[20 Apr 2005|08:46pm] |
hey whats up. ive been watching real world since the chicago season. about a month ago, we had a battle of the sexes at my school, and mike & leah came. if your interested ill post pictures.
[14 Mar 2005|01:05pm] |
OMG!!! I'm so happy the show is back on soon! I am like obsessed with it...It's my favorite show! :o) but neways...who do you think is gunna win or want to win? The nice or the badasses???? It's hard to choose from b/c i like players from both sides :-(
just a note |
[11 Mar 2005|06:41pm] |
since technically this is a community for anything Inferno-related, you can probably feel free to post Inferno II things here..
just so you all know.
OT: gmail |
[06 Feb 2005|12:24pm] |
Last week I had 4, but for some reason, now I have 50 gmail invites!!
If you want one e-mail me at sariah8 (at) livejournal (dot) com. Make sure you include your name.
if you have a friend that you know wants one too, give me their email address and name as well.
I know this is off-topic, so if the mods have an issue with it, they can delete it. If not, then don't complain about it, just ignore it.
Battle of the Sexes II |
[11 Oct 2004|09:10pm] |
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So what's the word, guys? Is someone going to set up a Battle of the Sexes II community? Is there one already? Or are people still going to post in here?
[20 Jul 2004|12:01am] |
Ok, i have to say this, enough with the posting of the cast of battle of the sexes 2. Everyone always posts it and quite frankly, its enough. Im sure we've all read the cast already so theres no need to post it anymore. Sorry if im comming off rude, but someones gotta say it. NO MORE CAST POSTING OF bots2!!!!
[17 Jul 2004|04:19pm] |
Hey guys! Im going to make the Battle of the Sexes 2 community! Im just lookin for a few peeps who might wanna help me out and be mods with me!
Lemme know if your interested! Im gonna start on the layout soon
Join Today |
[13 Jul 2004|12:39am] |
Hey you all remember me from the Inferno. Matt of course, I've been telling you about the new Real World Road Rules Challenge the BOTS the Return. Well Me and a Bunch of Friends made a community together
MaD HeLp get advice from MaD HeLp |
Name: |
MaD_HeLp |
About: |
Hey we are MaD HeLp (_Matt, Amanda, and Dana_) You can come here to share stories of things that you may want advice on or just feel like sharing.. It can be about anything:: friendship, cruelty, kindness, loyalty, embarassment, ignorance, romance, or just as simple as right and wrong.. We are here to help and listen! |
We do not discriminate based on Backround Heritage Creed Color Race or Sexual Prefrence. We want to make this community a loving warm welcoming community. If you would like to join you must fill out a simple survey. You can tell us your problem and me and my crew will try and help you sort everything out. Also people in the community such as members can help you aswell with your problem
[12 Jul 2004|10:50am] |
****ATTENTION EVERYONE!!**** As you may have heard from me there is a new Real World Road Rules Challenge called The Battle of the Sexes the Return well I got a new version of the updated cast and most of you all will be pleased because some of your favorite Roadies and Real Worlders are baaaaaaaaaaack
1)Mike (RW10)---Back to NY 2)Frank (RW12)---Vegas 3)Steven (RW12)---Vegas 4)Adam (RW13)---Paris 5)Brad (RW14)---San Diego 6)Jacquese (RW14)---San Diego 7)Randy (RW14)---San Diego 8) 9) 10)Theo (RR9)---Maxium Velocity 11)Darrell (RR11)---Campus Crawl 12)Abe (RR12)---South Pacific 13)Chris (RR12)---South Pacific 14)Derrick (RR13)---X-Treme 15) 16) 17) 18) Girls 1)Ruthie (RW9)---Hawaii 2)Coral (RW10)---Back to NY 3)Aneesa (RW11)---Chicago 4)Tonya (RW11)---Chicago 5)Arissa (RW12)---Vegas 6)Cameran (RW14)---San Diego 7)Robin (RW14)---San Diego 8) 9) 10)Veronica (RR8)---Semester at Sea 11)Jisela (RR10)---The Quest 12)Katie (RR10)---The Quest 13)Sophia (RR10)---The Quest 14)Rachel (RR11)---Campus Crawl 15) 16) 17) 18)
***ALSO There may be some new comers from Road Rules X Treme and they are people replacing voted off people. I wont tell you who but I promised Id get you a cast also rumor has it the Emily Bailey from Road Rules my join the cast so then there will be drama with her and veronica and katie...also I know everyone is happy to know that Coral IS BACK. As she promised she is back to kick some ass
The New Commers are:
Girls: 13)Sophia (RR10)---The Quest 6)Cameran (RW14)---San Diego 7)Robin (RW14)---San Diego 5)Arissa (RW12)---Vegas
Guys: 13)Chris (RR12)---South Pacific 14)Derrick (RR13)---X-Treme 2)Frank (RW12)---Vegas 3)Steven (RW12)---Vegas 4)Adam (RW13)---Paris 5)Brad (RW14)---San Diego 6)Jacquese (RW14)---San Diego 7)Randy (RW14)---San Diego
the guys have more new commers then the girls so lets see if the girls can win this one as we speak they are now filming this season and is set to air Fall 2004 right after the ending of Road Rules X Treme and Also will air will be Real World Philly so check out MTV to see the contruction of the house and stuff
[09 Jul 2004|06:21pm] |
Hey! i was wondering if any one knows how to make any icons for the lj of Randy and if they do could they make one for me? and if no one does then... any of the whole cast of RW14? kthbi ~Emily~
Im new... |
[05 Jul 2004|01:50pm] |
Hey im new here... i love the inferno. but i really wanted real world to win. it sucked that they caught up and then lost it at the puzzle. ct is really hot though. does anyone know where the new battle of the sexes 2 is being taped or anything like that? Thanks in advance.
[19 Jun 2004|01:29am] |
Have we found out the rest of the cast list for the next show??
J/W cuz I wanna kno if Corals on there!!
hey |
[18 Jun 2004|01:20am] |
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i <3 the inferno =]
id write more but im wicked lazzy.
re-runs |
[12 Jun 2004|11:00pm] |
anyone know if they'll be replaying the last episode of the Inferno & the reunion? I missed it, and I've missed all the re-runs so far... I tried checking tvguide.com, but I couldnt' find anything.
Anyone know?