Degrassi RPG's Journal
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Degrassi RPG

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[21 Jul 2006|01:01pm]

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Malibu: Malibu is Beverly Hills on a beach. A place built on money, power, and prestige. So do you think you can handle Malibu?

The Residents: The teenage residents of Malibu are blessed with great looks, power, and huge trust funds. Well, most of them anyway. Some are outsiders brought to this elite town because of unusual circumstances. These select few rarely fit in. To fit in you need to have the hottest new luxury vehicle, the coolest clothes, and go to the best parties. Your appearance and your repuation is very important. So is your family name. Most parents let their kids do whatever they want as long as they don't tarnish the family name. And these kids take full advantage of their freedom.
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[05 Nov 2005|08:52pm]

Bored with all your other RolePlays?! Then join dcsrp It just opened and practically ALL characters are open at dcsrp, Including: Manny, Darcy, Emma, Hazel, Spinner, Jimmy, Craig, Ashley, and like EVERYONE ELSE! besides Paige, Ellie, & Amy


Kim//Paige//Mod of dcsrp
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[10 Sep 2005|12:42pm]

i have every episode you want od degrassi the next genereation and degrassi unscripted, i could send the ones you want if you leave your sn with the episode(s) you want, and ill get back to you as soon as possible, feel free to ask
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[19 Jul 2005|09:32am]

[Sorry to spam delete this if you want to but xdegrassi_rpg is a brand-new rp (opened july 18!) and only Alex, Ellie and Paige are taken, please join!]
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[05 Jul 2005|06:20pm]


degrassis_rpg is a newly renovated fan-owened roleplay, seeking active and mature roleplayers.

This particular roleplay uses the CTV episodes as a refrence, thus providing AWH occured & Going

Down the Road Part duex. There are only 4 characters taken and many popular roles are still available.

























-Heather Sinclaire





..and many more!

We're currently hoping for more males to come in. So far, we only have a Craig & 3 girls

(Manny, Paige & Emma) taken!

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[28 Apr 2005|02:08am]

Image hosted by Photobucket.comdegrassi_rp_tng
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[06 Apr 2005|09:31am]


That's right, I've made another Degrassi roleplay!  I expect this one to be very, very good though.  It's only for active memebers, though, so don't join if you can't make time to update and comment!  Just click the banner, and boom, you're there!

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[22 Mar 2005|11:06am]

non livejournal degrassi roleplay advertisementCollapse )
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[11 Mar 2005|08:04pm]


Hi!  I'm, obviously, here to promote my new Degrassi roleplay community.  The only taken characters are Manny Santos and Ashley Kerwin.  We're greatly in need of more characters, so please stop by and join!


Join 00degrassi00 -- A Degrassi Roleplay!
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[02 Mar 2005|11:53pm]


Hey guys!!! If anyone is interested in Degrassi TNG RPG, please go to the following link:

We have everyone open except:  Ellie, Marco, Paige, Spinner, and Emma.

Just come and read the user info (rules) and apply!  Its so easy!

Hope to talk to some of you soon!!!

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[21 Feb 2005|06:53pm]

[ mood | blank ]

Are You Intense?

Everyone is open except:
- Alex
- Ashley
- Ellie
- Manny
- Paige

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[30 Dec 2004|09:56pm]

join the brand new degrassi RPG LOTS of characters open!!!!!!
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[05 Nov 2004|11:36pm]
__degrassirp NEEDS A MATURE sean, NOW!!
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[15 Oct 2004|02:50pm]


this is a comunity about degrassi so come join it

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hey [18 Jul 2004|05:43pm]

alirght i made this community becuase i thought it'd be fun to do some role playing. so far i have no one for these characters. so if you would like to be one of these characters comment and i'll let you have it. remember first come first serve.

Characters- Muns playing them

Grade 10
Ashley Kerwin- ashley__rocks -
Craig Manning- tearsrnot_enuff - xcraigxmanningx
Ellie Nash- xgothicxelliex - xXxgOTHICxeLLIExXx
Hazel Aden-
Jimmy Brooks-
Marco Fel Rossi-
Paige Michalchuk-
Spinner Mason-
Terri Macgreggor-

Grade 9
Emma Nelson-
JT Yorke-
Liberty Van Zandt-
Manny Santos- ms_santos - smileygurlxxx3
Sean Cameron-
Toby Issacs-
Chris Sharp-

Grade 8
Kendra Mason-

Other People
Dylan Michalchuk -
Ms. Kwan-
Joey Jeremiah-

rules are on the userinfo page, join community and post an entry for request.
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