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The Inklings

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Lord of the Rings Online [13 Aug 2010|03:24am]

[ mood | confused ]

(cross posting a couple places to try to get answers, sorry if I spam anyone's friends page)

I am all sorts of excited for the fact that this MMO is going free to play soon...but I am also worried, seeing as the one and only piece of information I can NOT locate anywhere on their site or on DDO's (same company, fairly similar model so I'd assume it would be the same) is how it might work with multiple people playing from the same household. You need a product key to create an account. You are initially limited to one character per server on your account if playing for free. If you get a product key by downloading the game for free, that's all well and good, but then people would get around the character restriction simply by installing the game on multiple computers, so it would be can't be that simple.

I kinda doubt it's going to be possible for both my brother and I to play this game...and if it is I suspect we'll each be bound to a certain installation, which would leave me playing it on the cruddy computer that will probably have issues with running it...So I suspect I'm getting excited over nothing, 'cause that's not worth the trouble.

If anyone knows how the heck this actually works...actually has an LOTRO or DDO account...please let me know...

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The Livejournal C.S. Lewis Society [05 Jul 2009|12:05am]

Come join the discussion. Everything from literature and writing to philosophy and metaphysics. Our tastes are as broad as those of Lewis himself.

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Hero and Leander and Lewis and Miller and Davis [11 May 2009|05:17pm]

There's a judicious review-article of what seems to be a problematic book up at The Nation website: Jordan Davis on Laura Miller's book about the Narnia series.

I thought it was pretty impressive, and had never heard of Davis before, so I went in search of his work. I found some of his verse scattered about the internet, and I'm not sure I totally get it, but I was struck by a longish poem with some classical content, "Hero and Leander." Leander, swimming, sees a girl (except she's not a girl) peeling an orange (except it's not an orange) on the beach.
Leander, seeing, dripping as he came
Onto rocky land said May I
Have a piece of that
It was pomegranate and she
Smiled red and said
Here and he was in intense pain

(The whole thing is online here)

I like that "smiled red" bit, and the general design of the poem (insofar as I understand it).

[cross-posted a couple places]

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Out of curiosity [24 Oct 2008|03:10pm]

[ mood | curious ]

Does anyone know of any poem besides W.H. Auden's "On the Circuit" with mentions of more than one of the Inklings in it?

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Greetings all ye who read! [01 Sep 2007|10:15pm]

Greetings and hello.  I'm new here, but am hoping that mayhaps someone will read this and respond.  *bows*

So to get to it...
Me and my sister have been making an LOTR quiz. In it's final form, it will be a flash game with probably 100+ questions in queue (though you only answer 15 to win).

Right now I'm looking for people to help with 2 things:

1: LEGAL Graphics and sound effects for the actual flash game (A good friend has already helped me with the programming side of it). I don't want to just rip some music off of the LOTR soundtrack and some pretty pictures off of the official webpage.

2: I'm hoping to find someone who considers themselves a complete Tolkien nut, to help with the judging of the difficulties of the questions. I suppose it might be good to have 2 people for this; one Tokienologist and one typical fan, for balance's sake.

Anyone interested, just reply. I'd like to keep the number of people helping with the question difficulties to a minimum, so that more people can actually play the final version without knowing what the questions will be. Any one that wants to help out with the graphics is free to do so, though!

KageJim, AKA ShadowJim

P.S.  I will post a link to the final version, whenever it is finally done, here.
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but a thread between you and the minotaur [15 Nov 2006|07:24am]


A syndicated story for young people has been running in the newspaper on the back page, complete with its history, vocabulary, and plot and character quizzes; mercifully ousting crucial celebrity news every Monday. The current episodic story is based on the myth of the monster Minotaur and Theseus in the labyrinth, composed by Mike Petersen.

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mission-building legitimate trade secrets (creative writing) [11 Nov 2006|09:11am]

See you there!
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writing and wondering [01 Nov 2006|05:08pm]

anyone around these parts have a few recommendations on books for aspiring writers? would be much appreciated!
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peter wimsey's maker on making [05 Sep 2006|02:03pm]

"That a work of creation struggles and insistently demands to be brought into being is a fact that no genuine artist would think of denying. Often, the demand may impose itself in defiance of the author's considered interests and at the most inconvenient moments. Publisher, bank-balance, and even the conscious intellect may argue that the writer should pursue some fruitful and established undertaking; but they will argue in vain against the passionate vitality of a work that insists on manifestation.
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--Dorothy L. Sayers

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giants discuss details [26 Aug 2006|10:30am]

"Lewis: The only trouble is that Golding writes so well. In one of his other novels, The Inheritors, the detail of every sensuous impression, the light on the leaves and so on, was so good that you couldn't find out what was happening. I'd say it was almost too well done. All these little details you only notice in real life if you've got a high temperature. You couldn't see the wood in the leaves.

