Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University
Agricultural Structures and Irrigation
Accuracies of Real-Time Kinematic Global Positioning (RTK-GPS) system and Total Station (TS) were investigated in GIS environment. In geostatistical evaluations, Kriging method was used with spherical, exponential, and Gaussian models.... more
- by Unal Kizil
In this study 6 feedlots that are located on a watershed in North Dakota are evaluated considering the State Laws and literature with respect to their potential to cause water pollution. In the evaluation ArcView GIS software is used.... more
The purpose of this study was to develop a gas sensor array to estimate the manure nutrient contents. Three metal-oxide gas sensors including methane, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide were used. Forty manure samples were collected from four... more
- by Unal Kizil
Runoff from an unpaved bison feedlot was measured for 2 yr. The objective were to determine a runoff curve number, develop a relationship between rainfall and runoff, and evaluate the equations in the Erosion-Productivity Impact... more
The authors are solely responsible for the content of this technical presentation. The technical presentation does not necessarily reflect the official position of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE), and its printing... more
- by Unal Kizil
Water stress is one of the most important growth limiting factors in crop production. Several methods have been used to detect and evaluate the effect of water stress on plants. The use of remote sensing is deemed particularly and... more
Environmental modeling of a greenhouse barn is conducted. Model results were correlated with observed values. Correlation coefficient between predicted and observed temperature was found to be 0.99. The model predicted the inside humidity... more
- by Unal Kizil
Two vegetative treatment and containment systems were designed in Oliver and Dunn Counties of North Dakota, USA. The results showed that unit costs for the systems designed in Oliver County were 8.83 and 7.18 $/m 2 for vegetative... more
- by Unal Kizil
In this study it was aimed to design a metal oxide gas sensor array to determine the bacterial load in soaking float of wet-salted domestic sheep skin for garment leather production. The results showed that an array of 4 metal oxide gas... more
Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) is a new technology that offers a potential alternative to field surveying and photogrammetric techniques for the collection of elevation data. It has the advantages of being rapid accurate and able to... more
Kirmizi lahana ( Brassica oleracea L.var.Rubra) uzerinde iki yil sureyle yurutulen bu calismada farkli sulama seviyelerinin verim, seker ve organik asit miktarlari uzerine etkisi belirlenmeye calisilmistir. Bu calisma killi-tin toprak... more
Emitter clogging is one of the most important factors that affect the performances on drip irrigation systems. Emitter clogging, which is formed in a short time due to irrigation systems’ running under an inadequate pressure or owing to... more
- by Okan Erken
Nowadays, it is known that many vegetables and fruits can be obtained longer-lasting products with drying methods. Therefore, dried fruits are offered for consumption in Turkey. In the present study, it was investigated fat and protein... more
The resistance of 63 tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) accessions to the twospotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae), was investigated in screen house experiments and compared to Money Maker, a T.... more
The purpose of this study was to develop a gas sensor array to estimate the manure nutrient contents. Three metal-oxide gas sensors including methane, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide were used. Forty manure samples were collected from four... more
- by Ünal Kızıl
Ülkemizdeki seralar çoğunlukla rüzgar ve kar yüklerine maruz kalan, genellikle hafif yapılardır. Halen, boru çerçeveli sera yapıları için standart projeleme ilkeleri bulunmamaktadır. Seraların herhangi bir mühendislik hesaplaması... more
Water stress is one of the most important growth limiting factors in crop production around the world. Water in plants is required to permit vital processes such as nutrient uptake, photosynthesis, and respiration. There are several... more
- by Ünal Kızıl
Water stress is one of the most important growth limiting factors in crop production. Several methods have been used to detect and evaluate the effect of water stress on plants. The use of remote sensing is deemed particularly and... more