University of Málaga
This paper study the dynamic response of the human tympanic ossicular system (HTOS) using the Finite Element Method (FEM). The model HTOS includes the tympanic membrane, a chain of small bones (malleus, incus and stapes), the tendons and... more
This paper study the dynamic response of the human tympanic ossicular system (HTOS) using the Finite Element Method (FEM). The model HTOS includes the tympanic membrane, a chain of small bones (malleus, incus and stapes), the tendons and ligaments that support chain. A harmonic analysis is performed considering the effect of cochlear fluid and a sound pressure of 90 dB SPL , acting on the outer side of the eardrum. The effect of some parameters that govern the dynamic behaviour is analyzed. The model is validated with previous experimental results.
- by Rafael Urquiza and +2
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The first design step of a MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanics System) for a new implantable audioprosthesis has been developed. The device is designed to substitute the human tympanic-ossicular system and to be implanted in patients with the... more
The first design step of a MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanics System) for a new implantable audioprosthesis has been developed. The device is designed to substitute the human tympanic-ossicular system and to be implanted in patients with the ossicular chain damaged or surgically eliminated in order to restore hearing. The piezoelectric transductor is directly coupled to the oval window to convert electrical energy into vibrational energy. Basically, the actuator is formed by a passive membrane and a sandwich-like structure of one piezoelectric film between two electrode layers. In the design process two contradictory conditions must be balanced in order to obtain a correct dimension of the MEMS, on the one hand the static response is increased by the global flexibility of the vibratory device; on the other hand dynamic properties are penalized with this characteristic. The first natural frequency should stay above 20 KHz (outside the human hearing range); while a displacement close to 1 µm (micron) should be achieved with a limited voltage (1 V). In this paper a parametric study of different configurations is made in order to balance both constraints. Two typologies of actuator (with one or two piezoelectric layers) have been considered and numerical studies have been carried out by means of a finite element approach. Aspect as different combinations of materials (piezoelectric and passive layer), the diameter of the passive membrane and the piezoelectric layer and the thicknesses of the different layers have been studied in terms of the static and dynamic response. Results and conclusions obtained provided a great deal of information to take the proper decisions in the next step of the design process.
- by Rafael Urquiza and +1
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This study presents the result obtained with a numerical model developed to simulate the dynamic behavior of the human tympanic ossicular system (HTOS). The model includes the tympanic membrane, a chain of small bones (malleus, incus and... more
This study presents the result obtained with a numerical model developed to simulate the dynamic behavior of the human tympanic ossicular system (HTOS). The model includes the tympanic membrane, a chain of small bones (malleus, incus and stapes), the tendons and ligaments that support chain. A three-dimensional geometric model is generated using CAD tools, based on measurements previously published. The dynamic behaviour is simulated using the finite element method (FEM) with a harmonic analysis. The system response is measured with the displacement of umbo and the stapedial footplate for a sound pressure equivalent to 90 dBSPL, acting on the outer side of the eardrum in a frequency range from 200 Hz and 8,000 Hz. The influence of different parameters in the response of the system is studied. It is the case of the Young's modulus of the tympanic membrane and the damping coefficient. Comparison with experimental results permits the validation of the model and helps to estimate th...
