el perfil predominante de actividad fue un ejercicio individual de carácter motriz centrado en el desarrollo de la condición física y presentada como un reto, donde el alum...
Papers by Fco. Javier Gil Espinosa