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"Aldiss: You had this in Pincher Martin; every feeling in the rocks, when he's washed ashore, is done with a hallucinatory vividness."

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--"Unreal Estates"
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Lewis's reference in An Experiment in Criticism [19 Aug 2006|10:29am]

'Imitation' the common principle

"Poetry in general seems to have sprung from two causes, each of them lying deep in our nature. First, the instinct of imitation is implanted in man from childhood, one difference between him and other animals being that he is the most imitative of living creatures, and through imitation learns his earliest lessons; and no less universal is the pleasure felt in things imitated.[. . .]

"Imitation, then, is one instinct of our nature. Next, there is the instinct for 'harmony' and rhythm, metres being manifestly sections of rhythm. Persons, therefore, starting with this natural gift developed by degrees their special aptitudes, till their rude improvisations gave birth to Poetry.

"Poetry now diverged in two directions, according to the individual character of the writers. The graver spirits imitated noble actions, and the actions of good men. The more trivial sort imitated the actions of meaner persons, at first composing satires, as the former did hymns to the gods and the praises of famous men."

from Poetics by Aristotle, Translated by S. H. Butcher
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George MacDonald on the imagination [11 Aug 2006|07:15am]


"To inquire into what God has made is the main function of the imagination. [. . .] The imagination of man is made in the image of the imagination of God. Everything of man must have been of God first; and it will help much towards our understanding of the imagination and its functions in man if we first succeed in regarding aright the imagination of God, in which the imagination of man lives and moves and has its being.
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Question [12 Jul 2006|04:11am]

[ mood | embarrassed ]

Howdy everybody, I'm hoping for a bit of help here.

After several ages of wanting and meaning to I finally just now finished The Last Battle, and it has sparked a question.

It says that even a king like Tirian would never dream of riding a Unicorn except in some dire need. This seems only good sense to me, and matches very well with the traditional idea of a Unicorn being something fierce and free and untameable.

But, of course, in the movie The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, Peter goes about riding an oddly submissive and untalkitive member of that noble race as if it's nothing special.

Now, I don't remember anything of the sort happening in the book, but it's been something like five years since I read it, and only that once. It's all quite fuzzy in my head, and I can imagine perhaps there may have been a scene in which a Unicorn offered to do this as some special service as Narnia was fighting for freedom and really for existance. I don't quite think so, but it's possible.

Of course, if I owned a copy I'd just look it up, but I only have four of the books, that most marvelous first one of course among those missing, because the universe might shatter if I ever had something to hand when I really needed it... so I've come to ask those obviously wiser and worthier for their aid in resolving this question...

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Allegory and Applicability [11 Jun 2006|06:16pm]

[ mood | curious ]

Well, I am one of those people like Tolkien that is bothered by the presence of allegory, at least certainly if it becomes too obtrusive (and it's blessed rare for it to be unobtrusive).

Still and all, it can be a fine line. And when I write I want what I write to resonate, to hearken back to some experience. Something that everyone can sympathize with. Or "with which everyone can sympathize" to be paranoidly properXP.

And I wanted to ask what others do to help create that feel in their writings, that feel that so thoroughly permeates the Lord of the Rings and the Silmarillion, and also, what writers who do use allegory do to keep it from making the story seem too distant and contrived as usually occurs.

Any and all comments and opinions on these and related matters are most welcome.

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New member rant [11 Jun 2006|05:03pm]

[ mood | drained ]

Greetings and felicitations, all ye inklings, I am new here and finally have some spare time to type up something (hopefully) worth posting here.

So, I'm a big fan of Tolkien etc most of the things it seems people like around here. With the exception of Harry Potter, though please note it's not because I assume the fans of that series are devil worshippers or any such insanity. It's just not quite my thing.

Well, to teach myself Spanish I've taken to reading novels I like in English and Spanish at the same time. At the moment I'm doing The Fellowship of the Ring, or La Communidad del Anillo.

As grateful as I am to Luis Domenech, who tackled the enormous task of translating this lengthy and complex work, I think in some respects he's got a lot to answer for.

"Tesoro" for Precious rather than preciosa is pretty unforgivable. Preciosa is pretty obviously the better equivilent, and lends itself so much more to that wonderful sibilance.

"Sotomonte" for Underhill is ok but far as I know soto means grove or thicket, which is a long way from anything to do with living underground. Then again phrases like soto vocce (sp? Sorry, I really should know that) would make it seem it might have some relation with lowness, which would make it a decent translation esp. taking into account that for names in particular to use things that don't necessarily mean what they do at first glance is a great deal more acceptable than anywhere else.

And here's a real bad one: "Barliman Butterbur is the worthy keeper," to quote Tom Bombadil, but the Spanish reads "afortunado," and I'm sorry, or rather I'm not, but being fortunate has nothing to do with being worthy.

Also there's an egregious typo in the Prologue where it touches on the three breeds of Hobbit and explains how the Stoors were less shy of Men and the Harfoots had dealings with Dwarves, but for the Fallohides where it should by rights have mentioned the "Elfos" it said "Enanos," Dwarves. The confusion this would cause for someone who didn't already know the story...*sigh*

Besides these things it's usually decent enough. Not great but decent. I felt that Frodo's song about the Man in the Moon was translated very well, but besides that most things in verse were mediocre. I'd prefer just having a literal translation with no rhythm or rhyme to something that took too much poetic lisence and twisted the meaning of something; and that's basically what I got with this, but sometimes the translation seemed slightly doubtful anyway, which makes me wonder what the point was.

I'd say probably the best stuff tended to be in An Unexpected Party, At the Sign of the Prancing Pony, and as much as I've read so far of Strider (that's as far in as I've gotten now). Also perhaps some in Fog on the Barrow Downs.

At any rate, now that I've exhuasted that ranting, I'd just like to hear what other people think about this and the sorts of issues that are bound to come up generally when translating great literary works.

You can count on seeing me about trying to breathe some life back into this community whenever I have spare time, but that likely won't be often.

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Thoughts on Galadriel and Jadis [16 Jan 2006|02:19am]

[ mood | curious ]

Hello! I am new here and a devoted fan of Tolkien, and an admirer of Lewis's work (although I tend to side with Tolkien on his issues with Lewis's use of allagory, but that is all for another conversation of course).

I am currently working on an epic of my own, taking inspiration from the works of Lewis and Tolkien (as well as Rowling, Handler, L'engel and Herbert, as well as ancient epic poems) and while thinking about a particular chapter in my story, I realized something that brought up some interesting thoughts.

In many ways, one could see that Jadis, in the form of the White Witch (more so than her role in MN), is very much like what Galadriel would have been had she taken The Ring.

I always imagined Jadis as being exceedingly beautiful (I dont remember, did it ever say that she was beautiful in the books) as well as cold and terrifying, and thats exactly what Galadriel claims she would be with the ring.

Also the freezing of Narnia, always winter and never christmas, is possibly what Middle Earth would look like under the dominion of Galadriel. Galadriel strives to keep the world unchanging, and thats what Narnia becomes in the Long Winter. Unchanging, static, and then even with the transformation of the creatures into stone, so that even they do not change.

Now of course, this is a very weak comparison for there are many dissimilarities in the two. Jadis is obviously pure evil, as opposed to Galadriel having innocent motives, and if she was to cave and take The Ring it would be because of nievite and The Rings corruption. I dont think that Jadis's motive was to keep the world unchanging (although that brings up a point of 'why did she place Narnia in an endless winter?). Not to mention that even if Galadriel had taken The Ring she would have just ended up giving the ring back to Sauron, and would have become a slave to his dominion instead.

But is anyone else interested in this possible relationship?

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[12 Jan 2006|10:48am]

hello! *waves* I have a great interest in C.S lewis, children's books etc and I really admire the the idea of 'The Inklings' living on in cyberspace :p so I thought I'd join up :)
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Lewis on Tolkien [03 Jan 2006|03:52pm]

article i came across, which perhaps some of you have read already but i hadnt, so i thought i'd share:

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Curious [08 Dec 2005|02:02am]

I have been wondering for some time now if J.R.Tolkien was a Christian before C.S. Lewis became one. I remember being informed that C.S. Lewis became a Christian as a result of, or partially because of the actions of J.R. Tolkien, but I know very little about Tolkien's faith, if any at all.
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[29 Nov 2005|12:09am]

Hey. I started a new community: audiobooks_love. It's quite obviously for the sharing of audiobooks. Come and join!
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