- by Luis Caminos and +2
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Conclusions . The characteristic features of the Hh specimen conformed to those of other Pleistocene human fossils, indicating strong cranial structures and a heavy mandible. The mastoid was large and suggested a powerful... more
Conclusions . The characteristic features of the Hh specimen conformed to those of other Pleistocene human fossils, indicating strong cranial structures and a heavy mandible. The mastoid was large and suggested a powerful sternocleidomastoid muscle. The inner ear and tympanic cavities were similar in size and orientation, suggesting that their functions were probably similar. Our observations suggest that the left ear of this Hh specimen was healthy. The large canaliculo Á/fenestral angle confirms that this ancestor was bipedal. It also strongly suggests that Hh individuals were predisposed to develop certain pathologies of the labyrinth capsule associated with bipedalism, in particular otosclerosis. Objective . We studied a temporal bone of Homo heidelbergensis (Hh) in order to investigate the clinical and physiological implications of certain morphological features, especially those associated with the evolutionary reorganization of the inner ear. Material and methods . The bone, found in a breach of a cave near Málaga in southern Spain, together with Middle Á/Upper Pleistocene faunal remains, is /300 000 years old. Four analytical methods were employed. A 3D highresolution surface laser scan was used for anatomical measurements. For the sectional analysis of the middle and inner ears of Hh we used high-resolution CT, simultaneously studying a normal temporal bone from Homo sapiens sapiens (Hss). To study the middle and inner ear spaces we used 3D reconstruction CT preceded by an intra-bone air shielding technique. To examine the tympanic cavities and measure the canaliculo Á/fenestral angle, we used a special minimally invasive endoscopic procedure. Results. The surface, sectional and 3D CT examinations showed that the Hh specimen was generally more robust and larger than the Hss specimen. It had a large glenoid fossa. The external meatus was wide and deep. The middle ear, and especially the mastoid, was large and widely pneumatized. There were no appreciable differences in the position and size of the labyrinthine spaces and tympanic cavity. The dimensions of the semicircular canals were similar to those of the Hss specimen. Endoscopy revealed normal, healthy tympanic walls and an ossicle fragment in the atticum that probably belonged to the body of the malleus. The diameters of the fallopian duct and the tympanic opening of the Eustachian tube were large. The canaliculo Á/fenestral angle was :/1148.
This study presents the result obtained with a numerical model developed to simulate the dynamic behavior of the human tympanic ossicular system (HTOS). The model includes the tympanic membrane, a chain of small bones (malleus, incus and... more
This study presents the result obtained with a numerical model developed to simulate the dynamic behavior of the human tympanic ossicular system (HTOS). The model includes the tympanic membrane, a chain of small bones (malleus, incus and stapes), the tendons and ligaments that support chain. A three-dimensional geometric model is generated using CAD tools, based on measurements previously published. The dynamic behaviour is simulated using the finite element method (FEM) with a harmonic analysis. The system response is measured with the displacement of umbo and the stapedial footplate for a sound pressure equivalent to 90 dBSPL, acting on the outer side of the eardrum in a frequency range from 200 Hz and 8,000 Hz. The influence of different parameters in the response of the system is studied. It is the case of the Young's modulus of the tympanic membrane and the damping coefficient. Comparison with experimental results permits the validation of the model and helps to estimate th...
- by Rafael Urquiza
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This study presents the result obtained with a nume rical model developed to simulate the dynamic behavior of the human tympanic ossicular system (HTOS). The model includes the tympanic membrane, a chain of small bones (malleus, incus and... more
This study presents the result obtained with a nume rical model developed to simulate the dynamic behavior of the human tympanic ossicular system (HTOS). The model includes the tympanic membrane, a chain of small bones (malleus, incus and stapes), the tendons and ligaments that support chain. A three-dimensional g eometric model is generated using CAD tools, based on measurements previously published. The dynamic behaviour is simulated using the finite element method (FEM) with a harmonic analysis. The system response is measured with the displacement of umbo and the stapedia l footplate for a sound pressure equivalent to 90 dB SPL , acting on the outer side of the eardrum in a freq uency range from 200 Hz and 8,000 Hz. The influence of different parameters in the response of the system is studied. It is the case of the Young's modulus of the tympan ic membrane and the damping coefficient. Comparison with experimental results permits the va lidation of the model and helps to est...
- by Rafael Urquiza
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Conclusions. The characteristic features of the Hh specimen conformed to those of other Pleistocene human fossils, indicating strong cranial structures and a heavy mandible. The mastoid was large and suggested a powerful... more
Conclusions. The characteristic features of the Hh specimen conformed to those of other Pleistocene human fossils, indicating strong cranial structures and a heavy mandible. The mastoid was large and suggested a powerful sternocleidomastoid muscle. The inner ear and tympanic cavities were similar in size and orientation, suggesting that their functions were probably similar. Our observations suggest that the left ear of this Hh specimen was healthy. The large canaliculo /fenestral angle confirms that this ancestor was bipedal. It also strongly suggests that Hh individuals were predisposed to develop certain pathologies of the labyrinth capsule associated with bipedalism, in particular otosclerosis. Objective. We studied a temporal bone of Homo heidelbergensis (Hh) in order to investigate the clinical and physiological implications of certain morphological features, especially those associated with the evolutionary reorganization of the inner ear. Material and methods. The bone, foun...