This is a community for you to post about anything and everything you want. However, you must be accepted to this community before you can become a member (already accepted members will vote)...The majority of votes will be the final call. This is to keep out the rift raft. NO LURKERS! We aren't ones for perverts... Because you are thrilled/bursting to join our sexy community, answers these questions in your first post: Your name.. Interests.. CD in your Stereo.. Favorite Cereal.. How many pillows do you sleep with at night?.. A couple random facts about yourself.. Promote this community. Where did you promote it?..
Applicants You may comment on entries before you are accepted (or rejected). However, you may NOT vote on other applicants before you are accepted.
We ask that you vote on as many applications as you can.
Members are now allowed to make claims. You may claim your favorite singer, band, song, TV show, TV channel, movie, athlete, food/restaurant, clothing, actor, actress, LJ friend. There is also a RANDOM category where you can claim anything you'd like. We ask that you only make one claim per category. You are not limited to how many different categories you claim out of, though. You may not claim something that has already been claimed! Check the claims list before you make your claims! If you try to claim something that has already been claimed, we will delete your post!
Claims List Singers: Bands: Songs: TV Shows: TV Channels: Movies: Athletes: Food/Restaurants: Clothing: Actors: Actresses: LJ Users: Random: