Welcome to the xoxoashlee_____ Ashlee Simpson Community. Please reveiw the rules before joining. *r*u*l*e*s*. 001. NO ASHLEE BASHING!! you have your own communities for that. your post will be deleted before any can see it if you decide to break this golden rule. 002. respect everyone. if someone didn't like ashlee's newest video and states why, don't get on their case. it's their opinion. i don't think one unsatisfactory video will make them ashlee-haters. 003. be kind to everyone who joins. if someone just got into ashlee don't yell at them for spelling her name wrong or something small and insignificant. embrace their nieveness and teach them about her. we're not trying to make enemies here, but friends :) 004. please don't post community invites in here unless they are ashlee related. 005. please only post ashlee related articles or icons. please don't post about how much you love ashlee on end. once or twice is fine, no problem, but please limit it to that. we know you love ashlee, you're in this community aren't you? 006. and finally, have fun. *a*p*p*l*i*c*a*t*i*o*n*. (this is an open community, but we would like to know a little about you. Please post in a new entry) 001. what is your name? 002. where do you live? 003. what is your age? 004. gender? 005. what got you into ashlee simpson? (radio? TV?) 006. why do you like ashlee? 007. what is your favorite track on autobiography? 008. one reason you love ashlee. 009. if you could ask ashlee one question what would it be? 010. your favorite quote from ashlee? thank you for joining. now that all the dirty work is done, get posting! :-D!